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Jeff Creer

Document Manager
Aquaveo, LLC

Items to take care of in the future

  • Remove the Contour Options command in SMS when 12.2 releases.
  • Remove the Data Calculator command in SMS when 12.2 releases.
  • SMS 12.2 Simulation has new command:
    • Export All – Export files for all simulations under the model simulation folder. Only works for models that use simulations and the dynamic model interface.
  • ADCIRC NetCDF files (*.nc) can be generated and imported giving option to have either ASCII or NetCDF files for fort.63/fort.64 files.
  • ADCIRC being converted to DMI, possibly ADH as well.
  • 2D Mesh Options dialog going away in SMS 13.0
  • Floodplain Delineation tool (SMS 13.0)
  • SMS plot window Echo to Window – Shows plot info in echo window. (SMS 13.0)
  • WaveWatch documentation (SMS 13.0)
  • GMS 13.0, contours now on by default.

GMS Icon.png GMS User Manual

GMS Logo2.png
Version History Volumes of Current Version

Sms icon.png SMS User Manual

Version History Volumes of Current Version

70px-WMS Icon.png WMS User Manual

Version History Volumes of Current Version

Dialog Help Pages

Other Pages

Statistics of the wiki:

  • Mainspace articles: 487
  • Total page: 22,445
  • Total files: 4,518
  • Total edits: 162,251
  • Total registered users: 114
  • Total administrators: 25

DMI zip

Potential Articles For Creation

Additional Projects

  • rewrite WAM to STWAVE nesting in tutorial and wiki (for SMS 12.1)
    • Note: STWAVE BC must be defined

Workflow Articles and Resources

GMS Workflow

SMS Workflow

WMS Workflow


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