Template:Import UGrid Points

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The UGrid Points from CSV tool is used to import locations and data sets. The CSV file must contain coordinates for the points and, optionally, the file may contain data sets associated with the points.

The first line of the CSV file must be a header line with the coordinate columns of x, y, and z (optional). These columns must be named x, y, z. An error will be encountered if these columns do not exist.

Other columns may exist in the file for data sets. The data set name is specified in the first line of the file. If the column does not have a name then the column will be skipped.

Transient data may also be imported using this tool. Transient data sets comprise multiple columns in the file with the same column name and with time specified on the second line of the file in the associated data set column. There may not be any value specified on the second line of the file for the x, y coordinates. The time values may be relative times: 0.0, 2.5, 10.0, etc. Additionally, the time values may be specified as date times. The date format should be in the form of YEAR-MONTH-DAY HH:MM:SS.SS.

Multiple example files are shown below.

Input parameters

  • CSV File – File name for the csv file containing the coordinates and data sets
  • No data value – When the “No data value” is encountered in the csv file in one of the data sets XMS marks the value as “NULL” or “no data”. These values are not contoured or used in interpolation in XMS.
  • Time unit – the time unit for transient data sets where the time is specified as a floating point number (in contrast to a date time).
  • Coordinate system project file – File name for the projection associated with the coordinates of the points in the file.

Output parameters

  • The output is a ugrid and datasets but these are not visible to the user in the tool. Not sure if anything should go here.

Current location in Toolbox

UGrids/Import UGrid Points

Example files

Example 1


This is a simple csv file. Notice the “x” and “y” columns; these are required. Note that “z” is not required. Also, notice that the order of x and y does not matter.

The other 2 columns: “id”, “c”. The will be imported as data sets.

Example 2

y	x	z	TDS	TDS	conc
			0	1	
-16	-75	8.5	59.04	9.24	1.9
32	-60	9.8	90.2	71	4.8
50	-34	0.7	67.2	98.4	9.5

This example shows a file with “x”, ”y”, and “z” columns. Notice that there are no values on the second line of the file for x, y, and z. This indicates that times are being specified for the data sets in the file.

The other 2 columns: “TDS” and “conc”. The will be imported as data sets. TDS will be a transient data set with times of 0.0 and 1.0. The user will have to specify the units of the times in the tool. The conc data set will be imported without multiple time steps.

Example 3

y	x	c2	c2	c2
		2011-02-01	2012-02-01	2013-02-01
-16	-75	59.04	43.64	9.24
32	-60	90.2	44.16	71
50	-34	67.2	0	98.4

This is a csv file with a transient data set with the time specified as dates.

Example 4

y	X	c2	c2	c2 
		2011-02-01 15:30:22.1	2012-02-01	2013-02-01 6:45:15
-16	-75	59.04	43.64	9.24
32	-60	90.2	44.16	71
50	-34	67.2	0	98.4

This is a csv file with a transient data set with the time specified as dates and times.