GMS:3D Scatter Point Tool Palette

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3D Scatter Point Module
Sample Interp.png
3D Scatter Point
Interpolating with 3D Scatter Points
Converting 3D Scatter Points to Other Data Types
Bounding Grid
3D Scatter Point Display Options
3D Scatter Point Tool Palette
Active/Inactive Points
Inverse Distance Weighted
3D Scatter Point Commands

The following tools are active in the dynamic portion of the Tool Palette whenever the 3D Scatter Point Module is active. Only one tool is active at any given time. The action that takes place when the user clicks in the Graphics Window with the cursor depends on the current tool. The table below describes the tools in the 3D Scatter Set tool palette.

Tool Tool Name Description
File:Tool SelectVertices.GIF Select Scatter Point The Select Scatter Point tool is used to select individual scatter points for editing using the Edit Window. Scatter points can also be dragged with the mouse. Scatter points can be deleted. With extremely large sets of scatter points, it may become difficult to identify a scatter point with a particular ID, even if the scatter point IDs are being displayed. In such cases, the Find Point command in the Scatter Points menu can be used to quickly locate a point. The command prompts the user for the ID of the desired point and the point is selected.
File:Tool SelectScatterSet.GIF Select Scatter Point Set The Select Scatter Point Set tool is used to select entire scatter point sets for deletion or to designate the active scatter point set. When this tool is active, an icon appears at the centroid of the set for each of the scatter point sets. A scatter point set is selected by selecting the icon for the set.
File:Tool CreateVertices.GIF Create Scatter Point

This tool is used to interactively create scatter points by clicking in the GMS graphics window.