Template:SMS Import Geometric Data Workflow

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Revision as of 15:26, 27 August 2015 by Jcreer (talk | contribs)

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1. Import map data.
  1. Use the File Import Wizard to open the topographic data.
2. Import GIS data.
  1. Use the File | Open... command to import GIS data files such as Shapefiles, MIF/MID files, Lidar files, or raster files.
  2. Alternatively, drag and drop the file into the Graphics Window in SMS.
3. Import scatter data.
One method to create a scatter set is to import existing topographic data. Topographic data is often in a text file.
  1. Use the File Import Wizard to open the topographic data.
4. Import CAD data.
One method to create a scatter set is to import existing topographic data. Topographic data is often in a text file.
  1. Use the File Import Wizard to open the topographic data.