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CMS-Flow creates a number of files during the model run. These are summarized in the tables below
CMS-Flow creates a number of files during the model run. These are summarized in the tables below

* For more information on these files see pages 224 and 242 of the [ manual].
* For more information on these files see pages 224 and 242 of the [ manual].

{| class="wikitable"  
{| class="wikitable"  
|+'''Required Input Files'''
|+'''Required Input/Project Files (SMS 13.3+)'''
!width="40" align="center"|Name
!width="50" align="center"|Name
!width="200" align="center"|Description
!width="200" align="center"|Description
|_Depth.H5||Grid Depth Values XMDF
|_Quadtrees.H5||Telescoping Grid
|MAP||Grid and Projection Information
|MAP||Grid and Projection Information
Line 19: Line 15:
|MATERIALS||Material Values
|MATERIALS||Material Values
|VTU||Visual Toolkit Unstructured Mesh
|_UGrid.h5|| UGrid representation of grid (XMDF)
|XMC|| UGrid representation of grid (ASCII)

{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
|+'''Output Files'''
|+'''Output/Export files from SMS for CMS'''
!align="center" width="50"|Name
!align="center" width="75"|Name
!|Type of file
|CMCARDS||Coastal Modeling Card Settings
|.cmcards || CMS paramter/card Settings || ASCII
|Hot_Start.H5||Hot Start File
|.tel||Grid definition/connectivity || ASCII
|_Datasets.H5||Mannings Number Dataset
|_datasets.h5||Cell-based Dataset values (i.e., Mannings) || XMDF
|_Diag.H5||Diagnostic Solutions XMDF
|_diag.h5||Diagnostic Solutions (debugging) || XMDF
|_MP.H5||Model Parameters XMDF
|_mp.h5||Model Parameters || XMDF
|_Vel.H5||Current Velocity XMDF
{| class="wikitable"
|+'''Output files from CMS'''
!align="center" width="75"|Name
!|Type of file
|_WSE.H5||Water Surface Elevation XMDF
|CMS_Diag.txt||Summary and Output from model || ASCII
|TEL||Telescoping Quadtree Mesh
|SingleHotStart.h5<br>AutoHotStart_#.h5 ||Information for hot starting ||XMDF
|TXT||Output Text
|<solution type>||Solution information for different processes || XMDF
<nowiki><Solution type></nowiki> above can be any of the following types.
* _wse.h5 - Water surface elevation solution
* _vel.h5 - Current velocity solution
* _visc.h5 - Eddy viscosity solution
* _sed.h5 - Sediment solutions (concentration/capacity, etc.)
* _morph.h5 - Sediment morphology solution
* _trans.h5 - Transport rate solution
* _wave.h5 - Wave solution mapped to flow grid.
* A few other types are available as well.

==Hot Start File==
==Hot Start File==
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*Choosing to write the hot start file at a specific output time will create the following file:
*Choosing to write the hot start file at a specific output time will create the following file:
**''hot_start.h5'' This file has the simulation data including elevations and velocities.
**''SingleHotStart.h5'' This file has the simulation data including elevations and velocities.
*Choosing automatic recurring hot start files will create the following files:
*Choosing automatic recurring hot start files will create the following files:
**''HOTSTART.INFO'' This file records what time the hot start file was written and which hot start file is the most recent.
**''AutoHotStart_#.h5'' (where "#" can be '1' or '2') These files have the simulation data including elevations and velocities and CMS iterates between two versions of this file so the user will have two saved records to choose from.
**''HOTSTARTx.H5'' (where "x" is a counter) These files have the simulation data including elevations and velocities.  

Once the hot start files are created, they can be read into CMS-Flow. Open the CMS-Flow [[SMS:CMS-Flow Model Control|''Model Control'']] and check the ''Initial conditions file'' check box, then select the hot start file to be used.  
Once the hot start files are created, they can be read into CMS-Flow. Open the CMS-Flow [[SMS:CMS-Flow Model Control|''Model Control'']] and check the ''Initial conditions file'' check box, then select the hot start file to be used.  

When using a hot start file, the following parameters should be changed as follows:
When using a hot start file, No parameters need to be changed. CMS reads the appropriate information from the hot start file and will start as needed.
Again, the following parameters should '''not''' be changed:
*''Start Date'': no change
*''Start Date'': no change
*''Start Time'': no change
*''Start Time'': no change
*''Simulation Duration'': decrease by the duration of the hot start file
*''Simulation Duration'': no change
*''Boundary Conditions'': no change
*''Boundary Conditions'': no change
'''''Note:''''' For a simulation using a hot start file, the first time step of the solution will be the start time plus the value of one time step plus the duration of the hot start file.

==Save Point File==
==Save Point File==
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Below are two examples of CMS Flow projection cards:
Below are two examples of CMS Flow projection cards:

  HORIZONTAL_PROJECTION_BEGIN             !Optional  
  HORIZONTAL_PROJECTION_BEGIN                 !Optional  
   DATUM                            NAD83     !NAD27|NAD83|LOCAL  
   DATUM                            NAD83   !NAD27|NAD83|LOCAL  
   SYSTEM                            UTM      !UTM|STATE_PLANE|GEOGRAPHIC|LOCAL  
   SYSTEM                            UTM      !UTM|STATE_PLANE|GEOGRAPHIC|LOCAL  
   UNITS                            METERS     !METERS|FEET|DEGREES  
   UNITS                            METERS   !METERS|FEET|DEGREES  
   ZONE                              15     !Only if necessary  
   ZONE                              15       !Only if necessary  

   DATUM                            LOCAL     !NGVD29|NAVD88|LOCAL  
   DATUM                            LOCAL   !NGVD29|NAVD88|LOCAL  
   UNITS                            METERS     !METERS|FEET  
   UNITS                            METERS   !METERS|FEET  
   OFFSET                            2.0 m     !Positive is upwards  
   OFFSET                            2.0 m   !Positive is upwards  

==Output Files==
Output files specified here are associated with observation cells that have  been assigned within the grid.  For example, if a time series observation cell  exists, an output file will be written out by M2D for every file type that is  checked within this dialog.  The same holds true for flow rate observation  cells.  All observation cell output files are given the file extension of  “.m2o”.  A prefix is specified for all time series and flow rate output files.  Also specify the time step increment (in seconds) at which to  write to the output files.  This increment should be a multiple of the  simulation time step.
A brief explanation of the information that each of the following observation  cell output file types contains is given (* = prefix):
===Time Series Output Files:===
* U Output (*_u.m2o):  Velocity in the x-direction
* V Output (*_v.m2o):  Velocity in the y-direction
* ETA Output (*_h.m2o):  Water level
* U DETA/DX (u /x) (*_udhdx.m2o): 
* V DETA/DY (v /y) (*_vdhdy.m2o): 
* ETA DU/DX (u/x) (*_hdudx.m2o): 
* ETA DV/DY (v/y) (*_hdvdy.m2o): 
* X-Momentum Advection U DU/DX (u u/x) (*_xmomu.m2o):  U component  of the momentum advection term in the x-direction
* Y-Momentum Advection U DV/DX (u v/x) (*_ymomu.m2o):  U component  of the momentum advection term in the y-direction
* X-Momentum Advection V DU/DY (v u/y) (*_xmomv.m2o):  V component  of the momentum advection term in the x-direction
* Y-Momentum Advection V DV/DY (v v/y) (*_ymomv.m2o):  V component  of the momentum advection term in the y-direction
* X Bottom Friction (*_xbfric.m2o):  X component of the bottom  friction
* Y Bottom Friction (*_ybfric.m2o):  Y component of the bottom  friction
* X Wind Stress (*_xwnd.m2o):  X component of the wind stress
* Y Wind Stress (*_ywnd.m2o):  Y component of the wind  stress
===Flow Rate Output Files:===
* X Direction (*_qx.m2o):  Flow rate in the x-direction
* Y Direction (*_qy.m2o):  Flow rate in the  y-direction

== Related Topics ==
== Related Topics ==

Latest revision as of 16:43, 3 March 2025

CMS-Flow creates a number of files during the model run. These are summarized in the tables below

  • For more information on these files see pages 224 and 242 of the manual.
Required Input/Project Files (SMS 13.3+)
Name Description
MAP Grid and Projection Information
MATERIALS Material Values
_UGrid.h5 UGrid representation of grid (XMDF)
XMC UGrid representation of grid (ASCII)
Output/Export files from SMS for CMS
Name Description Type of file
.cmcards CMS paramter/card Settings ASCII
.tel Grid definition/connectivity ASCII
_datasets.h5 Cell-based Dataset values (i.e., Mannings) XMDF
_diag.h5 Diagnostic Solutions (debugging) XMDF
_mp.h5 Model Parameters XMDF
Output files from CMS
Name Description Type of file
CMS_Diag.txt Summary and Output from model ASCII
Information for hot starting XMDF
<solution type> Solution information for different processes XMDF

<Solution type> above can be any of the following types.

  • _wse.h5 - Water surface elevation solution
  • _vel.h5 - Current velocity solution
  • _visc.h5 - Eddy viscosity solution
  • _sed.h5 - Sediment solutions (concentration/capacity, etc.)
  • _morph.h5 - Sediment morphology solution
  • _trans.h5 - Transport rate solution
  • _wave.h5 - Wave solution mapped to flow grid.
  • A few other types are available as well.

Hot Start File

In the CMS-Flow Model Control, it is possible to specify a previously saved hot start file to be used as initial conditions or instruct CMS-Flow to save hot start files for future use.

To create a hot start file, either select Write Hot Start output file and select an output time, or select Automatic recurring Hot Start file and choose an output interval.

  • Choosing to write the hot start file at a specific output time will create the following file:
    • SingleHotStart.h5 This file has the simulation data including elevations and velocities.
  • Choosing automatic recurring hot start files will create the following files:
    • AutoHotStart_#.h5 (where "#" can be '1' or '2') These files have the simulation data including elevations and velocities and CMS iterates between two versions of this file so the user will have two saved records to choose from.

Once the hot start files are created, they can be read into CMS-Flow. Open the CMS-Flow Model Control and check the Initial conditions file check box, then select the hot start file to be used.

When using a hot start file, No parameters need to be changed. CMS reads the appropriate information from the hot start file and will start as needed.

Again, the following parameters should not be changed:

  • Start Date: no change
  • Start Time: no change
  • Simulation Duration: no change
  • Boundary Conditions: no change

Save Point File

Storing Save Points in the *.cmcards File

When saving the SMS project, the save points get stored in the *.cmcards file. An example looks like this:

Save Points


The SAVE_POINT is formatted [name][x location][y location][hydro (if on)][sediment (if on)][salinity(if on)][wave(if on)]

SAVE_POINT        "6, 61" -2867.5 2022.0 HYDRO SEDIMENT WAVE
SAVE_POINT        "20, 59" -2517.5 1966.0 HYDRO 
SAVE_POINT        "10, 31" -2767.5 1182.0 SEDIMENT 
SAVE_POINT        "11, 31" -2742.5 1182.0 SEDIMENT 
SAVE_POINT        "10, 32" -2767.5 1210.0 SALINITY 
SAVE_POINT        "11, 32" -2742.5 1210.0 WAVE

*.sp/*.spx File for Reading in Save Point Information

Simulation output data gets stored in *sp and *.spx file. The *.sp file is and individual output file. The 8.spx file simply identifies all of the *.sp files that should be loaded for a simulation. An *.sp file looks something like this:

REFERENCE_TIME       2001/01/01 00:00 -0000 GMT
CREATION_DATE        2012/05/28 09:02 -0600 GMT
CMS_VERSION          4.00.11
OUTPUT_UNITS         'm'       

  '6, 61'
  '20, 59'

  -2867.5000   2022.0000
  -2517.5000   1966.0000

      0.0000   0.0000E+00   0.0000E+00
      0.0333   1.7545E-09   1.7434E-09
      0.0667   1.4042E-08   1.3971E-08
      0.1000   4.6679E-08   4.6524E-08
      0.1333   1.1143E-07   1.1117E-07

Sms will read in a *.sp file and create a CMS-Flow save point coverage with the points.

Projection Cards

CMS-Flow uses a local coordinate system in which all vector values are positive along the I and J axis. All output vector arrays are specified in the local coordinate system. Any input that is specified on the local grid must be specified in the local coordinate system (e.g. initial condition for currents, interpolated wave forcing, etc). If input vector arrays are specified on a different grid then the vectors are assumed to follow the coordinate system of their native grid. The grid is always created in SMS with the origin is by default always at the lower left hand corner of the grid.

Below are two examples of CMS Flow projection cards:

HORIZONTAL_PROJECTION_BEGIN                  !Optional 
  DATUM                             NAD83    !NAD27|NAD83|LOCAL 
  SYSTEM                            UTM      !UTM|STATE_PLANE|GEOGRAPHIC|LOCAL 
  UNITS                             METERS   !METERS|FEET|DEGREES 
  ZONE                              15       !Only if necessary 
  DATUM                             LOCAL    !NGVD29|NAVD88|LOCAL 
  UNITS                             METERS   !METERS|FEET 
  OFFSET                            2.0 m    !Positive is upwards 

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