SMS:2D Mesh Nodestrings Menu

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The Nodestrings Menu includes the following commands:

General Commands

  • Options

Breakline options

  • Force Breaklines

Force element edges to follow the selected nodestring

  • Smooth

Smooth the mesh boundary along the path of a selected nodestring by moving midside nodes. Only used for quadratic elements.

  • Renumber Nodestrings

Renumbers the nodestrings starting with an id of 1.

  • Merge

Merge selected nodestrings to form a single nodestring. Available if more than one nodestring is selected.

  • Split

Split a single nodestring into multiple nodestrings at the selected mesh node. Available if a mesh node is selected.

  • Reverse Direction

Reverse the direction of selected nodestrings. Selecting a nodestring causes the direction arrows to be displayed and can be used to verify the nodestring direction.

Nodestring Options

File:Mesh Nodestring Options.jpg
Mesh Nodestring Options dialog

Breakline Options

Controls how breaklines are processed.

  • Insert new nodes – Triangles intersected by the breakline are modified by adding new nodes at necessary locations to ensure that the edges of the triangles will conform to the breakline. The elevations of the new nodes are based on a linear interpolation of the breakline segments. The locations of the new nodes are determined in such a way that the Delauney criterion is satisfied.
  • Swap element edges – Triangles intersected by the breakline are modified by swapping element edges to ensure that the edges of the triangles will conform to the breakline.

Renumber Options

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