Template:SMS Project Setup Workflow

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Revision as of 15:05, 26 August 2015 by Jcreer (talk | contribs)

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1. Start SMS or, if SMS is already running select File | Delete All. :# A new project can also be started by using CTR + N.
2. If necessary register or update SMS.
1. Register SMS and components.
  1. Launch the SMS Registration Wizard.
    • The option to register is given when opening an unregistered version of SMS.
    • Use the Help | Register command to change registration options using the Register dialog.
  2. Follow the Registration Wizard instructions.
  3. Review the registered components in the Register dialog.
2. Update SMS.
SMS can be updated by doing any of the following:
  1. Select Download if prompted to update when starting SMS.
  2. Select Help | Check for Updates.
  3. Go directly to the SMS download page.
3. Set display projection.
  1. Select the Display | Projection... command.
  2. Set the horizontal and vertical projection using the Display Projection dialog.