SMS:ADH Model Control Time

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Go to ADH Model Control page

This page window is accessed from the Model Control window by clicking on the Time tab.

ADH is set up as a transient conditions model, however, a steady state simulation can be invoked which utilizes an iterative process to converge to a solution. A steady state solution is accepted if the end time of the model is reached or the iteration tolerance requirement (see Model Parameters ) is met. Users are required to ensure that all series data are acceptable (constant linear series) if the steady state method is used. ADH also includes a quasi-unsteady method which strings multiple steady state simulation together to form a step function style hydrograph.

Dialog Description

The following controls specify the timing parameters for the ADH model run.


Start date and time field and the Delay model start check box with positive real number and units combo box correlates to the TC T0 card.

End date and time field (with the defined start) specifies the simulation run length on the TC TF card.

Model run time displays the run length using the units specified for the Time step size in the Time Step Control group.

Type radio group includes Dynamic, Steady state and Quasi-unsteady simulation type options. Quasi-unsteady is currently unavailable.

Apply adaptive time control check box includes the TC IAC card or TC NDP card when checked or unchecked, respectively.

Time Step Control

Time step size curve button with the associated Series time units combo box, and Specify curve fit tolerance check box and positive integer edit field defines the data to be associated with the TC IDT card and its XY1 series definition card. Clicking on the curve button will open the XY Series Editor. This series must be defined for the entire model run length, so include or exceed the time Model run time listed in the Simulation group. This control group is available only when the Dynamic simulation type is selected.

Initial time step positive real number edit field and units combo box specifies the time step value of the TC STD card. This control group is available only when the Steady state simulation type is selected.

Specify extra sediment transport time steps check box and positive integer edit field while include the TC SDI card when checked. If sediment transport is included in the simulation and this control is not checked, then the model will calculate sediment according to the time increment specified by the Time step size series.

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