CW:CityWater User Management
If logged in to an account with administrator access, the User Accounts link will be available in the navigation field.
User Accounts Page
For accounts with administrative access, the User Accounts page can be used to control which accounts can access each project. The page will list the username (account name), user's name, role, and organizations.
New users can be added by clicking the New button which will direct you to the New User page. Clicking the Edit
button will go to the Edit User page for the selected user. Clicking the Delete
button will remove the user's account.
New User Page
On the New User page, an administrator can create an account for a user by entering the following:
This section defines the account log in and password to let the user access the account.
- Username
The unique username the user will use to access his/her account. This value may contain only letters, numbers and @/./+/-/_ characters.
- Password
The password the user will use to access his/her account.
- Confirm Password
It is required that you retype the password in this field for confirmation.
This section defines what features and projects the account will be able to access.
- Role
The role assigned to a user determines which features that user can access.
- Organization
Users have access to the projects of the organizations to which they belong.
All entries in this section are optional. Completing these fields is recommended for recovery and security purposes.
- First Name
The user's first name.
- Last Name
The user's last name.
The user's email address.
Edit User
The Edit User page is similar to the New User page. On the Edit User page, an administrator can change the following information for a user.
Account This section changes the account log in and password for the user to access the account.
- Username
The unique username the user will use to access his/her account. This value may contain only letters, numbers and @/./+/-/_ characters.
- Password
The password the user will use to access his/her account.
- Confirm Password
If changing the user password, it is required that you retype the password in this field for confirmation.
- Role
The role assigned to a user determines which features that user can access. You cannot change your own role.
- Organization
Users have access to the projects of the organizations to which they belong.
- First Name
The user's first name.
- Last Name
The user's last name.
The user's email address.