User:Cmadsen/GSSHA Permafrost

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This allows the simulation of permafrost in areas where applicable. The option can be turned on in Job Control and parameters edited there. It is also available in GSSHA Map Table Editor

Job Control

  • Permafrost – Turn on to allow use editing of parameters in GSSHA Map Tables

GSSHA Permafrost Options

  • Parameter
    • Permafrost time step – Turn on if needed. If turned on, Value can be edited.
  • Value – Only editable if Permafrost time step is turned on. Decimal number.
  • Units – Time step units in seconds.

GSSHA Map Tables

The following options are available on this tab:

  • Using index map – A drop-down listing all available index maps in the project. Select the desired index map from the list.
  • Index map type – A drop-down list of index map types in the project. Select the desired type.
  • Generate IDs – Generates a list of IDs from those found in the selected index map.
  • Add ID – Adds a new ID to the spreadsheet, allowing manual creation of a new ID.
  • Delete ID – Immediately deletes the selected ID.

The spreadsheet displays all of the IDs in the selected index map, one per column. It has the following rows:

  • ID – A unique type ID.
  • Description1 – An alphanumeric field. Enter a concise descriptive name for the ID type.
  • Description2 – An optional alphanumeric field. Enter additional concise descriptive information.
  • Initial temperature plot – The initial temperature conditions
  • Computational node depths – Shows the depths for the computational nodal points.
  • Thickness of soil layer (m) – Defines, in meters, how thick the soil layer is.
  • Phase change temperature (C)
  • Volumetric soil water content – Fraction of 1
  • Volume of unfrozen water – Fraction of 1
  • Unfrozen water parameter "A"
  • Unfrozen water parameter "B"
  • Unfrozen water parameter "C"
  • Thawed soil thermal conductivity – W m−1 k−1
  • Frozen soil thermal conductivity – W m−1 k−1
  • Volumetric heat capacity – J m−1 m−1 m−1 k−1


  • Permafrost output – toggle on/off
  • Permafrost output depths – Clicking Dot dot dot button.png brings up the XY Series Editor dialog
  • Permafrost map table ID

Permafrost output