SMS:CMS-Wave Spectral Energy File
CMS-Wave energy files contain a the definition of a half plane spectral grid (5 degree directional bins and user specified frequency bins) and energy density datasets as boundary conditions for each wave condition to be simulated in a CMS-Wave analysis.
File Format
The first line of the file contains the number of frequency bins and directional bins. Typically, 20-30 frequency bins are used. The model requires 5 degree directional bins, so the number of directional bins must be set to 35.
Following the grid dimensions, the next lines of the file specify the frequencies for the model spectra, starting at the lowest frequency. There must be the specified number of values. They are read in free format and may occupy as many lines as needed. These frequencies should span the range where significant wave energy is contained in the spectrum. This can be estimated by inspecting the input spectrum or estimating the peak period expected using the wave growth curves int eh Coastal Engineering Manual. A rule of thumb is that the spectral peak should fall at about the lower one-third of the frequency range (e.g., if the peak frequency is 0.1 Hz, the range may be 0.01 to 0.3 Hz). Wave frequencies higher (or periods shorter) than the highest frequency bin or lower than the lowest frequency bin will not be resolved by the model. Typically, frequency increments are on the order of 0.01 Hz, but the increment need not be constant. West Coast applications will tend to require finer resolution focused at lower frequencies because of long wave periods. Gulf Coast or Gread lakes applications will tend to require coarser resolution covering a broader range of frequencies because of shorter wave periods.
Following the specification of the frequency and direction bins is a header line containing a spectrum identifier, wind information, peak frequency and water elevation correction. This line is read in free format.
After the header line, the file contains the energy densities in the units of meters squared/hertz/radian. The spectrum is read starting with the lowest frequency and reading all the direction s(-85 to 85), then reading energy densities for the next lowest frequency etc.
The file can contain multiple spectra.
Sample File
30 35 0.04000 0.05000 0.06000 0.07000 0.08000 0.09000 0.10000 0.11000 0.12000 0.13000 0.14000 0.15000 0.16000 0.17000 0.18000 0.19000 0.20000 0.21000 0.22000 0.23000 0.24000 0.25000 0.26000 0.27000 0.28000 0.29000 0.30000 0.31000 0.32000 0.33000 5 27.000000 0.000000 0.070000 0.000000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00002 0.00006 0.00019 0.00048 0.00107 0.00209 0.00365 0.00576 . . .
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