Template:MODFLOW-USG Complex Stratigraphy Workflow

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1. Convert geometry to a 2D UGrid.
2. Select complex stratigraphy during conversion.
  1. Select the Feature Objects | Map → UGrid... menu command.
  2. In the Map → UGrid dialog, enter parameters for the UGrid.
    • Quadtree UGrids
    • Voronoi UGrids
    • VTK Unstructured Grids
3. Use borehole data to create a 3D UGrid.
4. Create a MODFLOW-USG model.
5. Map to MODFLOW.
  1. Select the conceptual model Conceptual Model Icon.svg.
  2. Select Feature Objects | Map → MODFLOW Map to MODFLOW Macro.svg.
  3. Select the appropriate options in the Map → Model dialog.
  1. Save Save Macro.svg the project.
  2. Run MODFLOW Run MODFLOW Macro.svg.