- 2023 Nov - beta
- 2024 Jan - final
- HydroGeoSphere interface added
- Flow Budget
- Velocity vectors
- HFB package, map from coverage
- Starting heads = top elevations option
- Units in table column heading tool tips
- Open in Explorer command
- MODFLOW BCF package support for IKCFLAG
- “SAMG-Modflow” and “SAMG-Modflow+ Add-on”
- Find and set pass through cells for MODFLOW-USG DISU package
- DRT and ETS enabled
- RCH, EVT, ETS packages allow the use of 3D Datasets to define input arrays.
- The RCH, EVT, and ETS Packages offer a method to populate input array values from one or more rasters using the Rasters to Array feature(structured and unstructured grids).
- MODFLOW-USG Transport
- Find and set “pass-through cells” for the MODFLOW-USG DISU Package
- DRT & ETS Packages now fully supported for MODFLOW-USG Transport
- RCH package support for SEEPELEV and CONCENTRATION
- EVT package support for ETFACTOR
- RCH, EVT, ETS packages allow the use of 3D Datasets to define input arrays. Previously there was only an option to use 2D Datasets on matching 2D structured grids
- The RCH, EVT, and ETS Packages offer a method to populate input array values from one or more rasters using the Rasters to Array feature. (structured and unstructured grids)
- DRT and ETS enabled
- General
- New color ramp dialog with about 200 new ramps from Colorcet and MatPlotLib
- 3D UGrid from Rasters tool
- Ability to handle non-English characters in datasets
- List of selected UGrid cell/point IDs shown in selection feedback
- Legend can include dataset units and time units via UNITS and TUNITS in Contour Legend Options dialog
- Map to WASH tool
- Select all cells in UGrid layer using ‘l’ (L) key
- New Tutorials
- HydroGeoSphere – Surface Flow and Evapotranspiration
- HydroGeoSphere – Porous Media Domain
- HydroGeoSphere – Post-Processing
Model Versions: MODFLOW-USG Transport version 2.1.1, mod-PATH3DU version 2.1.7, MODFLOW 6 version 6.4.2, PEST version 17.5
- 2022 Aug - beta
- 2022 Nov - final
- PEST observation support
- Most 6.2.2 and some 6.3.0 new features
- 6.3.0 MODFLOW executable
- Updated MDT package
- Lots of other improvements and bug fixes
- Unstructured Grid
- New visualization of the top or bottom layer of a UGrid
- Creating cross sections through a UGrid
- Tools
- Introduction of the new Toolbox which contains multiple tools for generating data
- Animation tools allow exporting in MP4 file formats
- New tutorials:
- Toolbox
- MODFLOW-USG Transport – MDT 3D
- MODFLOW 6 – PEST Observations, Steady State
- MODFLOW 6 – PEST Observations, Transient
- MODFLOW 6 – MDT Sand Tank
- MODFLOW 6 – MDT Discrete Fracture
- MODFLOW 6 – MDT Equivalent Porous
- 2021 Dec - beta
- 2022 Jan - final
- Transport support including all packages: GWT, IC, OC, OBS, ADV, DSP, SSM, MST, IST, CNC, SRC, SFT, LKT, MWT, UZT, FMI, MVT
- More GWF packages supported including: CSUB, BUY
- Support for exchanges: GWF-GWF, GWF-GWT
- Updated to version 6.2.2
- More responsive UI
- Improved Map from Coverage functionality
- Additional wiki documentation for MODFLOW 6
- Lots of other improvements and fixed bugs
- USG-Transport
- Update to version 1.8
- MDT (Matrix Diffusion) Package
- RIV Package - MERGE_BED_K1
- WEL Package - WELLBOT
- mod-PATH3DU
- New tutorials:
- MODFLOW 6 – Conceptual Model Approach
- MODFLOW 6 – Evapotranspiration
- MODFLOW 6 – Stream Package
- MODFLOW 6 – Building a Transient Model
- MODFLOW 6 – Transport Grid Approach
- MODFLOW 6 – Transport Uncoupled
- User requests:
- Recent files list - "More" option to see expanded list
- Raster Display Options - separate contour options for each raster (actually first introduced at GMS 10.5.5)
- 2020 Mar - beta
- 2021 Jan - final
- MODFLOW 6 beta
- TVM package
- New SAMG
- Tile map services (TMS) can now be used for import or background image display
- Additional online map sources
- Faster display of large rasters
- User requests:
- Invert Selection and Zoom To Selection commands in right-click menus
- Improved speed of large raster display
- Selection enhancements:
- Left shift-click on nothing with something selected does not change what's selected
- Right-click on nothing with something selected does not clear the selection and shows the selected items menu
- Improved snapping to existing objects when creating feature arcs
- New tutorials:
- MODFLOW 6 Grid Approach
- MODFLOW-USG Transport TVM Package
- 2018 Sep - beta
- 2018 Nov - final
- MODFLOW-USG Transport
- MODFLOW 6 export
- mod-PATH3DU version 2.0
- CLN Observation Wells
- Lidar data tools
- New Projection dialog
- More responsive background image display
- Contour labels on UGrids
- New tutorials:
- MODFLOW-USG Transport
- CLN Observation Wells
- Exporting MODFLOW 6
- Lidar and Multiple Lidar
- No more 32 bit version and Enable ArcObjects option
- Removed ADH, WASH123D, and UTEXAS interfaces
Models: FEMWATER: "Simon Woodward" modified 2011, MODFLOW 88: 2.6, MODFLOW 96: 3.2, MODFLOW 2000: 1.19.01, MODFLOW 2005: 1.11.00, MODFLOW-LGR: 1.2.0, MODFLOW-NWT: 1.1.2, MODFLOW-USG: 1.3, MODPATH: 5.0, MT3DMS: 5.3, PEST: 12.3.1, RT3D: 2.5, SAMG: Release 27a2 (22 Oct 2013), SEAM3D: 3.0, SEAWAT: 4.00.03, SEEP2D: 3.0, T-PROGS: 2.1
Libraries: ArcObjects (ArcGIS): 10.1, GDAL: 2.4.0, Teigha: 4.01
- 2017 Jun - beta
- 2017 Aug - final
- Support for preserving DISU data created outside of GMS
- Map Shapefile to CLN
- Update to PEST 14.0
- Update to MODFLOW-NWT 1.1.2
- Support for SYTP parameter type for HUF package
- Zone flow for MODFLOW-USG ZoneBudget (GMS Feature Request)
- Mapping SFR2 to multiple surface layers (GMS Feature Request)
- New model added to GMS
- mod-PATH3DU
- Support for version 1.1.0 including new Waterloo method and modified grid specification file
- Support for DefaultIFACE
- Model Checker added to find obvious model setup errors
- Model Wrapper and automatic reading of the solution
- Export options to save shapefiles of pathlines, pathline points, and polygon capture zones
- Option to create starting locations from UGrid points or cell centers
- Interface taken out of beta
- UGrids
- Display Options per UGrid
- Split a UGrid layer (GMS Feature Request)
- New Tutorials
- mod-PATH3DU Transient tutorial
- MT3D-USGS Tutorial
- Shapefile to CLN
- Recharge
- Miscellaneous
- Higher resolution bitmaps for use on higher resolution displays
- Get Data Tool for downloading online data for a polygonal area
- Improved 2D mesh generation
- Change to dialog that asks about saving changes on File|New
- Export 3D Grid layer contours to a shapefile.
- New Empty UGrid 2D command for creating UGrids that points will be added to (like a TIN or 2D Scatter Set)
- Notes (GMS Feature Request)
- Time format options (GMS Feature Request)
- Export multiple particle sets to shapefiles (GMS Feature Request)
- Include starting cell in pathline report for MODPATH, MP3DU (GMS Feature Request)
- TOB enhancements: iConcINTP set to 1 by default, add the well id to the comment lines in the header of the TOBS input file (GMS Feature Request)
- Reuse PEST Jacobian (GMS Feature Request)
- Option to export only active grid cells to shapefile (GMS Feature Request)
- Pathline arrows (time markers) to shapefile (GMS Feature Request)
Models: FEMWATER: "Simon Woodward" modified 2011, MODFLOW 88: 2.6, MODFLOW 96: 3.2, MODFLOW 2000: 1.19.01, MODFLOW 2005: 1.11.00, MODFLOW-LGR: 1.2.0, MODFLOW-NWT: 1.1.2, MODFLOW-USG: 1.3, MODPATH: 5.0, MT3DMS: 5.3, PEST: 12.3.1, RT3D: 2.5, SAMG: Release 27a2 (22 Oct 2013), SEAM3D: 3.0, SEAWAT: 4.00.03, SEEP2D: 3.0, T-PROGS: 2.1
Libraries: ArcObjects (ArcGIS): 10.1, Global Mapper SDK version: 16.27 (29 Sep 2015), Teigha: 4.01
- 2016 Aug - beta
- 2016 Oct - final
- PEST support for MODFLOW-USG, including a new tutorial
- Support for "CONTINUE" option in NWT solver
- UGrids
- Import UGrid points, 2D and 3D
- Deleting UGrid points
- Deleting UGrid cells
- Constraints
- Lock/Unlock for editing
- Swap edge tool
- Split / Merge tool (split quads to triangles, merge triangles to quads)
- Clip display option and tool for cutaway views
- Exporting to Shapefile without MODFLOW data
- Triangulation of points
- Points not displayed if point contours are on
- Miscellaneous
- New tutorial on projections
- Removed the option from the Preferences dialog for choosing the graphics library (software vs. system). Now the installer includes two ways to launch GMS, one using software graphics, one using system graphics.
- Support for multisampling of graphics (smoother graphics) preference
- Command added to the Windows menu to open the Selection Echo window.
- UGrid included in Convert to CAD
- Plot windows are outside the GMS main window
- Double-click opens Properties of various Project Explorer items
- Properties menu commands all now at bottom of all context menus for consistency
- Improved font in Text Import Wizard
- Improved legend for color filled contours
Models: FEMWATER: "Simon Woodward" modified 2011, MODFLOW 88: 2.6, MODFLOW 96: 3.2, MODFLOW 2000: 1.19.01, MODFLOW 2005: 1.11.00, MODFLOW-LGR: 1.2.0, MODFLOW-NWT: 1.0.9, MODFLOW-USG: 1.3, MODPATH: 5.0, MT3DMS: 5.3, PEST: 12.3.1, RT3D: 2.5, SAMG: Release 27a2 (22 Oct 2013), SEAM3D: 3.0, SEAWAT: 4.00.03, SEEP2D: 3.0, T-PROGS: 2.1
Libraries: ArcObjects (ArcGIS): 10.1, Global Mapper SDK version: 16.27 (29 Sep 2015), Teigha: 4.01
- 2015 Oct - beta
- 2016 Feb - final
- MODFLOW support
- GNC (Ghost Node Correction) Package for MODFLOW-USG
- SWI (Seawater Intrusion) Package for MODFLOW 2005
- CLN (Connected Linear Network) Process for MODFLOW-USG
- Import of MODFLOW-USG models created outside GMS
- Observations for MODFLOW-USG
- Pilot points for MODFLOW-USG
- Name file / unit number manager and improved support for unsupported packages
- Option added in the MODFLOW Preferences to create a Cell Summary text file when reading MODFLOW Head files. The file is added to the MODFLOW solution in the Project Explorer.
- Advanced Run MODFLOW dialog to run custom MODFLOW binaries from GMS.
- mod-PATH3DU particle tracking
- UGrid functionality
- Refinement and structure type
- Isosurfaces
- Convert
- Solid to UGrid
- Raster to UGrid
- Interpolate
- From UGrid to UGrid
- From rasters to UGrid
- Vector display and CCF -> Vectors works for UGrids
- Better support for both cell and point based datasets on UGrids.
- Z Values -> Dataset and Map to Z Values commands for UGrids
- Cell center set at outer edge point for voronoi grids
- Faster voronoi grid generation
- Better contouring and matching linear and color-filled contours
- Duplicating the ugrid duplicates MODFLOW
- Cell/point numbers switched to 1-based
- File export for:
- VTK ASCII Legacy file
- TOUGH2 MESH file
- GSF (grid specification file), import and export
- Shapefile export for:
- 2D Mesh
- New tutorials
- Getting Started
- MODFLOW-USG Calibration
- MODFLOW-Unsupported Package
- mod-PATH3DU
- Print Layout
- Print Layout (beta) for creating nicer prints
- Miscellaneous
- Preference to change direction of mini grid up/down spin control
- Preference to invert mouse wheel zoom direction
- Borehole cross sections are cleared instead of deleted when a borehole is edited
- Importing transient point data will add data to all objects with the same name, not just the first
- Borehole segments now have descriptions that can be edited and imported
- Option to show grid in cross section editor in front or back
- Material legend option added to cross section editor
- Import dataset from column delimited text file
- 3D Mesh -> Solid command
- Much faster, parallel interpolation for IDW.
- Zoom To Extents commands for all geometric objects, including CAD layers
- SEAWAT 64-bit executables added to Preferences dialogs
- File|Settings command to set the defaults used for new projects.
- Different icons in Project Explorer for cell and point based datasets
- Export solids to VTK
- Right-click on CAD to check/uncheck all layers
- More raster features:
- Conversion to Feature Contours
- Resampling
- Smoothing
- Trimming
- Other
- Length units are defaulted to computers current regional settings unless defaults have been saved previously.
- Save/restore expanded/collapsed state of Project Explorer
- Standardized on "dataset" instead of "data set".
- Switching to MODFLOW-NWT switches the solver to the NWT solver
- The user is asked about inactive cells when converting a 3D Grid MODFLOW model to MODFLOW-USG.
- Improved isosurface volume calculations
Models: FEMWATER: "Simon Woodward" modified 2011, MODFLOW 88: 2.6, MODFLOW 96: 3.2, MODFLOW 2000: 1.19.01, MODFLOW 2005: 1.11.00, MODFLOW-LGR: 1.2.0, MODFLOW-NWT: 1.0.8, MODFLOW-USG: 1.3, MODPATH: 5.0, MT3DMS: 5.3, PEST: 12.3.1, RT3D: 2.5, SAMG: Release 24a2 (12 May 2010), SEAM3D: 3.0, SEAWAT: 4.00.03, SEEP2D: 3.0, T-PROGS: 2.1
Libraries: ArcObjects (ArcGIS): 10.1, Global Mapper SDK version: 16.24, Teigha: 3.9.0 (3.09)
- 2014 May - beta
- 2014 July - final
- Unstructured Grid module
- Horizons -> UGrid
- Map -> UGrid
- Improved MODFLOW native text output
- Improved Model Checker results with color
- Selection Echo window
- Overhauled and improved Plot Axes
- New tutorials
- MODFLOW-USG: Complex Stratigraphy
- MODFLOW-USG: Converting From MODFLOW 2005
- MODFLOW-USG: Quadtree
- MODFLOW-USG: Regional to Local
- UGrid Creation
- MODFLOW-LGR: Regional to Local
- MODFLOW-Save Native Text
- Miscellaneous
- TINs can now be used for SFR2 elevations in a coverage
- Units in areal packages dialog
- Improved export of 3D grid shapefiles
- Export faces to CAD files
- Added rasters as an alternative to TINs for getting elevations of drains and other BCs in the map module.
- Added button to the MODFLOW Source Sink packages (DRN, WEL, GHB...) to bring up a spreadsheet to edit Use previous for all stress periods.
- Added button to the MODFLOW Areal Source Sink packages (RCH, EVT, ETS) to bring up a spreadsheet to edit Use previous and multiplier of active array for all stress periods.
- Added button to the MODFLOW Array Editor dialog (HK, SS, SY...) to bring up a spreadsheet to edit multiplier for all layers in the grid.
- HFB default line thickness now 3 and color is orange
- moles/liter units added (for PHT3D)
- Solids root item in Project Explorer includes Projection menu
- Select By Dataset Value command
- "Check All" added in Project Explorer
- Display projection text moved from bottom right of Graphics Window to bottom right in status bar of main window.
- Module toolbar default location changed to top of GMS window.
- Some icons changed to be consistent with SMS, WMS.
- Pin/unpin Project Explorer
- More shortcut keys added
- F2 edits labels in the Project Explorer
- Ctrl+U unselects all
- Ctrl+O opens a file
- Ctrl+H hides the selected objects
- Ctrl+W shows the hidden objects
Models: FEMWATER: "Simon Woodward" modified 2011, MODFLOW 88: 2.6, MODFLOW 96: 3.2, MODFLOW 2000: 1.19.01, MODFLOW 2005: 1.11.00, MODFLOW-LGR: 1.2.0, MODFLOW-NWT: 1.0.8, MODPATH: 5.0, MT3DMS: 5.3, PEST: 12.3.1, RT3D: 2.5, SAMG: Release 24a2 (12 May 2010), SEAM3D: 3.0, SEAWAT: 4.00.03, SEEP2D: 3.0, T-PROGS: 2.1
Libraries: ArcObjects (ArcGIS): 10.1, Global Mapper: 15.08, Teigha: 3.9.0 (3.09)
- 2013 Oct - beta
- 2013 Nov - final
- MT3D improvements
- MT3D menus and dialogs rename to reflect MT3D, RT3D, SEAM3D or PHT3D
- MT3D starting concentrations much easier to enter in new spreadsheet in Basic Package dialog
- FEFLOW import/export
- MODFLOW improvements
- Streamflow Out data shown in a table via command on CCF file
- Starting heads can be set to always match the grid top elevations for convenience
- ISTCB1 option added in both MODFLOW STR and SFR2 packages
- Partial support for MODFLOW-USG on structured 3D grids. You cannot create any sort of unstructured grid yet (nested grids, quad-tree, voronoi etc) but you can run MODFLOW-USG on a regular, structured grid. Unstructured grid creation is coming soon.
- Projection improvements
- Display projection can define units even if there is no projection defined
- New objects are assigned the display projection if one exists
- Vertical projection saved to .prj files and restored
- Miscellaneous
- Update to PEST 12.3
- "Don't Register" button on Welcome dialog
- Ability to add points to a TIN without wiping out all datasets
- Properties for the Project item in the Project Explorer
- 3D grid cell selection: can now select range of cells by holding the shift key
- Changing scatter point activity now asks what to do with transient datasets
- Wider database fields allowed when exporting shapefiles
- More options for exporting 3D grids to shapefiles with multiple datasets.
- Nodes no longer displayed at 2D mesh quad element centroids.
- DGN (Microstation) cad file import (via convert to temp DWG file). Results vary.
- Pathlines can be exported even if there are no capture zones defined.
Models: FEMWATER: "Simon Woodward" modified 2011, MODFLOW 88: 2.6, MODFLOW 96: 3.2, MODFLOW 2000: 1.19.01, MODFLOW 2005: 1.10.00, MODFLOW-LGR: 1.2.0, MODFLOW-NWT: 1.0.7, MODPATH: 5.0, MT3DMS: 5.3, PEST: 12.1, RT3D: 2.5, SAMG: Release 24a2 (12 May 2010), SEAM3D: 3.0, SEAWAT: 4.00.03, SEEP2D: 3.0, T-PROGS: 2.1
Libraries: ArcObjects (ArcGIS): 10.1, Global Mapper: 14.2, Teigha: 3.9.0 (3.09)
- 2013 Mar - beta
- 2013 May - final
- PHT3D interface
- Improvements to importing transient data including new tutorials
- Transient TIN data sets can be used in Map -> MODFLOW
- New tutorials:
- MODFLOW - Transient Calibration Pump Test
- MODFLOW - Transient Calibration
- PHT3D - Ion Exchange And Surface Complexation
- PHT3D - Transport And Mineral Reactions
- Framing improvements
- Snap Boreholes to TINs command
- Exporting material names/colors/patterns/tranparency
- Computed flow and Residual flow columns added to the map attribute table for flow observations
- Isosurface transparency
- Copy feature objects to another coverage
- Activate / Inactivate scatter points command
- More bitmaps in pop-up menus
- Simplified and consistent main menus and pop-up menus
Models: FEMWATER: "Simon Woodward" modified 2011, MODFLOW 88: 2.6, MODFLOW 96: 3.2, MODFLOW 2000: 1.19.01, MODFLOW 2005: 1.10.00, MODFLOW-NWT: 1.0.7, MODPATH: 5.0, MT3DMS: 5.3, PEST: 12.1, RT3D: 2.5, SAMG: Release 24a2 (12 May 2010), SEAM3D: 3.0, SEAWAT: 4.00.03, SEEP2D: 3.0, T-PROGS: 2.1
Libraries: ArcObjects (ArcGIS): 10.1, Global Mapper: 14.16, Teigha: 3.5.1
- 2012 Oct - beta
- 2012 Nov - final
- MODFLOW SUB package interface
- MODFLOW Gage package interface
- MODFLOW PCGN Package solver interface
- Model checker for SFR package added
- Simplified MODFLOW menu
- UZF package option to save only groundwater data
- Gage folder in solution starts out collapsed by default
- Global Options dialog now shows executable options: single vs. double precision, MODFLOW 2000 vs. MODFLOW 2005, serial vs. parallel. These options are now saved in the MODFLOW super file and are therefore portable.
- Capture Zone Analysis dialog rearranged
- CCF files are read more generically and data in unsupported packages is imported
- MODFLOW writes out the final array values of input arrays that use parameters. For example, if HK is being estimated with pilot points then part of the MODFLOW solution in the Project Explorer will be an HK data set with the final array values.
- Stochastic analysis of MODFLOW solutions now includes calculating the min, max, mean, and standard deviation of the MODFLOW parameter arrays that are part of the MODFLOW solutions.
- Push-of-a-button support for PEST null space Monte Carlo. Generate multiple calibrated models for uncertainty analysis.
- Pilot points can now be used with all array based parameter types
- Convergence Options command and dialog renamed to PEST ASP Package to help clarify what it really is.
- Images
- Online dynamic images
- Choose from several online images, maps, and elevation data to include as background images. The images update automatically while panning and zooming.
- Create a static image from the dynamic image to save with the project
- Raster/DEM import and interpolation
- Support for large DEMs (multiple formats) and GeoTIFFs containing elevation data (such as those created from USGS NED data online maps). These can be imported and interpolated directly to TINs, 2D scatter points, 2D grids and 2D meshes without the need to convert to 2D scatter points. DEMs can be exported in multiple formats.
- Images moved to be under GIS layers. Images folder no longer exists.
- Horizons to Solids using rasters
- Project On-The-Fly
- Individual objects can now define their own projections and get projected on-the-fly to the display projection. This is how images have always worked and now it's available for all GMS objects.
- Projection files saved and imported
- A projection file (.prj) is saved whenever a geometric object (TIN, mesh, borhole etc) is exported to a file. GMS will also look for a corresponding .prj file whenever a file is opened if the current projection is local. If one is found, it is opened and the current projection is set to the information in the file. This is a precursor to full project-on-the-fly which is in the works.
- Current projection displayed at the bottom of the graphics window
- Latitude/longitude displayed at the bottom of the graphics window
- CAD file changes
- Support for having multiple CAD files added to the project
- CAD files are no longer saved when the project is saved
- CAD properties dialog
- Tutorials
- MNW2 tutorial for non-vertical wells and pump capacity
- MODFLOW Subsidence Package
- Split MODFLOW conceptual model tutorial into two
- Null Space Monte Carlo
- Online Maps
- Rasters
- Horizons with Rasters
- Miscellaneous
- Measure tool
- The static tool palette gets a new tool for quickly and easily measuring distances.
- Selected items
- Locate Selections: This new commmand in the Edit menu causes an animated rectangle to zoom in around whatever is currently selected.
- Zoom To Selections: This new commmand in the Display menu causes the screen to be framed around whatever is currently selected.
- GMS version number appears in window title
- New round logos
- More and better menu bitmaps
- View Values menu command now opens data set values dialog in editable state.
- Collapse / Expand menu items added on multiple items in Project Explorer
- More "Open Containing Folder" commands throughout
- Open multiple files at once via the File|Open dialog.
- TINs, 2D meshes and 2D scatter points now have a clear separation between z value and data set value
- Wells are now included in MT3D TOB package so that mass flux is calculated and mass vs. time plots can be generated
- Node XYZ coordinates in coverages are now displayed in the attribute table.
- Bitmaps in right-click menus
Models: FEMWATER: "Simon Woodward" modified 2011, MODFLOW 88: 2.6, MODFLOW 96: 3.2, MODFLOW 2000: 1.19.01, MODFLOW 2005: 1.9.01, MODFLOW-NWT: 1.0.5, MODPATH: 5.0, MT3DMS: 5.3, PEST: 12.1, RT3D: 2.5, SAMG: Release 24a2 (12 May 2010), SEAM3D: 3.0, SEAWAT: 4.00.03, SEEP2D: 3.0, T-PROGS: 2.1
Libraries: ArcObjects (ArcGIS): 10.1, Global Mapper: updated to 14.16, Teigha: 3.5.1
- 2012 Mar - beta
- 2012 July - final
- MODPATH Color Pathlines by Cell Zone Code
- MODPATH Starting locations from 3D Scatter Points and Vice Versa
- Shapefiles -> 3D Scatter Points and vice versa
- ISTCB2 Option in MODFLOW SFR Package Supported
- Improved water table display
- SEAWAT tutorials
- MT3DMS Improvements
- SS stress periods
- STR, MNW1, DRT, ETS in SSM package
- Point and Areal Sources/Sinks with selected cells
- Zero-order reactions
- Component-Dependent Diffusion in DSP package
- No license required for Community Edition
- Report A Bug feature
Models: FEMWATER: "Simon Woodward" modified 2011, MODFLOW 88: 2.6, MODFLOW 96: 3.2, MODFLOW 2000: 1.19.01, MODFLOW 2005: 1.9.01, MODFLOW-NWT: 1.0.5, MODPATH: 5.0, MT3DMS: 5.3, PEST: 12.1, RT3D: 2.5, SAMG: Release 24a2 (12 May 2010), SEAM3D: 3.0, SEAWAT: 4.00.03, SEEP2D: 3.0, T-PROGS: 2.1
Libraries: ArcObjects (ArcGIS): 10.0, Global Mapper:, Teigha: 2.7.1
- 2011 Dec - beta
- 2012 Feb - final
- MODFLOW DE4 Package
- MODPATH manual option
- MODPATH pathline to arcs command
- Export 3D Grids as Shapefiles
- CCF -> Velocity vectors
Models: FEMWATER: "Simon Woodward" modified 2011, MODFLOW 88: 2.6, MODFLOW 96: 3.2, MODFLOW 2000: 1.19.01, MODFLOW 2005: 1.8.00, MODFLOW-NWT: 1.0.4, MODPATH: 5.0, MT3DMS: 5.3, PEST: 12.1, RT3D: 2.5, SAMG: Release 24a2 (12 May 2010), SEAM3D: 3.0, SEAWAT: 4.00.03, SEEP2D: 3.0, T-PROGS: 2.1
Libraries: ArcObjects (ArcGIS): 10.0, Global Mapper:, Teigha: 2.7.1
- 2011 Jun - beta
- 2011 Sep - final
- 64 bit version of GMS created
- Faster MODFLOW I/O by eliminating repacking of hdf5 file
- Multiple light sources and lighting schemes
- Annotation improvements
- FEMWATER improvements to interface and bugfixes in code
- Updated Global Mapper library
- 2011 Jan - beta
- 2011 Mar - final
- MODFLOW 2005 with the UZF Package
- Faster OpenGL graphics via vertex arrays
- Lighting added specular highlights
- Transparency accuracy improvement and material-by-material transparency
- Free Community Edition launched
- MODFLOW 2000 version 1.19.01
- MT3DMS version 5.3
- Updated GUI look and feel
- Contouring - Dialog overhauled, faster and better looking contours, block fill added
- Annotations replace Drawing Objects
- ArcGIS map server layers can be added
- Regional to Local model conversion improvements
- LMG3 package
- Check for Updates
- Named Layer Ranges on 3D Grids
- Grid Row/Column/Layer redistribution
- T-PROGS improvements
- 2009 Oct - beta
- 2010 Feb - final
- New toolbar with "Map to..." tools and run model tools
- MODFLOW MNW package
- Parallel PEST
- SVD and SVD-Assist with PEST
- More UTEXAS supported features and GeoStudio import
- GMS 2D mode GUI simplifications
- GMS icon color goes red
2009 Aug
- Support for Windows Vista
- Arc Hydro Groundwater export
- Map projection (coordinate system) interface overhaul
- Updated ArcObjects libraries
- MODFLOW enhancements - SFR, DRT, ETS, Increase support for parameters, MODFLOW Translator
- MODPATH version 5.0
- Support for the Transport Observation Package (TOB) with MT3DMS
- New Tutorials - Advanced Parameter, DRT, ETS
- Model menus stay when changing modules
- Safer saving via temp directories
- Updated graphics engine
- Materials in tables
- Separate color ramps for different objects
- New image file format: ECW
- Discontinued ART3D interface
2007 Dec
- Components added: UTEXAS
- HDF5 support for project files
- Multi-panels for cross section editor
2005 Jul
- OpenGL rendering
- MODFLOW data stored on disk and not in memory
- GIS Module added
- Conceptual model objects added
- Coverage attributes in tables
2004 Jan
Components added: MODAEM
2002 Oct
- Components added: Stochastic
- Project Explorer appears
- MODFLOW 2000 support
- Stochastic modeling support
- Horizons
- Cross section editor
2000 Sep
- Components added: Parameter Estimation (PEST & UCODE), UTCHEM
- MODFLOW 96 support added
- Calibration tools
- Ortho mode for 3D grids and true layer elevations
- Standard Windows icons in GUI
1999 Sep
1998 Mar
- Components added: SEEP2D, RT3D
1996 Jun
- Components added: Map, MODPATH, FEMWATER
- Map module and conceptual modeling introduced
1995 Aug
1995 Mar
1994 Dec
- Components added: Sub Char, Mesh, Grid, Geostats, MODFLOW, FEMWATER