Template:Flow Accumulation Full Workflow

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Flow Accumulation Full Workflow

This tool addresses all depressions in a digital elevation model (DEM) by breaching them, and produces three outputs: a breached DEM, an aspect-aligned non-divergent flow pointer, and a flow accumulation raster.

Input parameters

  • Input raster DEM file – The input raster DEM file is a digital elevation model that represents the terrain's surface elevations.

Output parameters

  • Output raster DEM file – Enter the name for the new file.
  • Output raster flow pointer file – The output raster flow pointer file contains information on the direction of water flow for each cell in the DEM. Enter the name for the new file.
  • Output raster flow accumulation file – The output raster flow accumulation file represents the accumulated flow into each grid cell. Enter the name for the new file.
  • Output type; one of 'cells', 'sca' (default), and 'ca' – The output type specifies how the flow accumulation will be represented: "cells" for the number of inflowing grid cells, "sca" for specific contributing area (default), or "ca" for catchment area.
  • Optional flag to request the output be log-transformed – May help in visualizing data by compressing the range of values.
  • Optional flag to request clipping the display max by 1% – Allows you to request that the display maximum value be clipped by 1%, which helps in improving visualization by removing extreme values that might skew the representation of the data.
  • D8 pointer uses the ESRI style scheme – Specifies for the D8 flow pointer file to use the ESRI style scheme for encoding flow directions.

Current Location in toolbox

Rasters/Flow Accumulation Full Workflow