Template:Snap Outlet Points to Streams

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Snap Outlet Points to Streams

The Snap Outlet Points to Streams tool adjusts vector pour points (outlets) to the nearest stream cell within a user-specified maximum search distance, ensuring accurate alignment for watershed analysis. It prioritizes proximity to the nearest stream, rather than the largest stream by flow accumulation, making it more reliable for precise watershed delineation.

Input parameters

  • Input pour points (outlets) coverage – The input pour points coverage refers to a vector file containing point features that represent watershed outlets or pour points.
  • Input raster streams file – The input raster streams file is a grid-based dataset where cells represent stream locations, typically derived from flow accumulation data.

Output parameters

  • Output coverage name – Enter the name for the new coverage.
  • Maximum snap distance in map units – The maximum snap distance specifies the search radius in map units, around each pour point within which the tool will search for the nearest stream cell to relocate the point.

Current Location in toolbox

Coverages/Snap Outlet Points to Streams