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Line 443: Line 443:
#Fixed a Crash when Extracting data-sets in the Assign BC dialog
#Fixed a Crash when Extracting data-sets in the Assign BC dialog
#Fixed a issue where Dragging a project into SMS during start up causes problems
#Fixed a issue where Dragging a project into SMS during start up causes problems
=[[SMS:What's New in SMS 11.1|SMS 11.1 Release]] Bugfixes=
==SMS 11.1.19 - Release October 3, 2014==
*7472 Reading a BOUSS2D simulation results in a bad damping cellstring
*7433 Reproject all Does Not Change Display Projection
*7428 If a New Project is Read in, The Projection is set before the old data is check on or cleared out
*7439 Projection not set with "extra.h5" file when it should be
==SMS 11.1.18 - Release September 8, 2014==
This is a version release for SMS 11.1
*7280 Fixed a Time Series Issue
*7366 SMS doesn't read the files associated with a B2D Project quite right
*7375 Zoom to selection does not function as expected
*7398 Merge meshes results in bad mesh
==SMS 11.1.17 - Release July 17, 2014==
This is a version release for SMS 11.1
*7144 - Fixed ADCIRC elevation forcing time interval
*7194 - Fixed Scatter->Mesh Activity not mapped
*7195 - Fixed a Resample timestep error
*7174 - Fixed Interpolating CGrid vector data to scatter
*7183 - Fixed an issue where Can't open large PTM .h5 file
==SMS 11.1.16 - Release May 30, 2014==
This is a version release for SMS 11.1
#Fixed a problem where Saving CMS-Wave Project Incomplete
#Fixed a problem with Mesh -> Scatter Crash
#Fixed a Problem with cell-by-cell activity in TUFLOW
#Fixed a problem where CMS-WAVE Telescoping Grid Unable to Read Vector Data
#Fixed a problem where Static Image not linked to the project file
#Fixed a problem where Contour label options are always labeled as meters
==SMS 11.1.15 - Release April 26, 2014==
This is a version release for SMS 11.1
#Fixed a Problem where ADH Load Solution From Model Wrapper Was Not Working
#Fixed a Problem where USE_AVALANCHING was being written twice in CMS-FLOW cmcards file
#Fixed a Problem where SMS writes out wrong TUFLOW card
#Fixed Errors importing native TUFLOW simulation
#Fixed Prompt to update to version that doesn't exist
#Fixed Crash opening project
#Fixed a Problem where Dataset Toolbox gives inconsistent values of "NULL" so contours don't process correctly
#Fixed a Problem where Null value/Inactivity array - save null value in h5 for each dataset
#Fixed a Problem where Null value/Inactivity array - read inactivity array from h5 for each dataset
#Fixed a Problem where Null value/Inactivity array - display contours of CGRIDS using NullVal or InactArray
#Fixed a Problem where Null value/Inactivity array - display contours of Scatter using NullVal or InactArray
#Fixed a Problem where Null value/Inactivity array - display contours of Mesh using NullVal or InactArray
#Fixed a Problem where Null value/Inactivity array - convert scatter to mesh with correct NullVal or InactArray
#Fixed a Problem where Null value/Inactivity array - identify inconsistencies in NullVal or InactArray between Map and Filter in toolbox
#Fixed a Problem where Null value/Inactivity array - set data range correctly when reading XYZ file
#Fixed Active/Inactive Cells for TUFLOW
#Fixed TUFLOW Active/Inactive Cell Display Confusion
#Fixed Initial text in cursor tracking window
#Fixed ADCIRC nodestring BC crash
#Fixed Crash performing mesh->scatter
==SMS 11.1.14 - Release March 25, 2014==
This is a version release for SMS 11.1
#Fixed an Error Reading ADCIRC fort.22 file
#Fixed an Error where "Unable to Find Expected Solution Components" After Running CMS-FLOW
==SMS 11.1.12 - Release January 16, 2014==
This is a version release for SMS 11.1
#Fixed Select/Delete data not selecting cartesian grid cells
#Fixed an issue where STWAVE spectral parameters are not stored with the project
#Fixed an issue where Spectral Energy dialog does not import/export STWAVE formatted spectra (eng) file for latest version
#Fixed an issue where  Display Transparency Ctrl does not work for Vtk Mesh
#Fixed CGWAVE Trans Error
#Fixed Dataset Calculator crash
#Fixed an issue where  Exporting STWAVE files causes disconnect with the project files and folders
#Fixed Errors reading in an ADH project
#Fixed an issue where  CAD->Map creates duplicate nodes
#Fixed an issue where  SMS loads a solution when it shouldn't and dataset is wrong
#Fixed an issue where  LTFATE to map and toggling grid display broke
#Fixed an issue where  SMS doesn't read in TUFLOW solution file into the correct projection.
#Fixed an issue where  DMI tables exporting even though disabled.
#Fixed an issue where  DMI CMS-FLOW Dependency Not Working
#Fixed an issue where  Loading SRH Files causes SMS to Crash
==SMS 11.1.11 - Release December 15, 2013==
This is a version release for SMS 11.1
#Fixed PTM grid datasets not populating concentration
#Fixed an issue causing the .sms project file saves out a reference to the orginal .sms -- meaning when you go to load the new one, it also loads old.
#Fixed an issue causing the SRH model parameters to not be saved in the SMS project
#Fixed an issue causing Merging nodestrings not functioning as expected
#Fixed an issue causing Map->2D Mesh hang
#Fixed an issue causing Zonal Classification Crash
#Fixed an issue of being unable to extract CMS BC
#Fixed an issue causing Error assigning Manning's n for TUFLOW simulations
#Fixed an issue causing Time Series plot in SMS with some observation points missing and some duplicated
#Fixed an issue causing Select nodes hang
#Fixed an issue of CMS Steering not read in the output files after a run.
#Fixed an issue causing DMI tables being exported even though disabled.
==SMS 11.1.10 - Release November 7, 2013==
This is a version release for SMS 11.1
The following bugs have been fixed in this version.
#Fixed an issue causing a failure to read in Cgrid datasets.
#Fixed an issue causing the CGWAVE Model Control Long wave toolbox to not use specific periods.
#Fixed an issue causing the hardbottom dataset to not save out with the project.
#Fixed an issue causing multiple .LAS files to be read in when only selecting a single file.
#Fixed an issue causing the BOUSS2D parameters to not manage consistently and causing the .spf file not to write out.
#Fixed a crash caused by only registering BOUSS2D license and trying to read in an .h5 file.
#Fixed a crash caused by performing Map->2D Mesh feature.
#Fixed an issue causing the Map->Mesh feature to leave elements outside ofthe domain.
#Updated the way SMS handles extreme zoom levels with vectors enabled.
#Fixed an issue causing CMS-FLOW models to not write out the bottom friction.
#Resolved an issue causing nodestring labels to get visibility settings from 'Mulitple assigned' option when not necessary.
==SMS 11.1.9 - Release October 7, 2013==
This is a version release for SMS 11.1
#Fixed an issue causing mesh subset editing to leave scalar dataset values.
#Fixed an issue causing Tidal database access from CMS-Flow to not use time specific variables.
#Fixed an issue causing TUFLOW check files projection information to not export for the ArcGIS format.
#Fixed an issue causing a set view to display incorrectly after changing timesteps while having vectors displayed.
#Resolved an issue resulting in the failure to read an ADCIRC control file with the ADCIRC/SWAN coupling specified.
#Fixed an issue relating to ADCIRC spatial attribute (fort.13) files to now read in correctly.
#Fixed an issue causing Mesh data to not be saved out with certain projects.
#Resolved a crash relating to the ADCIRC Spatial Attributes window.
#Fixed an issue causing B2D Wave Maker condition to handle Irregular waves from the file incorrectly.
#Resolved an issue preventing the ability to interpolate a raster to mesh.
#Fixed an issue causing the conversion of a telescoping grid to not handle all levels of the grid.
#Fixed an issue causing the oblique display of functional surfaces to frame incorrectly.
#Resolved an issue causing the text in Scalar to Vector dialog to cease updating after switching data set types multiple times.
#Resolved an issue causing STWAVE simulation projects to lose the links to spectra in its cases.
#Fixed an issue causing BOUSS2D grids to not contour the first cell.
#Fixed an issue causing Land Cells to be contoured in CMS-FLOW non-telescoping grids.
==SMS 11.1.8 - Release September 5, 2013==
This is a version release for SMS 11.1
#Resolved an issue causing SMS to freeze when moving a TUFLOW component.
#Fixed a crash caused by editing multiple TUFLOW BC coverage arcs at the same time.
#Fixed an issue causing SMS to freeze if the user selected an invalid STWAVE surge dataset.
#Fixed an issue causing the WAM model to output bad files.
#Fixed an issue causing SMS to hang onto specific xmdf.sup files even after the project was closed.
#Resolved an issue causing the constant wind STWAVE option to have no effect on the model.
#Fixed a crash resulting from converting a Map -> 2D Mesh in 64 bit versions.
#Fixed projection issues relating to TUFLOW projects -- changing project will now change the default measurement type.
#Fixed an issue causing extracted ADCRIC tidal constituents to not maintain their proper sequencing.
#Resolved an issue that resulted in inaccurate number of CGRID cells to be reported.
#Fixed an issue causing SMS to hang after adding a scatter point to a corrupt TIN file.
#Resolved an error while reading in shapefiles.
#Fixed a crash caused while using the TUFLOW CSDB->Cov feature.
#Resolved plotting issues that were causing the Plot to not display all defined curves.
==SMS 11.1.7 - Release August 5, 2013==
This is a version release for SMS 11.1
#Fixed an issue causing breaklines to merge incorrectly.
#Fixed an issue causing the 'CsDb -> Cov' button in the 'CsDb Management' window to not function properly.
#Fixed an issue causing an error while writing un-layered FC Shapes to the .tgc file.
#Fixed an issue causing SMS to not pave correctly if the working projection is in Geographic space, also fixed a crash that occurred when mapping to mesh.
#Fixed an issue causing a crash while previewing a Mesh in the '2D Mesh Polygon Properties' window.
#Fixed a crash caused by processing boundary triangles.
#Updated the generic model checker to give complete boundary condition messages.
#Resolved an issue preventing users from deleting the AdH Hotstart folder and datasets.
#Fixed an issue causing a crash as a result of reading in Curvilinear grids written by SMS after reading from LTFATE files.
#Fixed an issue causing Cartesian Grid data to appear distorted and at time, to not read in at all.
#Fixed a crash caused from reading in LTFATE .dat files.
#Resolved issues causing the Observation Profile Wizard to not work properly with 1D-2D.
#Fixed an issue causing duplicate scatter set GUID errors when saving SMS projects which would result in a permanent loss of scatter set elevation data.
#Fixed issues relating to the conversion of Vectors to Scalars for telescoping grids.
#Fixed an issue causing TUFLOW interface to write out inconsistent .mid & .mif files.
#Resolved an issue causing 'Map -> 2D Mesh' feature to have too great of a tolerance -- resulting in bad meshes.
#Fixed an issue causing ADCIRC Prep to fail if the directory path was too long.
#Fixed a crash caused by loading an ADH Solution file.
#Resolved an issue causing the display of the background image to shift when creating flow trace animations.
#Fixed an issue causing the 'Nodestring Renumber' feature to be unavailable unless a nodestring was selected.
==SMS 11.1.6 - Release July 8, 2013==
This is a version release for SMS 11.1
#Fixed a problem relating to importing incomplete shape files.
#Fixed an issue causing the mesh to remain in the display after being deleted.
#Fixed an issue causing the spectral generator to not generate the same spectra values from different directions.
#Fixed an issue causing errors to occur while reading in Scatter sets.
#Fixed an issue causing contours on a CMS-Flow telescoping grid to be displayed with 'steps' where it used to appear smoothly.
#Resolved an issue causing PADCIRC not to run in certain projects.
#Fixed an issue that was preventing STWAVE from running.
#Resolved a crash resulting from changing the position of the scatter set in the project explorer.
#Fixed an issue causing bathymetry interpolation to not give accurate results.
#Resolved issues causing vectors on a grid to appear differently when printed than it did on screen.
#Fixed a crash caused from converting Map -> 2D Mesh.
#Resolved a crash in ADCIRC spatial attributes dialog.
#Fixed a crash caused from moving a mesh node.
#Resolved issues with the ADH Model Control Checker resulting in reports that Output Times were not being assigned.
==SMS 11.1.5 - Release May 30, 2013==
This is a version release for SMS 11.1
#Fixed a crash caused by the use of spaces in CGWAVE Trans Program.
#Fixed an issue causing the time to not be updated in an ADCIRC fort.22 file.
#Resolved an issue that caused File|Save for scattersets not to work with certain registrations.
#Fixed an issue causing a valid scatter triangle to be reported as invalid.
#Resolved an issue causing error messages to pop up while opening FESWMS projects.
#Fixed texture mapping issues.
#ADCIRC tidal conditions values will now save when leaving the dialog.
#Resolved an issue regarding CMS-Wave solution files to not open properly.
#Resolved a problem that was stopping users from setting an MPIEXE location.
#Fixed a crash caused by Refine Elements option.
#Fixed an issue causing .wav files saved in SMS 11.0 to not read into SMS 11.1.
#Fixed an issue causing ASCII output files to not be read in after an STWAVE run.
#Fixed a crash caused by spectral data with an NaN value.
#Resolved an issue causing a polygon select data dialog to not react to user input.
#Resolved an issue causing CMS-WAVE to run more cases than were present.
#Resolved an issue causing CMS-WAVE solutions to write out incorrect output data.
#Fixed an issue causing CMS-FLOW harmonic bc to not be restored.
#Fixed an issue that was stopping the user from converting from a mesh to a VTK mesh due to unsupported element types.
#Fixed a crash caused by deleting nodes in a mesh.
#Resolved an issue causing CMS-FLOW executable to not run correctly.
#Fixed a problem causing STWAVE .sim files to not write out correctly.
#Updated the CMS-FLOW Model Checker dialog to give the user accurate information.
#Resolved an issue with CMS-FLOW flux calculation to now create accurate data.
#Fixed an issue with tabbing across spreadsheets within the Cross Sections dialog.
#Fixed an issue causing the Extracted BC Dialog window to only get larger after resizing the window.
#Fixed an issue causing the GenCade Breakwater data to disappear when the data was not active.
#Fixed an issue causing BOUSS2D .eta and .uv files to not read in.
#Resolved an issue causing CMS-FLOW projects to change cell values from 999 to -999 after they were unselected or saved out.
==SMS 11.1.4 - Release April 25, 2013==
This is a version release for SMS 11.1
#Resolved an issue allowing the user to only change plot datasets once.
#Fixed an issue causing STWAVE to error out upon running.
#Fixed an issue causing Pre-ADH to fail if material is defined but not in the mesh.
#Fixed an issue causing STWAVE results to be displayed incorrectly.
#Resolved an issue that caused SMS to hang while cleaning a coverage.
#Resolved issues causing the reading in of Curvilinear grids to take much longer than before.
#Resolved an issue causing nodestrings to not have the ability to be merged.
#Fixed an issue causing 'Define Domain' command to not be present in CGWAVE coverage.
#Fixed an issue causing coverages not have the ability to be deleted.
#Resolved an issue causing 'Process Boundary Triangles' to not be visible.
#Resolved an issue causing vectors to pull data from the wrong scalar sets.
#Fixed an issue causing Line Properties to not save or plot correctly.
#Fixed an issue causing a 5th line to not be visible in the Cross Sections Attributes chart.
#Resolved issues related to the CMS-Flow dynamic dialog.
#Fixed an issue causing CMS-Flow solutions to not be read in after model runs.
#Resolved an issue causing the selection of triangles to not work properly if zoomed in too closely.
#Fixed an issue causing a crash to occur after displaying vectors on a grid.
==SMS 11.1.3 - Beta Release April 5, 2013==
This is a bugfix release for SMS 11.1
#Updated the output format of CMS-Flow data.
#Resolved an issue that was causing errors after a successful STWAVE run.
#Fixed a problem that was causing SMS to write out improper TUFLOW 1D-2D connections.
#Resolved an issue where vectors were not showing properly after an STWAVE run.
#Modified the manner in which CMS-Wave is executed.
#Resolved an issue causing older CMS-Flow project to not read in properly.
#Resolved an issue causing CMS-Flow grid data to appear inverted.
#Fixed Bouss Sim transects to now display correctly.
#Fixed a problem relating to Bouss causing SMS to read in one transect multiple times and others not at all.
#Fixed an issue causing projection to get transformed twice.
#Resolved an issue causing Map on the fly feature to not work for interpolation of CMS-Flow boundary conditions.
#Fixed an issue related to the Bouss Probe Rules window upon creating the coverage.
#Resolved an issue causing Edit|Select All feature to not work.
#Fixed a problem causing the grid to be hidden after merging grid cells.
#Fixed a problem causing project on the fly to not work, which resulted in bad values.
#Fixed an issue with Active Materials causing the materials to not show up in sub windows.
#Updated various CMS-Flow output features.
#Resolved a problem causing data ranges on converted spectra to be inaccurate.
#Fixed an issue causing display projection to set to Mercator when shapefile with Geographic projection is already loaded.
#Resolved an issue causing Bouss2d projects to not read in properly.
#Fixed an issue causing CMS-Flow table count dependencies to not update properly after an insert.
#Resolved a problem with processing boundary triangles missing some triangles.
#Fixed an issue causing a crash while saving out a CMS-Wave file.
#Fixed an issue causing a crash while loading an FLT file as a scatter.
#Resolved an issue causing the data set to shop up as a 'z' icon rather than a '123' icon after reading in a survey file as a scatter.
#Fixed an issue that required an extra click while selecting a data set for interpolation.
#Resolved an issue causing Sediment CML information to not be present while dragging .cmcards onto the SMS shortcut.
#Updated CMS-Flow observation points to convert to save points.
#Fixed a crash caused while saving out an ADCIRC project.
#Resolved an issue causing dynamic images to read in as static images after saving and reloading the project.
#Resolved multiple related issues with importing ADCIRC files.
#Fixed a problem causing SMS to freeze while writing out certain datasets.
#Fixed an issue causing SMS to crash upon deleting Particle Data.
#Fixed a crash that was caused from 'Feature Objects|Find' command.
#Resolved an issue causing TULFOW downstream BC's to not be saved.
#Removed 3D coverage functionality from SMS 11.1 as it is not supported.
#Fixed an issue where Dynamic tool bars were not being updated after renaming a coverage and changing its type.
#Resolved an issue where SMS would not write 2D-2D TUFLOW grid properly.
#Fixed a problem causing splitting of a grid row in CMS Wave to distort all bathymetry values before the split line.
#Resolved an issue that caused Observation points to be off by one cell value when read into SMS 11.1.
#Adjusted the Location column in the Preferences window to take up the full width of the window.
==SMS 11.1.2 - Beta Release February 13, 2013==
This is a bugfix release for SMS 11.1
#Fixed an issue with converting Grids to Maps.
#Fixed an issue causing AdH to fail if a material is defined but not in the mesh.
#Resolved an issue where loading an RMA2 solution after disabling elements caused the geometry to not match.
#Fixed an issue causing the display of scatter sets to not refresh properly.
#Fixed an issue causing the FESWMS Model Control BC Descriptor name to not be retained.
#Fixed an issue causing an error while reading a file.
#Resolved issues with CMS-FLOW interface and the file formats it writes out.
#Fixed an issue with TUFLOW causing the CsDb dialog to not pop up properly.
#Resolved a crashing issue with CGWAVE Reset 1D Spacing function.
#Resolved an issue with fly reprojection concerning GIS layers.
#Resolved an issue with output times not being saved in the AdH Model Control dialog.
#Fixed an issue causing CMS Dynamic Datasets to not write out correctly.
#Fixed an issue causing SMS to hang while saving a bugged mesh file.
#Fixed an issue causing TUFLOW BC Conditions to not be saved.
#Fixed an issue where the values in the plot were not matching the values in the dataset.
#Fixed an issue where a CMS-FLOW run was trying to read in a file that did not exist.
#Resolved an issue where reading in multiple .cmcards files caused the IJ triad to not display in the proper location.
#Resolved an issue causing SMS to appear to hang while merging a subset mesh back into a large mesh.
===New Features===
MIKE 21 (*.mesh) files can now be loaded into SMS 11.1 and later. See the article [[SMS:MIKE 21 *.mesh|MIKE 21 *.mesh]].
==SMS 11.1.1 - Beta Release January 17, 2013==
This is a bugfix release for SMS 11.1
#Fixed an issue with AdH Model losing data.
#Fixed issue related to TUFLOW 1D causing a crash.
#Fixed issues related to AdH Sediment Bed Layers tab.
#Resolved an issue causing processing boundary triangles to miss some triangles.
#Fixed a crash caused from reading in a bad .sol file type.
#Fixed a crash related to AdH Nodal Boundary conditions.
#Fixed a crash caused by saving out BOUSS2D damping information.
#Fixed a crash related to merging scatter sets with delete old sets option.
#Resolved a tabbing order issue in the AdH model interface.
#Resolved an issue with dragging certain coverages into the TUFLOW simulations.
#If a user tries to read in an incomplete .sol file type they will now be notified that it is incomplete.
#Resolved an issue where SMS was not writing all necessary .hot information out when saving.
==SMS 11.1.1 – Beta Release December 11, 2012==
This is a bugfix release for SMS 11.1.0
#Resolved issues related to interpolating from rasters or raster sets to scatter sets.
#Resolved issue related to the display of contours on a raster (or raster set) as a surface. Scalar values were being offset by half a raster cell.
#Added a display state for each raster when the raster is saved to an SMS project so that they are not turned on when the project is loaded.
#If a user tries to process boundary triangles when the display projection is not the same projection used by the scatter set will immediately tell the user that the display projection must be changed.
#The order of rasters in the list will now control the drawing order.  Dragging a raster to a lower position in the raster set will hide that raster behind rasters above it in the list.
#Messages related to reading incomplete AdH solutions have been modified to reduce the confusion.  Redundant messages have been removed.  AdH solution folders are now preserved when a project is saved.
#Fixed issue with converted selected map (feature) objects to a scatter set.

=Older Bugfixes=
=Older Bugfixes=

Revision as of 15:02, 17 August 2015

The SMS Intermediate Release Bugfixes page for released versions of SMS:

SMS 12.0 Release Bugfixes

SMS 12.0.5 - Release August 4, 2015


  • 8188 SMS crashes when opening multiple files including fort.64 fort.64 and other ADCIRC files.
  • 8177 Fixed errors in ADCIRC LTEA tutorial to work with recent changes to the LTEA meshing toolbox.
  • 8104 SMS was not creating the unit 23 file even when it was set to be created.


  • 7984 Fixed issues with the sidewall boundary conditions.


  • 8117 BOUSS-2D Generating arcs along land boundaries not using elevation scalar set.


  • 8186 user defined weir coefficient input boxes displayed for wrong options.
  • 8161 has no upstream/downstream arc assignment when using paired boundary.
  • 8167 Model control label is "Total Simulation Time" when it should be "Simulation End Time".
  • 8160 material display options not working as expected on SRH-2D boundary condition meshes.


  • 8184 Unable to read in the solutions .cgo file.


  • 8159 Creating arcs caused node numbering to change, and added gaps.
  • 8158 Can't find feature point by ID.
  • 8100 Incorrect Extracted Values at Observation Arcs.
  • 8033 Right Click Menu not defined for dynamic maps.


  • 8061 Model check not functioning properly.
  • 8062 Tutorial model does not run successfully.


  • 8168 Mesh generation toolbox was missing in the menu for ADCIRC.
  • 8162 Unable to deselect feature objects while multi-selecting in 2D mesh polygon properties dialogue.
  • 8152 Incorrect snap preview.
  • 8097 Mesh created with overlapping elements.
  • 8116 SMS Not exporting BC node strings correctly.
  • 8098 Crash optimizing triangulation of SMS generated mesh.
  • 8099 SMS saves bad mesh after refining elements.
  • 8091 Crash Interpolating scatter to mesh.


  • 8110 Model checker sometimes doesn't recognize the mesh and materials that are in the project.

Scatter Data

  • 8151 Can't merge scatter sets after using to much memory.
  • 8154 Incorrect extracted plot from scatter in certain cases.


  • 8137 Selecting triangles of a TIN causes SMS to crash in certain cases.


  • 8164 Can't save project with DGN data.
  • 8138 MIF/MID importing errors.


  • 8108 Can't delete items from project.
  • 8180 Save tabular data mixing of meshes and datasets.
  • 8107 Project corrupted after saving in certain cases.
  • 8157 Delete key unresponsive when deleting arcs and other map objects.
  • 8130 Deleting datasets that are changed outside of SMS caused datasets in the project tree to be deleted
  • 8123 Removed unnecessary messages from Delete All operation.
  • 8125 Reading in a Materials file with foreign characters does not read in properly.
  • 8026 Removed unnecessary message about remote desktop from startup.

SMS 12.0.4 - Release June 16, 2015

  • 8032 SRH Not Outputting at Specified Interval
  • 8079 Rectangular patch not clearing previous mesh
  • 8060 Scale/Printing Issue
  • 8080 Displayed snapping location is wrong when first opening the project
  • 8071 Incorrect display of SRH boundary condition labels
  • 8029 Zoom to Selection Not working when display features are turned off
  • 8067 Printing crash
  • 8073 Changing one SRH2D BC coverage changes other SRH2D BC coverage
  • 8068 CMS Model Check and Sediment Datasets
  • 8034 Time series curves linked on duplicate SRH BC coverages
  • 7591 Redistribute arc using source/target fails with bias distribution on source
  • 8064 SRH-2D Model Checker Crashes
  • 8025 SMS does not remember the path to the HY8 executable if the registry is already set
  • 7461 SRH Variable WSE tutorial files don't work
  • 7345 Can't run STWAVE through SMS
  • 8052 Datasets not included in Mesh->Scatter Operation
  • 8050 Slow vector display
  • 8048 Plot From Observation Profile Not Appearing In Graph
  • 8031 Loading ADCIRC Meshes Causes Multiple Meshes with the Same Name
  • 8028 Saving Mesh Subsets
  • 8015 projection changes on load
  • 8030 Shapes->Map and can create duplicate coverage names
  • 8041 Non-admin user with partial SMS license can't set file paths
  • 8008 Incorrect Profile Plot
  • 8016 SRH2D Duplicate Coverage Errors
  • 8024 Spectral coverage "Projection.." right click menu item does nothing
  • 8023 snapping elements not correct
  • 7834 Various issues found while working on East End Bay project
  • 7978 dataset not saved in DMI
  • 7918 Z direction of multiple meshes flips
  • 7991 Generic Mesh Model, can't uncheck Activate parameter group
  • 7989 Generic Mesh Model does not save parameter group correlation for BC
  • 7994 Display of Cartesian Grid Data is Incorrect
  • 7998 Reading project file hangs SMS
  • 7940 BC lost when editing mesh subset
  • 7999 The SRH-2D DMI writes multiple pressure cards in srhhydro file incorrectly

SMS 12.0.3 - Release May 20, 2015

  • 8016 SRH2D Duplicate Coverage Errors
  • 8024 Spectral coverage "Projection.." right click menu item does nothing
  • 8008 Incorrect Profile Plot
  • 8023 snapping elements not correct
  • 7978 dataset not saved in DMI
  • 7834 Various issues found while working on East End Bay project
  • 7918 Z direction of multiple meshes flips
  • 7998 Reading project file hangs SMS
  • 7940 BC lost when editing mesh subset
  • 7991 Generic Mesh Model, can't uncheck Activate parameter group
  • 7989 Generic Mesh Model does not save parameter group correlation for BC
  • 7994 Display of Cartesian Grid Data is Incorrect
  • 7999 The SRH-2D DMI writes multiple pressure cards in srhhydro file incorrectly
  • 7985 Certain BC not available when exactly two nodestrings selected
  • 7974 SRH Geometry Nodestrings not written correctly for SRH Model
  • 7975 Incorrect BC arc labeling
  • 7973 SRH BC not displayed
  • 7961 SMS hangs when opening ADH solution file
  • 7979 Cell sizes change with reprojection
  • 7933 Coverage created from scatter boundary has issues
  • 7966 SRH Project in 11.2 doesn't read correctly into 12.0
  • 7964 Crashing Stamping Feature
  • 7957 Opening saved SRH-2D project creates duplicate datasets.
  • 7963 The case of the mysterious red rectangle
  • 7784 STWAVE Numeric Model Crashes Midway Through Running
  • 7378 STWAVE Tutorial Crash
  • 7951 Vertical Units Undefined
  • 7949 Crash performing Model Check
  • 7950 Model Check for SRH says there is no mesh
  • 7952 Renaming Mesh doesn't update name in simulation link
  • 7889 Attempting to Open a SRH-2D Causes a Crash
  • 7955 Deleting scatter point converts dataset to Z
  • 7925 Can't run TUFLOW-FV from SMS
  • 7199 STWAVE Crash when Use time steps is specified
  • 7917 Single node value not editable for ADCIRC nodal attribute
  • 7941 Crash refining elements
  • 7944 Nodal BC symbols not showing up unless the nodes are also displayed
  • 7915 Double Click arc group crash
  • 7942 Checkboxes in Runup/Overtopping Model Control Dialog Aren't Being Initialized
  • 7878 ADH materials can't be deleted
  • 7924 Can't read TUFLOW FV Vector Solution
  • 7934 Unidentified Label in Node Options
  • 7938 File Import Wizard Hangs SMS
  • 7937 Trimming a scatter set destroys the data values (only 1 data set)

SMS 11.2 Release Bugfixes

SMS 11.2.12 - Release August 4, 2015

  • 8188 SMS crashes when opening multiple files.
  • 8177 Can't run model in LTEA tutorial
  • 8061 WAM Model Check not functioning
  • 8151 Can't merge scatter sets
  • 8108 Can't delete items from project
  • 8168 Mesh Generation Toolbox Menu Item
  • 8107 Project corrupted after saving
  • 8130 Deleting Datasets that are changed outside of SMS
  • 8138 MIF/MID importing errors
  • 8154 Incorrect extracted plot from scatter
  • 8159 Creating Arcs changes feature point numbering
  • 8137 Selecting triangles of a TIN causes SMS to crash
  • 8158 Can't find feature point by ID
  • 8123 Unnecessary messages during Delete All operation
  • 8062 WAM Tutorial Model Does Not Run Successfully
  • 8125 Reading in a Materials file with German characters does not read in the German characters.
  • 8099 SMS saves bad mesh after refining elements
  • 8104 SMS not creating unit 23 file for ADCIRC
  • 8091 Crash Interpolating Scatter to Mesh
  • 8026 When first starting SMS an annoying message about remote desktop appears

SMS 11.2.11 - Release June 16, 2015

  • 8046 Error Message Appears Stating "No Defined Boundary Condition Options Found For This Entity.
  • 7468 SRH Restart File Option Not Saving
  • 8072 Changing visibility of CGrid causes errors in TUFLOW
  • 8032 SRH Not Outputting at Specified Interval
  • 8079 Rectangular patch not clearing previous mesh
  • 8060 Scale/Printing Issue
  • 8055 CMS-Flow model check and model wrapper errors
  • 8029 Zoom to Selection Not working when display features are turned off
  • 8067 Printing crash
  • 8068 CMS Model Check and Sediment Datasets
  • 7591 Redistribute arc using source/target fails with bias distribution on source
  • 7461 SRH Variable WSE tutorial files don't work
  • 7345 Can't run STWAVE through SMS
  • 8052 Datasets not included in Mesh->Scatter Operation
  • 8054 SMS not writing projection card to cmcards file
  • 8050 Slow vector display
  • 8048 Plot From Observation Profile Not Appearing In Graph
  • 8031 Loading ADCIRC Meshes Causes Multiple Meshes with the Same Name
  • 8028 Saving Mesh Subsets
  • 8015 projection changes on load
  • 8008 Incorrect Profile Plot
  • 7834 Various issues found while working on East End Bay project
  • 7918 Z direction of multiple meshes flips
  • 7977 SRH restart file location not saved
  • 7991 Generic Mesh Model, can't uncheck Activate parameter group
  • 7989 Generic Mesh Model does not save parameter group correlation for BC
  • 7994 Display of Cartesian Grid Data is Incorrect

SMS 11.2.10 - Release May 12, 2015

  • 7994 Display of Cartesian Grid Data is Incorrect
  • 7991 Generic Mesh Model, can't uncheck Activate parameter group
  • 7989 Generic Mesh Model does not save parameter group correlation for BC
  • 7985 Certain BC not available when exactly two nodestrings selected
  • 7982 SMS Tutorial: GIS
  • 7981 Projection not set in Reproject dialog
  • 7979 Cell sizes change with reprojection
  • 7977 SRH restart file location not saved
  • 7962 Specified SRH model location doesn't save
  • 7961 SMS hangs when opening ADH solution file
  • 7957 Opening saved SRH-2D project creates duplicate datasets.
  • 7955 Deleting scatter point converts dataset to Z
  • 7942 Checkboxes in Runup/Overtopping Model Control Dialog Aren't Being Initialized
  • 7937 Trimming a scatter set destroys the data values (only 1 data set)
  • 7925 Can't run TUFLOW-FV from SMS
  • 7924 Can't read TUFLOW FV Vector Solution
  • 7918 Z direction of multiple meshes flips
  • 7917 Single node value not editable for ADCIRC nodal attribute
  • 7916 PreSRH2D not running
  • 7913 SMS not reading "merged" nodes from the .map file
  • 7910 Zoom and Pan Performance Issues
  • 7901 When ok doesn't mean ok
  • 7889 Attempting to Open a SRH-2D Causes a Crash
  • 7888 Interpolate from scatter to scatter crash
  • 7885 BOUSS2D not saving the damping grid file (may exist in 11.2 as well)
  • 7872 DMI output time table crashes when deleting a row
  • 7871 Shapes -> Feature Objects Does not create new coverage
  • 7863 Merging meshes causes BC to be lost
  • 7859 SRH-2D interface deletes the contents of the HY8 file (creates a blank file) when linking
  • 7857 Data not saved to h5 file
  • 7854 Saving Materials Coverage as a Shapefile does not include Material names or IDs
  • 7852 Mesh projection blocks interpolation - late
  • 7851 PTM Model wrapper update
  • 7850 SMS Hangs Merging Meshes

SMS 11.2.9 - Release March 13, 2015

  • 7808 GIS to Feature Objects Wizard Closes Without Ever Going to Step 2
  • 7837 Review of help text for menu items
  • 7827 Plot Wizard with VTK Mesh Crash
  • 7804 Incorrect units in BOUSS2D Wavemaker
  • 7805 SMS reverts to quadratic elements after using linear elements
  • 7815 Convert Observation Points to Scatter Not Available
  • 7814 Dummy Observation Points Set Incorrectly for Fort.62
  • 7816 DXF->Map Crash
  • 7817 Merge Mesh Crash
  • 7835 SMS Tutorial Error: Listboxes Lack Checkboxes in BOUSS2D Solution View Dialog
  • 7813 Crash loading ADCIRC unit 62 file
  • 7809 Not Selecting a Coverage type In the GIS to Feature Objects Wizard Causes a Crash
  • 7800 Nodestrings Not Updating Projection
  • 7768 Spectral Energy Angle Bin Size
  • 7795 Contour range values not initialized correctly
  • 7785 SMS Doesn't Save Reference Time When Importing Spectral Data
  • 7787 11.2 - Opening 2dm File Sets the Incorrect Value for Parameter
  • 7780 Duplicate Initial Depth Dataset
  • 7786 Project File Crashes SMS
  • 7781 SMS Hangs when cleaning feature objects
  • 7757 Pre-ADH Error with ITL and NTL
  • 7750 Can't delete initial depth folder after converting from ADH to SRH or other model
  • 7770 SMS Not Saving Particle Data Simulation
  • 7769 Opening Project Has Issue With Generic Mesh Template
  • 7751 Message about mesh being out of date is not accurate
  • 7766 Warning Window Constantly Popping Up About Contours Legend Box
  • 7754 Default "Generic Model Definition" gets created and is in the way
  • 7752 Contour options checked and changed when they are not on - causes annoyance and slow down
  • 7753 Generic Model Coverages can become corrupted on read of "map" file.
  • 7722 Generic template not saved to new folder
  • 7696 Unable to delete VTK mesh dataset
  • 7740 Conversion from selected vertices to scatter points not working
  • 7741 Merging coverages does not maintain elevation of arcs
  • 7745 Offset arc elevation is set to 0.0
  • 7715 Model Check Not Running Before Exporting and/or Launching SRH-2D
  • 7726 SMS crashes when saving, exporting, and running BOUSS2D
  • 7723 Display of Project Explorer tree toggles not correct
  • 7729 File | Save crashes SMS
  • 7705 Gap in vector display
  • 7716 Attempting to Open .sol File Without Opening a Project First Causes SMS to Crash
  • 7548 Merging Overlapping Meshes Causes Geometry Problems
  • 7623 Plot window film loop broken
  • 7693 CMS Project Error and Crash
  • 7704 Build Polygon command alters material type for some existing polygons
  • 7687 Material Properties not saved in generic model
  • 7695 Can't use Intl Feet for SRH

SMS 11.2.8 - Release January 19, 2015

  • 7695 Can't Use Intl Feet for SRH-2D
  • 7687 Material Properties not saved in Generic Model
  • 7548 Merging Overlapping Meshes Causes Geometry Problems
  • 7704 Build Polygon Command Alters Material Type for Some Existing Polygons
  • 7660 Nodestring Interal Error
  • 7682 SMS assigns all mesh nodes same XYZ coordinate when running RiverFlow2D with v11.2 template
  • 7665 Units/Projection Mixed-Up
  • 7668 STWAVE coordinate system not written out correctly
  • 7657 Can't run Generic Models RiverFlow2D after loading solution
  • 7656 CMS-Wave model control issues
  • 7646 Can't set number of digits for CMS-Wave date/times
  • 7547 Create Mesh Quality Scatter Set Popup Item Causes SMS to Crash
  • 7636 Can't save scatter file
  • 7645 quadratic mesh nodes aren't flagged as midside when re-loaded in Sms
  • 7624 Merging Scatter Sets Crash
  • 7625 Contours not updating after triangulation is changed
  • 7644 cms flow save points cell id not correct when exporting
  • 7622 Grid frames displayed double
  • 7641 scalar value not updated
  • 7496 Dataset standard deviation is wrong
  • 7621 View is modified and the z direction flips
  • 7627 Scatter Merge priority lost when selecting maintain triangulation
  • 7626 Crash when merging scatter sets
  • 7633 Displaying wrong mannings N value
  • 7635 Holes in scatter triangulation
  • 7632 Monitor points not shown
  • 7620 Extra "mesh" folder and 2dm file created
  • 7618 Interpolate from Raster to Mesh Subset
  • 7619 Z-mag for cgrid appears wrong
  • 7326 Freeze assigning BC
  • 7617 Display projection set funny
  • 7592 Map files with generic model data not handled correctly
  • 7467 Right clicking on an SRH-2D coverage can give access to other coverage attributes
  • 7558 Crash Reading in BC File

SMS 11.2.7 - Release Novemeber 13, 2014

  • 7218 TUFLOW AD BC values don't save
  • 7377 Offset arcs function not functioning correctly
  • 7442 Extract Weir Elevations for selected nodestring crashes and is unclear as to purpose
  • 7476 Crash when double clicking in DMI coverage
  • 7477 SRH-2D *.srhmat file for a copied mesh(simulation) has no materials
  • 7481 Projection not saved for a default coverage with no data
  • 7484 SRH material properties are scrambled when building polygons
  • 7485 Bad projection after prompt to reproject
  • 7486 Rectangular Patch Crash
  • 7487 Merging meshes creates overlapping elements
  • 7493 SRH-2D (Dynamic Model) display text not changing to specified settings
  • 7497 Projection error in log when the projection should just change
  • 7509 Work in object projection function causes scatter set to disappear
  • 7517 Slow mesh merge
  • 7519 loss of boundary conditions in mesh merge
  • 7522 Crash Using Linear <-> Quadratic on Merged Mesh
  • 7525 Generic Model BC Group Classifications not preserved
  • 7526 Model specific data saved into the Generic Model Template
  • 7527 Generic Model reuses the curves of a material type
  • 7528 switching to generic model should also prompt for model (if more than 1)
  • 7529 duplicating a generic model mesh should also duplicate its boundary conditions
  • 7530 should not allow for template deletion if it is in use by a mesh
  • 7532 Flowtrace from single timestep of a transient dataset fails to generate animation
  • 7533 Sample timesteps from a transient dataset in the Dataset Toolbox allows 0.0 time step resulting in infinite loop
  • 7538 Crash when displaying materials on a duplicated mesh in DMI
  • 7541 switch current model should always be enabled and new right click command to create new mesh
  • 7544 Broken Mesh after Comitting or Reverting Subset with No Changes When Mesh Projection is Different from Display Projection
  • 7545 Merging Overlapping Meshes Loses Boundary Conditions
  • 7549 Generic Model Toggle writing out GP VAL wrong
  • 7550 generic model multiple material groups not working
  • 7554 SRH-2D material file is written wrong when material polygons with holes exist
  • 7557 Opening project file (.sms) gives projection messages it shouldn't
  • 7563 SMS 11.2 Crash on showing polygon fill when coverage has no materials
  • 7571 Rips occur when deleting nodes and retriangulating voids is on

SMS 11.2.6 - Release October 3, 2014

  • 7334 Incorrect Checkbox Display in Project Explorer
  • 7406 Nodestrings from Model Native Files are Corrupted
  • 7415 Unable to Interpolate between Two Nodes
  • 7407 H5 Gets Saved with Bad Connectivity
  • 7403 Merging Meshes Crash
  • 7414 Saving BOUSS2D Native Files Not WOrking for Second Simulation
  • 7444 Nodes in Mesh that lie on Boundary of a Feature Arc are Selected When Boundary is Out Flag is on
  • 7445 Unable to Read in H5 File
  • 7427 SMS files with no projection have mismatch problem
  • 7430 Mesh has odd projection
  • 7433 Reproject all Does Not Change Display Projection
  • 7428 If a New Project is Read in, The Projection is set before the old data is check on or cleared out
  • 7439 Projection not set with "extra.h5" file when it should be
  • 7332 SMS crashes when loading in TUFLOW .sup file and changing display options
  • 7458 Cannot Reproject Grid Frame In Coverage
  • 7465 The arcs of an SRH-2D Materials coverage are not displayed
  • 7437 ADCIRC File Save Error
  • 7460 Hang/Crash merging meshes
  • 7472 Reading a BOUSS2D simulation results in a bad damping cellstring
  • 7379 Simulation Icon Problem
  • 7470 Import SRHHyrdro File Doesn't Import Mannings N for Materials
  • 7471 Import SRHHydro File Has Issues with Exporting and Boundary Conditions
  • 7474 Projection issues with raster
  • 7479 Mapping GIS to Features takes hours

SMS 11.2.5 - Release September 8, 2014

  • 7368 Can't Triangulate Scatter Sets
  • 7329 Bad mesh boundary from Map -> 2D Mesh
  • 7366 SMS doesn't read the files associated with a B2D Project quite right
  • 7375 Zoom to selection does not function as expected
  • 7398 Merge meshes results in bad mesh
  • 7270 FESWMS projection units not read in correctly
  • 7344 SMS saves out vector dataset in two locations
  • 7347 Project Tree Missing Items after Reading in Project
  • 7339 Command to delete a generic model definition not in 11.2
  • 7333 Crash opening Map file
  • 7338 Assigning materials from an SRH-2D materials coverage to an SRH-2D mesh allows bad option - crash
  • 7327 SMS Polygon Attributes Dimmed when they should be active
  • 7337 SRH-2D time series curve file has extra lines that cause SRH-Pre to fail
  • 7322 Open Project Crash
  • 7330 Can't merge meshes
  • 7318 Dragging SRH coverage into a Map Module Folder hangs

SMS 11.2.4 - Release August 13, 2014

  • 7289 Fixed Error "No mesh exists" when there is a mesh
  • 7291 Fixed Nodestring Info not showing in the Selection Echo Window
  • 7290 FixedDiscrepancies in the Wet Area displayed in the Echo Window and the Status Bar
  • 7288 Fixed Selection Echo Window not displaying history
  • 7284 Fixed creating material property coverage activates additional coverage type
  • 7271 Fixed Loading FESWMS solution corrupts ceiling dataset
  • 7325 Fixed a Crash when Editing Arc Attributes
  • 7235 Fixed a Problem with Scatter Triangle and Contour Display not updating
  • 7202 Fixed a problem with an SRH Error finding .dat file
  • 7212 Fixed an SRH-2d Pre fail when reading a rating curve boundary
  • 7249 Fixed a Build Polygons Failure
  • 7256 Fixed a Problem with Delete with all nodes selected on a Mesh
  • 7241 Fixed Interpolation for Map->2D Grid
  • 7266 Fixed an Issue where Scatter Contour Display was not Updating when Deleting Triangles
  • 7286 Fixed duplicate datasets after running model
  • 7280 Fixed a Time Series Issue
  • 7265 Fixed the Distance between mesh nodes calculator

SMS 11.2.3 - Release July 15, 2014

  1. Fixed a problem where Contour label options are always labeled as meters
  2. Fixed a problem where CMS-WAVE Telescoping Grid were Unable to Read Vector Data
  3. Fixed SRH2D Error in finding HDF5 file
  4. Fixed a problem where Static Image not linked to the project file
  5. Fixed a problem where ADCIRC elevation forcing time interval
  6. Fixed Unexpected End of File When Reading in Project
  7. Fixed a problem where Scatter->Mesh Activity not mapped
  8. Fixed a Resample timestep error
  9. Fixed Interpolating CGrid vector data to scatter
  10. Fixed a problem where Saving display projection in "save settings" doesn't always work
  11. Fixed a problem where Opening the same atcf file two times does not create distinct coverages
  12. Fixed a problem where Can't open large PTM .h5 file
  13. Fixed a problem where Global renumber of SRH-2D ugrid scrambles material assignments
  14. Fixed a problem where TUFLOW AD BCs disappear

SMS 11.2.2 - Release June 02, 2014

This is a version release for SMS 11.2

  1. Fixed a Problem where Contour label options are always labeled as meters
  2. Fixed a Problem where CMS-WAVE Telescoping Grid Unable to Read Vector Data
  3. Fixed a Problem where SRH2D Error in finding HDF5 file
  4. Fixed a Problem where Static Image not linked to the project file
  5. Fixed a Problem where Saving CMS-Wave Project Incomplete
  6. Fixed TUFLOW Active/Inactive Cell Display Confusion
  7. Fixed a Crash when clicking 'OK' in Rectangular Patch Options
  8. Fixed a Problem where No Materials Data dialog for generic mesh elements. (11.2 32 bit)
  9. Fixed a Problem where Deleted disjoint nodes don't go away
  10. Fixed Mesh -> Scatter Crash
  11. Fixed a Problem with cell-by-cell activity in TUFLOW
  12. Fixed a Crash when Extracting data-sets in the Assign BC dialog
  13. Fixed a issue where Dragging a project into SMS during start up causes problems

Older Bugfixes

For older versions of SMS that are no longer actively supported, see the individual bugfix articles:

Bugfix Article Release Notes
Bugfixes SMS 10.0 SMS 10.0 Intermediate Release
Bugfixes SMS 10.1 SMS 10.1 Intermediate Release
Bugfixes SMS 11.0 SMS 11.0 Intermediate Release
Bugfixes SMS 11.1 SMS 11.1 Intermediate Release

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