SMS:Release Notes SMS
The SMS Intermediate Release Bugfixes page for released versions of SMS:
SMS 12.2 Release Bugfixes
SMS 12.2.11 - October 24, 2017
- 09998 Selected nodestring during saving causes renumbering
- 10067 Can't import XML file
- 09979 Map Legend is using Global Lighting making it hard to read.
- 09984 Numerical Precision not clear in GMI
- 09825 Depth Varying Roughness XY series only displays metric units
- 09695 Status Window Message Gives Wrong Impression of What Is Actually Happening
- 09960 TUFLOW Cross Section Plot not functioning correctly
- 10028 Plots in 12.2 are much slower than previous versions
- 09983 Crashing when editing BC value
- 09737 Compare datasets tool does not assign correct values in non-overlap region
- 09921 Linear contours not exported to CAD when using dataset contour options
- 09803 Mesh Contours to CAD Issue
- 10053 Bad Snapping
- 09824 Multi-Select and Add to SRH Simulation Issue
SMS 12.2.10 - September 26, 2017
- 09927 SRH “Assign Material Properties” dialog opens when double-clicking outside of any polygon
- 09999 Minor spelling issue with feature stamping
- 09965 SMS Incorrectly loading fort.22 wind file
- 09975 .dat file export does not contain data
- 09945 The river module commands cause SMS to crash.
- 09917 Typo in the Redistribute Vertices dialog
- 09972 GUI Test: Error updating widget value
- 09926 Project metadata remains after selecting “File | Delete All”
- 09852 Can't open file with umlaut in name
- 09933 Dataset contour options not defaulting correctly for datasets in a folder
- 09958 Can’t edit quadtree grid scalar dataset interpolated from scatter
- 09959 SMS appears to hang when accessing material properties
- 09898 Materials numbering error
- 09903 Summary Table give bad values with RMA2 mesh
- 09906 Modifying Polygons in SRH-2D Materials Coverage causes Other Polygons to Lose Polygon Attributes
- 09947 SRH Interface doesn't understand comma input
- 09993 TUFLOW Form Loss Coefficients
SMS 12.2.9 - August 16, 2017
- 09811 Crash when loading project or when attempting to modify model control of Bouss-2D Simulation without grid
- 09623 Update for the min recommended depth for BOUSS2D
- 09733 Summary table gives results for only one cross section coverage
- 09732 Must select centerline coverage for each cross section when generating a summary table
- 09503 Smoothing dataset in scatter has no effect
- 09830 CMS-Flow Bed Layer Section of Card File Exported Incorrectly
- 09718 CSDB not being saved with the project
- 09676 Dataset Toolbox Grid Spacing Tool very slow
- 09755 Selecting radio buttons in the Extract Cross Sections window turns off radio buttons in other sections
- 09785 Incorrect Unit Label in "Populate" WSE Tool
- 09771 Summary Table spreadsheet too big
- 09729 Feature Stamping doesn't properly trim/intersect surface
- 09724 CAD to Map Snapping Options Ignored
- 09780 Crash opening map file
- 09719 Plot settings get reset when they shouldn't
- 09774 Incorrect Errors Reported in Error Plots
- 09766 Converting Quadtree to Ugrid changes the cell centered datasets to pt centered 06-19-2017
- 09763 SMS 12.2 missing ability to compute volume on a Quadtree 06-14-2017
Scatter Data
- 09629 Map->Scatter Not using arc elevations as specified
Summary Table
- 09819 Generating Summary Table with Mesh Toggled Off Generates Unreliable Results
- 09818 Summary Table Flows
- 09734 Specified Datasets not used in Summary Table
- 09720 Summary Table not working as it should
- 09734 Specified Datasets not used in Summary Table
SMS 12.2.8 - June 20, 2017
Display Options
- 09655 Display appears to be missing some curved arrows
Feature Objects
- 09634 SRH-2D Boundary condition gets corrupted
- 09632 Can't merge CGrid Rows or Columns
- 09742 GUI Test: Crash when redistributing vertices after doing a Delete All
- 09730 Changing Temp Directory can create multiple file browser dialogs
- 09678 Can't change temp directory
- 09567 SMS hangs creating water level arcs for TUFLOW coverage
- 09633 Dimming of widgets in Feature Stamping Dialog
- 09363 Minor PTM error message when saving project
- 09717 Line properties from HEC-RAS not read into SMS
- 09663 Crash Merging Meshes
- 09653 ARR Plot takes too long to come up and is too sensitive
- 09654 Converting mesh boundary to "unprojected" coverage gives wrong result
Scatter Data
- 09625 The Scatter Contour to Feature arc dialog can become too small
- 09566 SMS hangs merging scatter sets
- 09681 Incorrect formatting for Supercritical BC for SRH
- 09616 SRH-Pre Cannot read Sediment Gradation XYS files that Have a Space in the Name
SMS 12.2.7 - April 11, 2017
- 09425 SMS Freezes in Spacial Attributes Dialog
- 09571 Crash opening cmcards file
- 09461 DMI control_set not functioning as expected
- 09551 The DMI puts a lock on the executable and doesn't release it
- 09330 Polygon attributes in DMI coverages not being saved/read correctly
- 09461 DMI control_set not functioning as expected
- 09555 DMI Model Wrapper progress bar does not turn red when process fails
- 09549 DMI Model Wrapper progress bar does not turn green when process completes
- 09556 DMI Model Wrapper should uncheck "Load Solution" when the user aborts.
- 09550 CMS-Flow model does not write wind curve if no BC file is in the simulation
- 09552 DMI Model Wrapper should change focus to a new process when it launches that process
- 09561 Mapping .shp to Obstructions Coverage
- 09481 Incorrect Zonal Classification Output
- 09557 Slow Display Response - Create Node Example
SMS 12.2.6 - March 21, 2017
- 09540 Offset Arcs Defaults and Saved Values
- 09449 Assigning two arcs boundary conditions at the same time give DMI error and doesn't work
- 09450 Changing model version number in XML makes project crash
- 09430 Node Transformation Not Saved
- 09500 Dataset Toolbox Filter Issue
- 09535 Crash After SRH Run
- 09537 Repeating Error Message about Boundary Node
SMS 12.2.5 - March 14, 2017
- 09472 Help links for SRH-2D sediment transport dialogs don't work
- 09436 Crash when using remote desktop
- 09421 Inserting a row into a DMI table results in wrong row being active
- 09424 Extra nodestring created when reading AdH model
- 09423 SMS corrupts AdH nodestring
- 09158 CMS-Flow Sediment Errors
- 09428 Dialog appears behind the working window
- 09434 Generating a large quadtree causes SMS to crash
- 09422 Cursor spins and spins in DMI
- 09432 SRH Materials Coverage and Sediment Materials Coverage Bad After Building New Polygons
SMS 12.2.4 - February 15, 2017
- 09219 ADCIRC Model Control Incorrect Tidal Amplitude
- 09424 Extra nodestring created when reading AdH model
- 09423 SMS corrupts AdH nodestring
- 09158 CMS-Flow Sediment Errors
- 09428 Dialog appears behind the working window
Display Options
- 09351 Snap Preview when arc display option is off
- 09434 Generating a large quadtree causes SMS to crash
- 09422 Cursor spins and spins in DMI
- 09401 False model checker warning and SRH crash
SMS 12.2.3 - January 17, 2017
- 09306 Can't use a German "umlaut" in an annotation string
- 09309 Plot window appears when opening project with plots in community edition
- 09307 Crash opening project in Community Edition
- 09323 Recently opened file list is cleared when opening a project with a plot
- 09321 Plot window is not restored when project with plot is opened
- 09286 Displaying Cartesian grids in version 12 (and 13) is up to 2 orders of magnitude slower than version
- 09208 SMS Disk I/O Performance
- 09160 Incorrect Interpolation Menu for Rasters
- 09346 Error message for overlapping arcs and error messages in general
- 09310 The error message box has a redundant line that shows the type of error.
- 09301 Organizing Linked Coverages Causes SMS to Become Unresponsive
- 09382 Combined XYZ Length is incorrect for multiple arcs
- 09384 Element material type reported for generic mesh
- 09314 Smoothing Dataset Taking a Very Long Time
- 09187 Comparing Datasets Subtraction in SMS vs. Documentation
Display Options
- 09290 Observation points not visible when display atts are turned on.
- 09264 DMI export of coverage arcs and points of a polygon not working
Feature Objects
- 09347 Lag in error message
- 09342 Nodestring ID visibility
- 09343 Renumber Nodestrings Changes Nodestring Direction
- 09335 Renumbering nodestrings messes up weir directions
- 09304 Select all for triangles does not show information
- 09283 Mesh visibility affects extracted data in observation coverage
- 09256 DMI polygon attributes lost
- 09276 The weirs in an ADCIRC mesh don't save correctly
- 09333 Two types of unassigned ADCIRC nodestrings
- 09205 Exported shapefile does not contain elevation data
- 09280 Unexpected Warning Stating Bandwidth Unusually High
- 09316 CGWAVE .cgi precision
Model Control
- 08983 Curves and table values read from DMI H5 file not read in
- 09322 Plot windows don't close on Delete All
- 09289 Plot Wizard Display Options
- 09239 Saving causes a crash when the data in the plot is not correct
- 09328 Unable to save image file
- 09390 SMS does not write SRH Input file for Internal Sink SRH Simulation
- 09357 SRH QuickWin doesn't show Water Elevation Plot when run through SMS
- 09199 UGrid Interpolator doesn't allow Map to Z option
SMS 12.2.2 - November 14, 2016
- 09234 Crash performing Model Check
- 09185 1D Summary Table Crash
- 09186 Can't close summary table dialog with X
- 09179 Unable to Perform Operation when Comparing Datasets in Data Set
- 09255 CMS-Wave save creates invalid file if no spectra assigned
- 09210 Transform Command Invalidates Dataset
- 09220 Mesh disappears from project
- 09237 SMS crashes when merging nodestrings
- 09231 Writing ADCIRC weirs nodestrings corrupted when a mesh is duplicated
- 09139 ADCIRC BC types not correctly maintained when merging meshes
Online Maps
- 09226 Map to Curvilinear function fails
- 09228 Summary Table is only exported if the user types the file extension
- 09227 Save File dialog has an Open button instead of Save
- 09075 Check for Updates Not Working
- 09200 SRH normal depth boundary condition issue
- 09221 TUFLOW results opening switches to scatter module
- 09222 TUFLOW project loses Geometry Component
- 09215 Converting Quadtree to UGrid sometimes creates an extra folder
SMS 12.2.1 - October 10, 2016
- 09185 1D Summary Table Crash
- 09186 Can't close summary table dialog with X`
- 09145 SMS Exporting HY8 Culvert Arc Nodestrings Incorrectly
Feature Objects
- 09142 Revert subset hangs or crashes
- 09138 Working in subset mode confuses ADCIRC boundary conditions
- 09144 ADCIRC nodestring with multiple instances of same node not detected and fixed
- 09139 ADCIRC BC types not correctly maintained when merging meshes
- 09057 Interpolating nodes puts mesh into disarray
Project Explorer
- 09121 SMS DMI allows multiple coverages of same type to be added to a simulation if added by a single drag
- 09122 Inconsistency of terminology when unlinking elements from a SRH-2D simulation
- 09146 Opening ADCIRC mesh in geographic coords does not set the projection if the data spans the international date line
- 09075 Check for Updates Not Working
- 09172 Crash opening project with SRH model
SMS 12.2.0 - September 10, 2016
SMS 12.1 Release Bugfixes
SMS 12.1.10 - January 25, 2017
- 09306 Can't use a German "umlaut" in an annotation string
Dynamic Model
- 09264 DMI export of coverage arcs and points of a polygon not working
Feature Objects
- 09343 Renumber Nodestrings Changes Nodestring Direction
- 09335 Renumbering nodestrings messes up weir directions
- 09304 Select all for triangles does not show information
- 09283 Mesh visibility affects extracted data in observation coverage
- 09256 DMI polygon attributes lost
- 09276 The weirs in an ADCIRC mesh don't save correctly
- 09333 Two types of unassigned ADCIRC nodestrings
- 09205 Exported shapefile does not contain elevation data
- 09289 Plot Wizard Display Options
- 09298 Dataset imported after exporting in H5 format from UGrid can't be read
- 09301 Organizing Linked Coverages Causes SMS to Become Unresponsive
- 09328 Unable to save image file
- 09286 Displaying Cartesian grids in version 12 (and 13) is up to 2 orders of magnitude slower than version 11
- 09208 SMS Disk I/O Performance
SMS 12.1.9 - November 16, 2016
- 09234 Crash performing Model Check
- 09255 CMS-Wave save creates invalid file if no spectra assigned
- 09220 Mesh disappears from project
- 09231 Writing ADCIRC weirs nodestrings corrupted when a mesh is duplicated
- 09139 ADCIRC BC types not correctly maintained when merging meshes
- 09075 Check for Updates Not Working
- 09200 SRH normal depth boundary condition issue
- 09221 TUFLOW results opening switches to scatter module
SMS 12.1.8 - October 19, 2016
- 09075 Check for Updates Not Working
- 09145 SMS Exporting HY8 Culvert Arc Nodestrings Incorrectly
- 09172 Crash opening project with SRH model
- 09053 Default Help Option is said to be Online but Actually takes you to Local Help
Spectral Data
- 09124 Crash When Using Display Tools in Spectral Energy Dialog
- 09146 Opening ADCIRC mesh in geographic coords does not set the projection if the data spans the international date line
- 09114 Isues with observation plots
- 09020 Observation Plot Doesn't Look As Expected
- 09139 ADCIRC BC types not correctly maintained when merging meshes
- 09057 Interpolating nodes puts mesh into disarray
- 08824 Deleting points of a mesh in non-display projection forgets what it is doing
- 09127 Can't make observation arcs visible
- 09113 Bad grid created from Generic Grid generator coverage when set to "Mesh Centered" type
Feature Objects
- 09142 Revert subset hangs or crashes
- 09138 Working in subset mode confuses ADCIRC boundary conditions
- 09144 ADCIRC nodestring with multiple instances of same node not detected and fixed
Dynamic Model
- 09042 No default display of snapped arcs
SMS 12.1.7 - August 13, 2016
- 08955 Edit fields for Harmonic parameters in files tab of ADCIRC model control
- 08937 Spatial Attribute changes not saved
- 09008 Crash When Attempting to Save, Export, and Launch BOUSS-2D Simulation
- 08957 Can't populate contours with proper range of values
- 08974 Dataset conversion from vector to scalar not working for Quadtree from Toolbox
- 09046 Raster Display Doesn't Update Properly when Changing Point Size and Maximum Points
- 08962 Incorrect update of CMS-Wave cell attribute display
- 08939 Display doesn't refresh after pan
Dynamic Model
- 09029 Can't run or specify location of aswip
- 09027 DMI crash when referencing nonexistent dialog
Feature Objects
- 08956 Select by Dataset Value does not work on UGrid Z dataset
- 08952 ADCIRC Mesh elevations revert back to old values when reopening SMS and project
- 08954 Nodestrings with Unassigned Boundary Conditions aren't Being Saved
- 08979 Text of the Coverage to Smooth Button is Overflowing
- 09024 SMS Steering Menu Item
- 09070 User gets error message when canceling out of ImportWizard
- 09041 SMS is Trying to Read in Files that it Shouldn't
- 08960 Open File Format appears instead of an error message
- 09069 SMS Coverage Duplicate Issues
- 08942 Can't access right-click menu for datasets
- 08963 PTM particles remain in display after deletion
- 09040 Arc BC data not saved
- 09087 The Time Step time is not being displayed when the time is 12:00:00 AM
- 08949 Can’t edit quadtree scalar datasets
- 08975 Quadtree transform fails to transform refined cell points
- 08882 Quadtree Grid menu items
- 08921 Raster Frame and Display
- 08914 Crash trying to open .las file as "Raster"
- 08988 Crash When Creating New WAM Simulation
Spectral Data
- 08972 The direction of the wave components converting from spectra to CGWAVE is not spectra dependent and is wrong
- 08971 Converting spectra to CGWAVE wave components does not clear spectral list
- 08940 Can't work with high number of spectral indices
SMS 12.1.6 - June 2, 2016
- 08899 ADCIRC solution with small timestep won't read in
- 08813 Incorrect NWS value written to control file
- 08768 B2D Wave maker minimum period (tmin) is not filled in anymore
- 08767 B2D Warning of time range is wrong
- 08795 Map Elevation command doesn't use specified dataset
- 08745 Floodway tool Crash
- 08794 Scatter Visibility affects dataset used for interpolation
- 08782 Data Calculator behavior type vs. paste
- 08757 UGrid datasets generate their own dset contour options
- 08880 CGWAVE nodestrings are numbered with bogus IDs
- 08865 Color of snap preview does not change after hitting OK
- 08797 DMI - If a curve is associated with a "set", it is not exported
- 08765 BOUSS-2D damping dataset not computed completely
Feature Objects
- 08766 Wave maker no longer shows direction
- 08885 Weir from bug 8798 leaves elements in the interior
- 08881 ADCIRC node strings not numbered correctly
- 08798 Crash Creating ADCIRC Weir
- 08777 Canceling In Select Dataset Dialog Changes Functional Surface Options
- 08866 The Line Attributes dialog is not modal
- 08868 XMDF File Not Loaded In Correctly
- 08800 Functional Surface Won't Use User Defined Dataset
- 08755 Interpoate from Quadtree to Scatter vector crashes
- 08829 Incorrect polygon fill display
- 08830 Preview Mesh leaves a gap in the mesh.
- 08840 Issues with Functional Surface on Mesh
- 08787 Map-2D Mesh with multiple rasters
- 08856 Crash When Writing Particles Subset If the File Name Has not Been Set
- 08763 Observation plots not consistent
- 08764 Observation plot from Mesh is too long
- 08762 DEM Observation plot of data doesn't show up
Project Explorer
- 08769 SMS gets confused about the mesh module
- 08746 Missing features for TUFLOW 1D
- 08799 Missing Cross Section data in Summary Table
- 08854 Crash After Reproject All
- 08838 Incorrect Raster Elevations
Scatter Data
- 08907 Saving an empty scatter set corrupts project.
- 08908 Dialog indicates spacing is in meters when it is really in degrees
- 08848 Crash Saving Project After Failed Interpolation
- 08837 ADH Model Checker SI Units
- 08847 Error When Using an Existing Dataset for Extrapolation
- 08748 Can't Open SRH solution after model run
- 08846 Crash Saving TUFLOW Project
SMS 12.1.5 - April 20, 2016
- 08739 Loading CMS-Flow project from SMS 11.2 does not associate the projection correctly
CMS Flow
- 08668 CMS Project Crash
- 08695 CMS-Flow Registration Item Disrupts SRH Coverages
- 08682 Selecting Polygons Takes a Long Time
- 08690 SMS Does not Preserve "Bank" attribute type in the 1D Hydraulic Centerline Coverage
- 08697 Splash Screen Causes SMS to Hang
- 08702 SMS Main Menu, and Hot Key for Help Goes to Internet Only
- 08642 GSSHA Upstream Culvert
- 08711 Opening multiple surveys at a single time gives error message
- 08730 Map->2D Mesh is too slow "Setting nodal z values..."
- 08575 Observation Data Cannot be Defined for stream arcs with an arc type of "General Stream"
- 08581 Drogue plot shifts when zooming out
- 08673 Problems Rotating on Quadtree/CGrid with Grid Frame
- 08672 Able to Create Quadtree When Quadtree Not Enabled
Scatter Data
- 08720 Converting coverage to spacing scatter gives wrong values
- 08719 Converting coverage to scatter hangs
- 08747 Data sets don't appear under Mesh Data after running SRH-2D.
- 08689 SMS Not Saving Populated WSE Value
SMS 12.1.3 - March 03, 2016
- 08653 Contour options are not initialized on UGrid dsets after duplicate operation
- 08593 Empty spreadsheet double cells crash xms
- 08649 Crash opening .dep file
- 08596 Polygon Fill Display Incorrect
Boundary Conditions
- 08635 Snap Preview won't stay off
Dynamic Model Interface
- 08622 DMI range type edit boxes change values on blur
- 08623 DMI double clicking anywhere with polygon select tool enabled opens polygon attributes menu
- 08637 DMI Building New Polygons Messes Up Dependencies on Old Polygons
- 08597 Mesh Paving Crash
- 08604 Renumbering a mesh with gaps while color fill contours is on causes a crash
- 08595 UGrid Functional Surface doesn't display correctly when new active dataset selected
- 08607 ADCIRC files not copied to run directory when executing ADCIRC
- 08606 SMS does not read in ADCIRC data correctly
- 08615 Vector to Scalars Command Generates Dataset with Incorrect Velocities
- 08608 SRH-2D material coverage created from FESWMS coverage has bad attributes for polygons
SMS 12.1.2 - January 24, 2016
- 08544 - Dataset compare feature is not working
- 08527 - #file_name keyword is not accessible when process_on_condition is used in input_file
- 08571 - PBL output grids not displayed correctly
- 08536 - Crash After saving FESWMS Project and Reopening Saved Files
- 08567 - Opening CMS-Wave simulation with the Display Projection set to Geographic creates incompatible display case
- 08555 - Crash opening CMS-Flow project
- 08478 - Contours change when they shouldn't
- 08549 - Contour update issue on quadtrees after interpolating datasets from one to the Z of the other
- 08542 - Summary table from 2dMesh uses elevation value for all datasets
- 08550 - Cannot edit multiple nodes simultaneously on a vtk mesh
- 08547 - Min and max not set when interpolating one quadtree dataset to Z of another
- 08493 - Quadtree Created in the Wrong Direction after Changing Coverage Types
- 08566 - Date/Time stamps for the year 2000 - 2009 are read incorrectly when written with 8 digit format
- 08563 - Cells in a table become blank
- 08560 - SMS crashes when clicking the top left cell of the Linear BC table.
- 08561 - Wording correcting in film loop error
- 08557 - Merging coverages causes duplicate node ids
- 08526 - Order, i_order, and j_order attributes have no effect on process_each_polygon operations on cgrids
- 08481 - Redistribute Verices without cubic spline causes points in bad places
- 08545 - Confirmation setting not used when deleting coverages with the "Del" key
- 08404 - Saving and Reopening Coverages Removes Certain Characters
- 08492 - Wrong Popup When Generating a CGrid with No Grid Frame
SMS 12.1.1 - December 07, 2015
CMS Flow
- 08476 - Error Popup when Opening Old CMS-Flow Project File in 12.1
- 08519 - Merged coverage has inappropriate atts that cause a crash when cleaning
- 08501 - Crash Deleting All Coverages
Feature Object
- 08513 - Double-Clicking on point in DMI Coverage does not bring up dialog
- 08508 - DMI unable to conditionally retrieve cell i and j based on bound coverage attribute
- 08511 - Points Snap to Incorrect CGRID Cells During CMS-WAVE2 DMI Export
- 08496 - Strange Behavior and Crash When Merging Polygons
- 08495 - Crash When Merging Polygons
- 08452 - Redistribution of arc that is not in display projection causes problems
- 08483 - Incorrect mesh preview in polygon attributes
- 08499 - Incorrect Mapping of BC arc to mesh
- 08491 - Crash committing mesh subset
- 08502 - SMS deletes duplicate elements without reporting what elements are being deleted
Opening File
- 08494 - Crash or Hang when opening project
- 08507 - Cross sectional database with "." in the name gets trimmed
- 08522 - Crash Opening SRH Tutorial
Project Explorer
- 08330 - Project Explorer Items not updating their display properly
- 08493 - Quadtree Created in the Wrong Direction after Changing Coverage Types
- 08488 - Observation plot options allow user to select images if raster is loaded, but then says it is invalid
- 08473 - Crash during save of generic model
Scatter Data
- 08482 - Crash loading project file merging dynamic database (MergeAfterAllFilesReadIn)
SMS 12.1.0 - Release November 17, 2015
SMS 12.0 Release Bugfixes
SMS 12.0.7 - Release October 22, 2015
- Contours
- 8278 - Functional surface contour dialog name incomplete
- Generic Model
- 8223 - ADH Hotstart folder created when switching models
- 8092 - Crash on Exit when working with GIS data
- HY-8
- 8250 - SMS not specifying the location of the HY-8 executable in the preferences
- Import
- 8261 - Update for Import Options in Tutorials
- Mesh
- 7912 - Scalar Paving Meshing Results not Accurate
- 8254 - GIS right click menus not finished
- 8248 - Can't Create mesh nodes when only SRH Interface enabled
- 8296 - Global parameters problems in .2dm file
- 8280 - SMS doesn't detect the mesh nodes (or the mesh at all)
- 8268 - Projection not matching when trying to enter mesh subset edit
- 8224 - Incorrect Z Values assigned to nodes when performing Map->2D Mesh
- 8270 - Tidal Data commands for the Web menu do nothing
- Quadtree
- 8360 - Quadtree hides the contour legend and arrow become transparent
- SRH-2D
- 8307 - SRH2D Obstruction Arc Direction Causes Termination of SRH2D
- 8263 - SRH-2D Time Series Option Displaying when it should not be displayed
- 8216 - Observation Profile Plot not Updating to Show the Active Timestep
- 8210 - Simple Z lines not writing to the .tgc file
SMS 12.0.6 - Release August 21, 2015
- 8207 SMS crashes when loading fort.45.
- 8214 STWAVE mentioned in model checker description instead of BOUSS2D
- 8191 SMS automatically cycles through time steps of BOUSS2D WSE Animation output dataset
Cartesian Grid
- 8095 Generic CGrids are not saved with a project
- 8209 Inlets (Reservoir Model and Jetties) dialog typo
- 8194 GenCade coverages lose attributes when merged
Generic Model
- 8223 ADH Hotstart folder created when switching from ADH to Generic model
Import Options
- 8244 Name of 'Z' dataset not correct
- 8229 Crash computing mesh spacing
- 8153 Long Processing Time for Map->2D Mesh
- 8216 Observation Profile Plot not Updating to Show the Active Timestep
- 8196 Crash Toggling through Timesteps with Observation Profile 2D Plot
- 8171 SRH-2D Obstruction Coverage Issues
- 8173 SRH-2D and HY8 Runaway Processes
- 8201 STWAVE sim file import does not read projection
- 8210 Simple Z lines not writing to the .tgc file
- 8114 WAM spectral site menu command Spectral Energy... doesn't work
- 8208 SMS crashes when reopening the current open project.
- 8083 PTM Waves and Breaking Input File Option cannot be removed from the model
SMS 12.0.5 - Release August 4, 2015
- 8188 SMS crashes when opening multiple files including fort.64 fort.64 and other ADCIRC files.
- 8177 Fixed errors in ADCIRC LTEA tutorial to work with recent changes to the LTEA meshing toolbox.
- 8104 SMS was not creating the unit 23 file even when it was set to be created.
- 7984 Fixed issues with the sidewall boundary conditions.
- 8117 BOUSS-2D Generating arcs along land boundaries not using elevation scalar set.
- 8184 Unable to read in the solutions .cgo file.
- 8108 Can't delete items from project.
- 8180 Save tabular data mixing of meshes and datasets.
- 8107 Project corrupted after saving in certain cases.
- 8157 Delete key unresponsive when deleting arcs and other map objects.
- 8130 Deleting datasets that are changed outside of SMS caused datasets in the project tree to be deleted
- 8123 Removed unnecessary messages from Delete All operation.
- 8125 Reading in a Materials file with foreign characters does not read in properly.
- 8026 Removed unnecessary message about remote desktop from startup.
- 8164 Can't save project with DGN data.
- 8138 MIF/MID importing errors.
- 8159 Creating arcs caused node numbering to change, and added gaps.
- 8158 Can't find feature point by ID.
- 8100 Incorrect Extracted Values at Observation Arcs.
- 8033 Right-Click Menu not defined for dynamic maps.
- 8168 Mesh generation toolbox was missing in the menu for ADCIRC.
- 8162 Unable to deselect feature objects while multi-selecting in 2D mesh polygon properties dialogue.
- 8152 Incorrect snap preview.
- 8097 Mesh created with overlapping elements.
- 8116 SMS Not exporting BC node strings correctly.
- 8098 Crash optimizing triangulation of SMS generated mesh.
- 8099 SMS saves bad mesh after refining elements.
- 8091 Crash Interpolating scatter to mesh.
Scatter Data
- 8151 Can't merge scatter sets after using to much memory.
- 8154 Incorrect extracted plot from scatter in certain cases.
- 8110 Model checker sometimes doesn't recognize the mesh and materials that are in the project.
- 8186 user defined weir coefficient input boxes displayed for wrong options.
- 8161 has no upstream/downstream arc assignment when using paired boundary.
- 8167 Model control label is "Total Simulation Time" when it should be "Simulation End Time".
- 8160 material display options not working as expected on SRH-2D boundary condition meshes.
- 8137 Selecting triangles of a TIN causes SMS to crash in certain cases.
- 8061 Model check not functioning properly.
- 8062 Tutorial model does not run successfully.
SMS 12.0.4 - Release June 16, 2015
- 8031 Loading ADCIRC Meshes Causes Multiple Meshes with the Same Name
- 8068 CMS Model Check and Sediment Datasets
Dynamic Model Interface
- 7978 dataset not saved in DMI
Generic Model
- 7991 Generic Mesh Model, can't uncheck Activate parameter group
- 7989 Generic Mesh Model does not save parameter group correlation for BC
2D Grid
- 7994 Display of Cartesian Grid Data is Incorrect
- 8060 Scale/Printing Issue
- 8080 Displayed snapping location is wrong when first opening the project
- 8029 Zoom to Selection Not working when display features are turned off
- 8067 Printing crash
- 8025 SMS does not remember the path to the HY8 executable if the registry is already set
- 8050 Slow vector display
- 8048 Plot From Observation Profile Not Appearing In Graph
- 8015 projection changes on load
- 8041 Non-admin user with partial SMS license can't set file paths
- 8008 Incorrect Profile Plot
- 7834 Various issues found while working on East End Bay project
- 7998 Reading project file hangs SMS
- 8030 Shapes→Map and can create duplicate coverage names
- 7591 Redistribute arc using source/target fails with bias distribution on source
- 8024 Spectral coverage "Projection.." right-click menu item does nothing
- 8079 Rectangular patch not clearing previous mesh
- 8052 Datasets not included in Mesh→Scatter Operation
- 8028 Saving Mesh Subsets
- 8023 snapping elements not correct
- 7940 BC lost when editing mesh subset
- 7918 Z direction of multiple meshes flips
- 8032 SRH Not Outputting at Specified Interval
- 8071 Incorrect display of SRH boundary condition labels
- 8073 Changing one SRH-2D BC coverage changes other SRH-2D BC coverage
- 8064 SRH-2D Model Checker Crashes
- 8034 Time series curves linked on duplicate SRH BC coverages
- 7461 SRH Variable WSE tutorial files don't work
- 8016 SRH-2D Duplicate Coverage Errors
- 7999 The SRH-2D DMI writes multiple pressure cards in srhhydro file incorrectly
- 7345 Can't run STWAVE through SMS
SMS 12.0.3 - Release May 20, 2015
- 7917 Single node value not editable for ADCIRC nodal attribute
- 7961 SMS hangs when opening ADH solution file
- 7878 ADH materials can't be deleted
BOUSS Runup/Overtopping
- 7942 Checkboxes in Runup/Overtopping Model Control Dialog Aren't Being Initialized
Dynamic Model Interface
- 7978 dataset not saved in DMI
- 8008 Incorrect Profile Plot
- 7834 Various issues found while working on East End Bay project
- 7998 Reading project file hangs SMS
- 7963 The case of the mysterious red rectangle
- 7951 Vertical Units Undefined
- 7949 Crash performing Model Check
- 7934 Unidentified Label in Node Options
- 7938 File Import Wizard Hangs SMS
Generic Model
- 7991 Generic Mesh Model, can't uncheck Activate parameter group
- 7989 Generic Mesh Model does not save parameter group correlation for BC
2D Grid
- 7994 Display of Cartesian Grid Data is Incorrect
- 7979 Cell sizes change with reprojection
- 8024 Spectral coverage "Projection.." right-click menu item does nothing
- 7975 Incorrect BC arc labeling
- 7964 Crashing Stamping Feature
- 7915 Double-Click arc group crash
- 7933 Coverage created from scatter boundary has issues
2D Mesh
- 8023 snapping elements not correct
- 7918 Z direction of multiple meshes flips
- 7940 BC lost when editing mesh subset
- 7985 Certain BC not available when exactly two nodestrings selected
- 7941 Crash refining elements
- 7944 Nodal BC symbols not showing up unless the nodes are also displayed
- 7955 Deleting scatter point converts dataset to Z
- 7937 Trimming a scatter set destroys the data values (only 1 dataset)
- 7952 Renaming Mesh doesn't update name in simulation link
- 8016 SRH-2D Duplicate Coverage Errors
- 7999 The SRH-2D DMI writes multiple pressure cards in srhhydro file incorrectly
- 7973 SRH BC not displayed
- 7974 SRH Geometry Nodestrings not written correctly for SRH Model
- 7966 SRH Project in 11.2 doesn't read correctly into 12.0
- 7957 Opening saved SRH-2D project creates duplicate datasets.
- 7950 Model Check for SRH says there is no mesh
- 7889 Attempting to Open a SRH-2D Causes a Crash
- 7784 STWAVE Numeric Model Crashes Midway Through Running
- 7378 STWAVE Tutorial Crash
- 7199 STWAVE Crash when Use time steps is specified
- 7925 Can't run TUFLOW-FV from SMS
- 7924 Can't read TUFLOW FV Vector Solution
Older Bugfixes
For older versions of SMS that are no longer actively supported, see the individual bugfix articles:
Related Topics
SMS – Surface-water Modeling System | ||
Modules: | 1D Grid • Cartesian Grid • Curvilinear Grid • GIS • Map • Mesh • Particle • Quadtree • Raster • Scatter • UGrid | ![]() |
General Models: | 3D Structure • FVCOM • Generic • PTM | |
Coastal Models: | ADCIRC • BOUSS-2D • CGWAVE • CMS-Flow • CMS-Wave • GenCade • STWAVE • WAM | |
Riverine/Estuarine Models: | AdH • HEC-RAS • HYDRO AS-2D • RMA2 • RMA4 • SRH-2D • TUFLOW • TUFLOW FV | |
Aquaveo • SMS Tutorials • SMS Workflows |