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Jeff Creer

Document Manager
Aquaveo, LLC

Items to take care of in the future

  • Remove the Contour Options command in SMS when 12.2 releases.
  • Remove the Data Calculator command in SMS when 12.2 releases.
  • SMS 12.2 Simulation has new command:
    • Export All – Export files for all simulations under the model simulation folder. Only works for models that use simulations and the dynamic model interface.
  • ADCIRC NetCDF files (*.nc) can be generated and imported giving option to have either ASCII or NetCDF files for fort.63/fort.64 files.
  • ADCIRC being converted to DMI, possibly ADH as well.
  • 2D Mesh Options dialog going away in SMS 13.0
  • Floodplain Delineation tool (SMS 13.0)
  • SMS plot window Echo to Window – Shows plot info in echo window. (SMS 13.0)
  • WaveWatch documentation (SMS 13.0)

GMS Icon.png GMS User Manual

GMS Logo2.png
Version History Volumes of Current Version

Sms icon.png SMS User Manual

Version History Volumes of Current Version

70px-WMS Icon.png WMS User Manual

Version History Volumes of Current Version

Dialog Help Pages

Other Pages

Statistics of the wiki:

  • Mainspace articles: 482
  • Total page: 22,380
  • Total files: 4,482
  • Total edits: 161,375
  • Total registered users: 111
  • Total administrators: 24

DMI zip

Potential Articles For Creation

Additional Projects

  • rewrite WAM to STWAVE nesting in tutorial and wiki (for SMS 12.1)
    • Note: STWAVE BC must be defined

Workflow Articles and Resources

GMS Workflow

SMS Workflow

WMS Workflow


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