Template:CLN Wells Workflow

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Revision as of 22:46, 13 January 2017 by Jcreer (talk | contribs)

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1. Create a conceptual model and coverage.
1. Create new conceptual model.
  1. Use the New Conceptual Model right-click command in the Project Explorer.
  2. Use the Conceptual Model Properties dialog to create a new conceptual model.
2. Add coverages.
1. Create new coverage from scratch.
  1. Use the New Coverage right-click command.
  2. Use the Coverage Setup dialog to create a new coverage by selecting the desired coverage properties and naming the coverage.
2. Create new coverage from an existing coverage.
  1. Use the Duplicate command on an existing coverage. This will copy any feature objects on the coverage.
  2. Use the Rename command to give the coverage a new name.
  3. Change the coverage setup.
2. Import well data.
  1. Use File | Open... to open files with scatter data.
    • Alternatively, drag and drop the file into the Graphics Window in GMS.
  2. Use the File Import Wizard to specify how to import the data.
3. Set CLN map data.
  1. Right-click on the CLN wells coverage and select the Attributes Table command.
  2. Set CLN wells data in the Attributes Table dialog.
4. Map to MODFLOW.