Template:Export LandXML

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Given a 2D UGrid or scatter set with triangle cells, and, optionally, a coverage containing one or more arcs, creates a LandXML file containing the 2D surface from the UGrid and breaklines created from the arcs. The breaklines are determined by finding the closest UGrid point to each point on the arc. Arcs do not need to lie on cell edges, and the breaklines, which are simply a list of points, will not necessarily lie along cell edges. LandXML version 1.2 is used.

Input Parameters

  • UGrid – Select a UGrid or scatter set consisting of 2D triangle cells.
  • (Optional) Input coverage containing arcs to determine breaklines – Select a coverage that includes arcs.

Output parameters

  • Output file – Allows setting the path for the exported file.
    • Save As... – Opens the Save File dialog where the directory and file name for the exported file can be designated.

Current location in Toolbox

Unstructured Grids / Export LandXML


This example uses the scatter set in found in the Scatter Breaklines tutorial. The process of creating the LandXML file using this project is as follows:

  1. Import the "xs" scatter data by opening the "ScatterBreaklineInpute.sms" project.
  2. If desired, designate breaklines by creating arcs on the "Area Property" coverage.
  3. Start the Export LandXML tool.
  4. For the UGrid, set to "Scatter Data/xs".
  5. If using an input coverage with arcs, select it for the Input coverage containing arcs to determine breaklines.
  6. Under Output file, click the Save As... button to open the Save File dialog.
  7. Browse to a location to save the LandXML file, give the file a name, and click Save.
  8. Click OK to Export LandXML tool.
  9. If the tool finishes successfully, click OK.
    • If the tool gives an error message, review the message and address the errors before running the tool again.