SMS:GenCade Result Visualization

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The interface supports three types of plots to visualize the results of the model. These include:

  • Shoreline plots on the grid. These plots are available in the system after reading in the shoreline output (*.slo) file. The offset file (*.off) contains the same data as a displacement quantity and can be read and viewed just like the shoreline output file. Select the desired dataset which is then plotted in the graphics window right over the initial shoreline. Display options also allow the display of the minimum and maximum shoreline positions during the simulation. When this file is read, SMS adds several datasets to the project explorer representing:
    • The shoreline position throughout the simulation time. This dataset includes a time step for each output time at each cell in the grid.
    • The change in shoreline position from the initial shoreline (since the beginning of the simulation). This dataset is also transient.
    • The average rate of change of the shoreline during the simulation (single value at each cell of the grid).
  • Two dimensional plot of spatially variable datasets. In addition to the *.slo solution file, also instruct SMS to load the sediment transport rate (*.qtr) solution file and the mean transport rate files (*.mqr, *.mql and *.mqn). The sediment transport rate file contains the net transport computed for each cell in the grid at each time step. The mean transport rates contain annual average transport rates in the right, left, and net directions. This dataset, along with any of the other spatially variable datasets may be visualized in their own plot window. Display options allow selecting one or more of the datasets to be plotted. SMS can be instructed to plot the "active" dataset which results in the plot being updated as the active dataset is changed in the project explorer. In addition, multiple time steps may be selected (or the plot can use the "active" time step). SMS will assign a symbol to each dataset and cycle through line styles for each displayed time step. To create this plot:
  1. Load at least one solution file into the project.
  2. Start the Plot Wizard.
  3. Select the Shoreline option and click the Next button.
  4. Choose the plot options to select the dataset and time steps to be plotted.
  • Two dimensional plot of the Inlet Volume transport. The GenCade model outputs a solution file for each inlet defined in the domain. These solution files (*.irv files), contain sediment volumes and transport rates (in and out) for each of the structures/shoals related to the inlet including the ebb shoal, the flood shoal, and attachment and bypass bars both upstream and downstream of the inlet. The SMS package will search the directory for inlet solution files matching the specified inlet names and populate a list of functions that can be plotted for the selected inlet. Each function will be assigned a unique color to be plotted. Select a time range to plot the volume (or transport rates). To create this plot:
  1. Run a simulation that includes an inlet to generate at least one inlet solution file (*.irv).
  2. Start the Plot Wizard.
  3. Select the Inlet TS option and click the Next button.
  4. Choose the plot options to select the inlet, functions and time range to be plotted.

It is possible to interact with the plot by dragging a zoom box over an area or right-clicking on the plot. Right-clicking invokes a menu to select the plot options, frame the data, set the plot attributes, or export the plot data in tabular or image form.

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