User:Jcreer/SMS:DMI Widgets and Dialogs Elements: Difference between revisions

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=====Element ''<group>''=====
|width="530"| Tree group item that contains one or more items or groups. 
| 1, 2
|width="530"| [[SMS:Dynamic Model Interface Schema#Element <text>|text]], [[SMS:Dynamic Model Interface Schema#Element <dependency>|dependency]], [[SMS:Dynamic Model Interface Schema#Element <text_style>|text_style]], [[SMS:Dynamic Model Interface Schema#Element <contains>|contains]]
|'''Used by'''
| width="530"| [[SMS:Dynamic Model Interface Schema#Element <page_def>|page_def]], [[SMS:Dynamic Model Interface Schema#Element <contains>|contains]]
    <text> Timing </text>
  … tree item stuff

Revision as of 21:30, 3 March 2015

Element <alignH>
Info Align text horizontally in a text box. Keywords are LEFT, RIGHT, CENTER, and JUSTIFIED
Versions 1, 2
Attributes none
Children none
Used by text_box
Element <alignV>
Info Align text horizontally in a text box. Keywords are BOTTOM, TOP, and CENTER
Versions 1, 2
Attributes none
Children none
Used by text_box
Element <bold>
Info Sets the text to be bolded. Added in SMS 11.2.
Versions 1, 2
Attributes none
Children none
Used by text_style

This would bold the text when the value in the edit_box is less than 0.0.

      <condition>edtA LESS_THAN 0.0</condition>
Element <check_box>
Info Widget that displays text that is checked/unchecked.
Versions 1, 2
Attributes none
Children text, default, unique_name, dependency, export_text_checked, export_text_unchecked, text_style
Used by item
   <text>Calculate Sediment Transport</text>
</ check_box >
Element <color>
Info The color of an item, expressed in red, green and blue values ranging from 0 to 255. All 0 values for red, green and blue is black. Added in SMS 11.2.
Versions 1, 2
Attributes none
Children red, green, blue
Used by text_style

This would change the text to a bright red color.

Element <combo_box>

Widget that displays list of options. Only 1 can be selected. If no default is specified and the optional tag is present, then an empty option will be added to the combo box. If there is no default tag, and no optional tag, then the first item will be default.

In version 2, if a combo box has display_options_arc, and is part of a dialog that is used as an arc attribute, then a limited set of display options will appear for the options of the combo box. The display option for each option of the combo box will only be line thickness and color. The display option is NOT saved at any point and will be reset every time SMS is opened.

Versions 1, 2
Attributes none
Children option, unique_name, optional, dependency, text_style, display_options_arc
Used by item, row, column
Example Creates a combo box with hours, minutes and seconds. Hours is the default item.
</ combo_box >
Element <contains>
Info Holds all the groups and items of a group.
Versions 2
Attributes none
Children group, item
Used by group
Element <control_curve>
Info Displays an curve push button. When pushed the xy curve values can be updated and a curve is displayed.
Versions 2
Attributes none
Children max_rows, flags, x_column, y_column, unique_name, dependency
Used by item, row, column
Example This example creates a curve limited to 10 rows.
Element <control_dataset>

Displays an edit box, and push buttons for select, delete and create. Once selected, the dataset string is placed into the edit box. <dataset_type> can be scalar or vector. Possible keyword outputs are file_name (which is the name of the dataset without path), geom_name, and file_path (full path c:\somewhere) and sms_path.

Versions 1 (<custom_control_XXXX>), 2
Attributes none
Children push_button, dataset_type, unique_name, dependency, default, dataset_name, text_style, use_parameter
Used by item, row, column
Example This example creates the custom control with only the select and delete buttons.
Element <control_date>
Info Displays date and time selector, where a date can be selected. Possible output is value, which will be the date formatted as specified in SMS preferences. Possible outputs are year, month, day, hour, minute, second.


  • #YEAR_2
  • #YEAR_4
  • #HOUR
  • #HOUR_24
  • #HOUR_24_ZERO
  • #AM_PM
Versions 1 (<custom_control_XXXX>), 2
Attributes none
Children unique_name, dependency, default, text_style
Used by item, row, column
   <text>Start date</text>
       <export_format>"%s Day:%s Month:%s Year:%s Hour:%s Minute%s 
       Second:%s\n", #card_name, edtDate#DAY_DIGIT, 
       edtDate#MONTH_LONG_NAME, edtDate#YEAR_4, edtDate#HOUR_24, 
       edtDate#MINUTE_ZERO, edtDate#SECOND_ZERO</export_format>
Element <control_density>
Info Displays an edit box and combo box. Combo box can contain kg/m^3, gr/cm^3, lb/ft^3. Possible outputs are value and units.


  • #MPV_G_PER_L
Versions 1 (<custom_control_XXXX>), 2
Attributes none
Children option, unique_name, dependency, range, default, text_style
Used by item, row, column

Displays kg/m^3 and lb/ft^3 in combo box. If kg/m^3 selected and exported, returns the text “kg m”.

   <text>Density </text>
          <export_text>kg m</export_text>
          <export_text>lbs ft</export_text>
Element <control_duration>
Info Displays an edit box and combo box. Combo box contains days, hours, minutes, seconds. Possible outputs are value and units.


Versions 1 (<custom_control_XXXX>), 2
Attributes none
Children option, unique_name, dependency, range, default, text_style
Used by item, row, column
Example Displays only minutes and hours in combo box. If hours selected and exported, returns the text “hrs”.
   <text>Transport Time Step</text>
Element <control_file_opener>

Push button that opens a file open dialog to select files. Possible outputs are file_path.

Versions 1 (<custom_control_XXXX>), 2
Attributes none
Children filter, create_file, unique_name, dependency, default, text_style
Used by item, row, column
Example Opens a file dialog, filtering on files with *.h5 and *.cmcards extensions
    	<filter>Cmcards file (.cmcards)</filter> 
Element <control_length>
Info Displays an edit box and combo box. Combo box can contain meters, cm, mm, um, ft, in. Possible outputs are value and units.


  • #LEN_MM
  • #LEN_CM
  • #LEN_M
  • #LEN_KM
  • #LEN_FT
  • #LEN_YD
  • #LEN_UM
Versions 1 (<custom_control_XXXX>), 2
Attributes none
Children option, unique_name, dependency, range, default, text_style
Used by item, row, column
Example Displays only cm, and mm in combo box. If cm selected and exported, returns the text “centimeter”.
Element <control_velocity>
Info Displays an edit box and combo box. Combo box can contain m/sec, m/min, m/hours, etc.... Also could be m/sec, cm/sec, ft/sec, etc... The option tag specifies which options are displayed. The edit box will display doubles, within the given range, if provided. Possible outputs are value and units.


  • #VEL_M_PER_S
  • #VEL_MPH
Versions 1 (<custom_control_XXXX>), 2
Attributes none
Children option, unique_name, dependency, range, default, text_style
Used by item, row, column
Example Displays m/sec and cm/sec in combo box. If m/sec selected and exported, returns the text “m sec”.
   <text>Velocity </text>
          <export_text>m sec</export_text>
          <export_text>cm sec</export_text>
Element <control_volume_flow>
Info Displays an edit box and combo box. Combo box can contain m^3/sec, m^3/min, m^3/hours, etc.... Also could be m^3/sec, cm^3/sec, ft^3/sec, etc... The option tag specifies which options are displayed. The edit box will display doubles, within the given range, if provided. Possible outputs are value and units.
Versions 2
Attributes none
Children option, unique_name, dependency, range, default, text_style
Used by item, row, column
Example Displays m^3/sec and cm^3/sec in combo box. If m^3/sec selected and exported, returns the text “m^3 sec”.
   <text>Volume flow</text>
          <export_text>m^3 sec</export_text>
          <export_text>cm^3 sec</export_text>
Element <dataset_name>
Info Determines the name of the dataset to be created. Uses the standard printf and sprintf format ( The keywords #row_number, #column_number, #row_name, and #column_name are used when the dataset is in a table.
Versions 1, 2
Attributes none
Children none
Used by control_dataset
    <dataset_name>”Five percent Layer %d”, #row_number</dataset_name>
Element <dataset_type>
Info Determines if the dataset is scalar or vector.
Versions 1, 2
Attributes none
Children none
Used by control_dataset
Element <default>
Info Sets the initial default value of a widget. Can also be used to state the default combo-box option.
Versions 1, 2
Attributes none
Children none
Used by edit_box, check_box, option, any element that begins with “custom_control”
Example 1
</edit_box >
Example 2 Check box is checked
</check_box >
Example 3 Check box isn’t checked
</check_box >
Example 4 Combo box hours is default
Example 5 Custom control date always has a date formatted as “day-month-year hour:minute:second”.
    <default>16-7-2010 14:45:32</default>

Element <dialog>
Info Used to define a dialog.
Versions 2
Attributes none
Children dialog_name, page
Used by dialogs
Element <dialog_name>
Info Specifies the name of a dialog. This is required. This name is used by link_to.
Versions 2
Attributes none
Children none
Used by dialog
Element <dialogs>
Info Contains all the dialogs used in a model.
Versions 2
Attributes none
Children dialog
Used by model
Element <display_options_arc>
Info Specifies that the options in the combo box are to be used as arc/nodestring boundary condition display options. This element should only be used once in the schema.
Versions 2
Attributes none
Children none
Used by combo_box
Element <edit_box>
Info Widget that displays text or numbers. If <type> not specified, default to double.
Versions 1, 2
Attributes none
Children type, default, unique_name, range, optional, dependency, text_style
Used by item, row, column
   <range>0, 2.2</range>
   <default>1.0 </default>
</ edit_box 
Element <flags>
Info Flags are optional, and are used to modify the behavior/appearance of the control_curve. Only 1 flag is currently defined: XY_USEDATE. When this flag is set, the x column becomes a date/time calendar.
Versions 2
Attributes none
Children none
Used by control_curve
Example This example creates a curve button with the date/time flag.
Element <green>
Info The green element of a color. Ranges from 0 to 255. Added in SMS 11.2.
Versions 1, 2
Attributes none
Children none
Used by color
Example This would change the text to a bright red color.
Element <group>
Info Tree group item that contains one or more items or groups.
Versions 1, 2
Attributes none
Children text, dependency, text_style, contains
Used by page_def, contains
   <text> Timing </text>
  	… tree item stuff