TIN Files

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TIN files are used for storing Triangulated Irregular Networks. The TIN file format is shown below and a sample file is shown after. The TIN file format can be used to import a simple set of XYZ coordinates since the triangle information (beginning with the TRI card) does not need to be present. If there is a file of XYZ coordinates, only add the TIN, BEGT, and VERT nv cards to the top of the file and the ENDT card at the end.

TIN                /* File type identifier */
BEGT               /* Beginning of TIN group */
TNAM name          /* Name of TIN */
TCOL id            /* TIN material id */
VERT nv            /* Beg. of vertices */
x1 y1 z1 lf1       /* Vertex coords. */
x2 y2 z2 lf2
xnv ynv znv lfnv
TRI nt             /* Beg. of triangles */
v11 v12 v13        /* Triangle vertices */
v21 v22 v23
vnt1 vnt2 vnt3
ENDT               /* End of TIN group */

Sample TIN File:

TNAM Aspen
TCOL 255 255 255
VERT 408
0.0 3.1 7.8 0
5.3 8.7 4.0 1
2.4 4.4 9.0 1
TRI 408
5 1 4
4 1 2
4 2 3

Cards Used in the TIN File

Card Type TIN
Card ID 3000
Description File type identifier. Must be on first line of file. No fields.
Required YES
Card Type BEGT
Card ID 3000
Description Marks the beginning of a group of cards describing a TIN. There should be a corresponding ENDT card at a latter point in the file. No fields.
Required YES
Card Type TNAM
Description Provides a name to be associated with the TIN.
Required NO
Format TNAM name
Sample TNAM aspen
Field Variable Value Description
1 name str The name of the TIN.
Card Type TCOL
Description Defines a default color for the triangles of the TIN
Required NO
Format TCOL color_red color_green color_blue
Sample TCOL 255 255 255
Field Variable Value Description
1 color_red 0–255 The red color component of TIN triangles.
2 color_green 0–255 The green color component of TIN triangles.
3 color_blue 0–255 The blue color component of TIN triangles.
Card Type MAT
Description Associates a material id with the TIN. This is typically the id of the material which is below the TIN.
Required NO
Format MAT id
Sample MAT 3
Field Variable Value Description
1 id + The material ID.
Card Type VERT
Description Lists the vertices in the TIN
Required YES
Format VERT nv
x1 y1 z1 lf1
x2 y2 z2 lf2
xnv ynv znv lfnv
Sample VERT 4
0.0 3.1 7.8 0
5.3 8.7 4.0 1
2.4 4.4 9.0 1
3.9 1.2 3.6 0
Field Variable Value Description
1 nv + The number of vertices in the TIN
2–4 x,y,z ± Coords. of vertex
5 lf 0,1 Locked / unlocked flag for vertex (optional). 0=unlocked, 1=locked. Repeat fields 2–5 nv times.
Card Type TRI
Description Lists the triangles in the TIN
Required NO ( a set of triangles can be generated from the vertices)
Format TRI nt
v11 v12 v13
v21 v23 v23
vnt1 vnt2 vnt3
Sample TRI 4
5 1 4
4 1 2
4 2 3
5 4 3
Field Variable Value Description
1 nt + The number of triangles in the TIN.
2–4 v1,v2,v3 + Vertices of triangle listed in a counter-clockwise order. Repeat nt times.
Card Type ENDT
Card ID 3000
Description Marks the end of a group of cards describing a TIN. There should be a corresponding BEGT card at a previous point in the file. No fields.
Required YES

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