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The TABS-MD (Multi-Dimensional) Numerical Modeling System was one of the first widely used collection of programs designed for studying multi-dimensional hydrodynamics in rivers, reservoirs, bays and estuaries. The hydrodynamic engine for the system is the RMA2 engine. RMA2 and RMA4 were written by Resource Management Associates, Lafayette, California, and modified by WES. SED2D was written jointly by Resource Management Associates and WES.



The pre-processor for the TABS software programs. This utility converts ASCII geometry into binary format and does data checking along the way. SMS will launch this utility as needed before running other components of the system. See GFGEN for more information.


A one-dimensional/two-dimensional numerical model for depth-averaged flow and water levels. RMA2 is a two dimensional depth averaged finite element hydrodynamic numerical model. It computes water surface elevations and horizontal velocity components for subcritical, free-surface flow in two dimensional flow fields. RMA2 computes a finite element solution of the Reynolds form of the Navier-Stokes equations for turbulent flows. Friction is calculated with the Manning’s or Chezy equation, and eddy viscosity coefficients are used to define turbulence characteristics. Both steady and unsteady state (dynamic) problems can be analyzed.

It should be noted that the commercially available version of the model does not include all functionality included in the ERDC documentation.

See RMA2 for more information.


A one-dimensional/two-dimensional numerical model for depth-averaged transport. This program uses a provided hydrodynamic solution (either node by node or in RMA2 format) to compute transport of a constituent in solution. It is assumed that the depth concentration distribution is uniform. While model documentation claims up to six constituents can be considered simultaneously, practical application has shown the only application of multiple constituents to be DO/BOD. Either conservative or non-conservative diffusion is computed. See RMA4 for more information.


Formerly STUDH, a two-dimensional numerical model for depth-averaged transport of cohesive or a representative grain size of noncohesive sediments and their deposition, erosion, and formation of bed deposits. The interface for this model has been removed from version SMS 10.0. Boundary condition files can still be constructed/edited in text editors and SMS can still read solution data.


A one-dimensional/two-dimensional/three-dimensional hydrodynamic numerical model. Not available for public use at this time.

Using the Model / Practical Notes

Related Links

External Links

  • CHL TABS Numerical Modeling website [1]
  • CHL RMA2 Frequently Asked Questions [2]