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[[Category:GMS File Formats]]

Latest revision as of 19:18, 22 August 2016

This page is a start at documenting SEEP2D file formats. It is not complete.

List of Files

SEEP2D Files
Name GMS Extension Format Description
Data .s2d ASCII Main input file read by SEEP2D
Super file .sps ASCII GMS "super" file. Read and written by GMS. Lists all the SEEP2D files related to a simulation. Also contains other data needed by GMS but not contained in the main SEEP2D data file.
Data set solution file .ssl Binary A file containing the GMS data sets which are the SEEP2D solution. Read by GMS. Created by SEEP2D when it solves a model.
Out file .out ASCII Created by SEEP2D as it solves the model. Includes the model description as it read it from the main data file, and the solution.

Data File

SEEP2D Data File Format
Line Contents
1 hed
  • hed = A heading for the simulation
2 numnp numel nummat nflcd lplx datum flonet unitwt iuntyp
  • numnp = number of nodes
  • numel = number of elements
  • nummat = number of materials
  • nflcd = number of flux bc lines
  • lplx = flow type
  • datum = vertical datum
  • flonet = flow net
  • unitwt = unit weight of water
  • iuntyp = model type. 0, 1 or 2
3 matid k1 k2 angle kro ho vanalpha vann
  • mat = material ID. Any integer number, not necessarily in order.
  • k1 =
  • k2 =
  • angle =
  • kro =
  • ho =
  • vanalpha =
  • vann =

Repeat for all materials

4 node ? nbc x y fx
  • node = node number
  • ? = ?
  • nbc = bc type
  • x = x location of node
  • y = y location of node
  • fx = ?

Repeat for all nodes

5 element node1 node2 ... matnum
  • element = element number
  • node1 = node number 1
  • node2 = node number 2
  • matnum = The number of the material associated with this element as defined on line 3. This is not the matid, which can be any number, but the ordered index of the materials listed on line 3. For example, if line 3 lists 2 materials with IDs of 7 and 5 in that order, then matnum will be 1 for material 7 and 2 for material 5.

Repeat for all elements

6 node1 node2 fluxrate
  • node1 = number of node on one side of element edge
  • node2 = number of node on other side of element edge
  • fluxrate = rate of flux for the edge described by node1 and node2

Repeat for all flux BCs