The UGrid clipping display option can be used to cut away a portion of a UGrid and visualize the data inside the grid. To create a UGrid clipping, follow the steps below using an existing UGrid project.
1. Use a clipping plane.
1. Select a UGrid cell and note vector points.
- Use the Select Elements
tool and note the cell centroid values.
2. Set UGrid clipping display options.
- Select the Display | Display Options menu command.
- In the UGrid tab for the UGrid that is to be adjusted, turn on the Clip options and click the Options dialog.
- Adjusting in the general UGrid tab will not have the desired effect.
- In the UGrid Clip Settings dialog, select the "Plane" setting and set the plane values.
- The cell centroid values and normal vector points must be entered.
3. Use the clipping plane widget.
- Using the Edit Clip Plane
tool, adjust the clipping plane location.
2. Clip to a scalar value.
- Select the Display | Display Options menu command.
- In the UGrid tab for the UGrid that is to be adjusted, turn on the Clip options and click the Options dialog.
- Adjusting in the general UGrid tab will not have the desired effect.
- In the UGrid Clip Settings dialog, select the "Scalar" setting and set the scalar value.
- Only values above the selected scalar value will be displayed.
3. Clip to a scalar range.
- Select the Display | Display Options menu command.
- In the UGrid tab for the UGrid that is to be adjusted, turn on the Clip options and click the Options dialog.
- Adjusting in the general UGrid tab will not have the desired effect.
- In the UGrid Clip Settings dialog, select the "Scalar Range" setting and set the range values.
- Only values within the selected scalar values will be displayed.