User:Jcreer/GMS:MODFLOW Model Wrapper

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Example of the MODFLOW model wrapper

The MODLOW model wrapper dialog will appear when running MODFLOW. This model wrapper dialog displays information about the MODFLOW run. Information displayed includes the following:

  • The file path to MODFLOW executable being used in the model run. If the executable being used is incorrect, go to the Preferences dialog to change this path.
  • The file path to where the solution files will be generated. This will correspond to the location where the project has been saved.
  • The Error vs. Iteration graph. See below for more details.
  • The command line display. This will display any errors or warnings that MODFLOW encounters during the model run.

The model wrapper also has the following options:

  • Read solution on exit – Turning on this option will cause the solution data to automatically be imported into GMS.
  • Turn on contours (if not on already) – If the project does not have contour display options turned on, this option will cause the contour display to be activated.

Error vs. Iteration

The Error vs. Iteration plot will show iterations of the MODFLOW run. The plot is hard wired to only show 25 iterations. The Error vs. Iteration is usually showing the maximum head change, but this can vary as follows:

  • SAMG prints end_res - head residual
  • PCG prints BIGH - max head change
  • PCGN prints MXHCH - max head change
  • SIP prints BIG - max head change
  • SSOR prints BIG - max head change
  • DE4 prints BIG - max head change
  • GMG prints BIGH - max head change
  • NWT prints Fheadsave - max head change
  • SMS solver prints ABIGCH - max head change