Template:Snap Outlet Points to Streams Tool

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Snap Outlet Points to Streams

The Snap Outlet Points to Streams tool is used to move an outlet point (pour point) to the nearest stream cell within a specified maximum distance. XMS already has a built in snap tolerance. This tool allows the user to create an outlet point outside of the snap tolerance limit and still move it to the nearest stream cell by defining the distance the tool looks for the closest stream cell.

This tool is not limited to a single outlet point. It will move all outlet points not already on a stream to the closest stream within the defined search radius.

Input Parameters

  • Input pour points (outlets) coverage: – Select the coverage containing the outlet point(s) to be moved.
  • Input raster streams file: – Select the raster file used to extract streams.
  • Output coverage name: – Type in a new coverage name for the coverage created after snapping outlet points.
  • Maximum snap distance in map units: – Enter the distance in map units (feet, meters, etc.) to search for closest stream cell to snap outlet points to. Decimal number.

Toolbox location

Coverages/Snap Outlet Points to Streams