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Input and Output files for PTM.

Input Files

  • Required files
    • Program Control File (.pcf) - run time instruction for the model.
    • Mesh file - bathymetry and boundary information for the model.
      • PTM Version 1.0 supports ADCIRC compatible three-noded triangular finite element mesh files (fort.14 or .grd). SMS contains tools to convert mesh files to this format.
    • Hydrodynamic input file - time varying water surface elevation and depth-averaged velocities.
      • The SMS 9.2 interface to PTM Version 1.0 supports XMDF (.h5) format hydrodynamic files. SMS contains tools to convert mesh output files to this format.
    • Native sediment file - native sediments over the domain defined by the mesh file.

Output Files

The output files use the name given after the keyword :OUTPUT_PREFIX in the program control file and are appended with the following endings:

  • Mapping Output File (*_maps.h5) - behavior of the flow and native sediments over the whole domain incremented by time.
  • Parcel Data File (*_particles.h5)- parcel information incremented by time.
  • Echo file (*_input.out) - ASCII file echoing the input parameters of the simulation.
  • Neighbor file (*.neighbors) - contains mesh connectivity information. Once generated, can be specified as an input file to avoid regenerating for subsequent simulations with a given mesh. If the mesh changes, the neighbor file should be regenerated.
  • Trap Count File (*_count.out) - contains the time and ID of particles entering a trap
  • Trap Residency File (*_residency.out) - contains the time particles enter and exit a trap and the total time spent in the trap.
