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Starting with version 13.2 , SMS includes a general purpose toolbox that allows the SMS process to interact with external python scripts. In SMS 13.2 this is a beta feature. For this version, the user accesses the toolbox by right clicking on the "Project" item at the top of the tree in the "Project Explorer" and selecting "Toolbox". This bring up the SMS toolbox dialog.

Tools in the toolbox allow the user to operate on data in an SMS interactive session as well as data in external files. Each tool in the toolbox links to a python script that produces a specific output. Example output from a tool could include, but are not limited to:

  • a graphic or plot.
  • a report (document or spreadsheet) for a specified analytical process.
  • a new geometry item in SMS.
  • a new dataset in SMS.
  • a new data file.

Tools Tab

Available tools in the SMS Tool dialog are divided into categories, typically based on the type of output or the type of arguments used in the tool. Currently these categories include:

  • Datasets (Will replace the dataset toolbox. Currently has 10 tools)
  • Rasters (Will replace right click commands on rasters. Currently has 5 tools)
  • UGrids (Applies to meshes, scatter sets and Ugrids. Currently has 3 tools)
(Jeff - eventually we want a wiki article for each tool in the toolbox that is created or managed by Aquaveo.  These tools should be listed in an expandable list for each category and include a link to the tool's wiki article.)

Tools are discovered by SMS at run time from an installation area on the host machine. This allows users to develop and share custom python scripts that can operate on data in an SMS project.

(Jeff- we are working on a document that describes how a user would add a custom script.  We should have a link to that document here.)

History Tab

The toolbox maintains a history of all tools invoked for a session of SMS. Eventually this history will be recorded so that it includes all tools invoked for this project.

The history section includes the tool and the date/time the tool was invoked. By double clicking on an entry in the history tab, the tool is launched. The input fields are populated with the arguments that were used in the previous invocation of the tool. These inputs can be changed for the new invocation of the tool.