Clean Dams Tool

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Clean Dams

Given an elevation dataset, runs cleandam.exe to remove digital dams, which are depressions where the cell elevation is lower than its four neighbor cells. If a GSSHA boundary conditions coverage containing a stream network is provided, the cells where the streams intersect the grid are not altered. For more information on cleandam.exe, refer to the GSSHA Wiki.

Digital dam example

Input Parameters

  • Input dataset – A dataset on the UGrid representing cell-based elevations.
  • Input GSSHA Boundary Conditions coverage – The coverage containing the stream network. Optional. If provided, cells intersected by streams are not altered.
  • Clean flat areas – Input option to cleandam.exe
  • Clean digital dams – Input option to cleandam.exe
  • Fill leftover problems – Input option to cleandam.exe
  • Output dataset name – Name of the new elevation dataset created by cleandam.exe

Output Parameters

  • Dataset – The new dataset created by cleandam.exe

Current Location in Toolbox

GSSHA | Clean Dams