User:Jcreer/SMS:SRH-2D Floodway Tools

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Generate Floodway Simulation

The SRH-2D Floodway Simulation Generation dialog

The Generate Floodway Simulation tool creates a new SHR-2D simulation to evaluate a floodway. The tool is accessed using the SRH-2D simulation right-click menu selecting the Floodway Tools | Generate Floodway Simulations command. The tool will bring up the SRH-2D Floodway Simulation Generation dialog. The dialog has the following options:

  • WSE Maximum Rise – The maximum rise for the water surface elevation in the floodway simulation. This value should be positive.
  • Units – Set the units for the WSE maximum rise. The units should match the project units.

Generate Floodway Elevation Lines

Compare Floodway Simulation Data

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