SMS:SRH-2D Coverages

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Boundary Conditions Coverage

The SRH Nodestring BC dialog showing a the Inlet-Q option.

SRH support a variety of boundary conditions for hydraulic computation. The boundary conditions for the model are specified through the SRH coverage by selection the an arc and assigning a boundary condition or by selecting a nodestring in the mesh and assigning a boundary condition. All currently supported boundary types are exterior boundaries with the exception of a monitor line. Other boundary types include the following: Inlet-Q, Inlet-SC, Exit-EX, Exit-H, Exit-Q, Wall, and Symmetry.

  • Inlet-Q is a subcritical inlet boundary that may be given as a constant discharge or as a variable discharge hydrograph. The velocity distribution type may be selected from the boundary condition menu.
  • Inlet-SC is a supercritical inlet boundary that may be given as a constant discharge or as a variable discharge hydrograph. Inlet-SC also requires information about depth. Within the boundary condition menu, the velocity distribution type may be specified.
  • Exit-EX is a supercritical exit boundary condition.
  • Exit-H is a stage type exit boundary where water surface elevation may be given as a constant number or as a stage-discharge or rating curve.
  • Exit-Q is and exit boundary with a discharge given as a constant number or as a hydrograph.

Obstructions Coverage

Monitor Points Coverage

The SRH Select the Monitor Points coverage dialog.

Monitor Points are optional. If choosing to have monitor points, the user should create a monitor points coverage and add points using the Create Feature Point tool. A monitor point is used to gather specific information for that location at all time steps. Information calculated by SRH at a monitor point includes position in the X and Y direction, bed elevation, water elevation, water depth, X direction velocity component, Y direction velocity component, velocity magnitude, Froude number, and shear stress. If a Monitor Points Coverage has been created, then it must be assigned and selected in the Select the Monitor Point Coverage dialog for SRH to recognize them. The dialog is accessed through the Assign Monitor Points Coverage command in the SRH-2D menu.

Materials Coverage

The SRH-2D Materials Coverage allows creating material zones specific to the SRH-2D model. Material zones are assigned using polygons in the coverage. See SRH Material Properties for more information.

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