SMS:Spectral Energy

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File:Spectral Energy.png
Spectral Energy dialog

The Spectral Energy dialog can be accessed when the spectral coverage is active. The dialog is opened by either double-clicking on a selected node/point or by right-clicking on a selected point and choosing the Point Attributes command. The spectrum represents energy densities at discrete values over a range of angles and a range of frequencies for a given wave condition.


  • SMS Select Cell Mesh Tool.svg Select Cell – Select a cell corner to view or edit the energy value.
  • Pan Tool.svg Pan – Pan the spectral grid.
  • Zoom Tool Icon.svg Zoom – Zoom in the window.
  • Rotate Tool.svg Rotate – Rotate in the window.
  • Frame Macro.svg Frame – Frame, or zoom to the extents of the grid.
  • Contour Options Macro.svg Contour Options – Bring up the contour options dialog for setting the spectral grid contour display options.

Grid Options

Spectral Tree Options

  • Spectral Manager Tree – Select a spectrum in the tree. The selected spectra will be displayed in the Spectral Viewer. The tree’s right-click options are described below.

Grid/Spectra Right-Click Options

  • Generate Spectra – Opens the Generate Spectra dialog. This option is available when the grid in the Spectral Manager Tree is right -clicked.
  • Edit Spectra – Opens the Edit Spectra dialog where the Parameter Settings, Angle Settings and Spectral Parameters can be edited.
  • Export Spectra – Brings up the Export Spectra dialog where a location can be chosen to save the spectra.
  • Delete Grid or Delete Dataset – Deletes a grid or spectrum.
  • Properties – Brings up the Spectral Grid Properties dialog. This option is available when the grid in the Spectral Manager Tree is right-clicked.
  • Edit Time – Edit the time offset for the dataset.

View Options

  • View – View and edit the spectral grid using a Cartesian or polar view.

Graphic Options

Information for points in the grid can be displayed in two ways:

  • Selection – View the Frequency, Angle, and Energy of the selected cell corner. The Energy can be edited for the selected points.
  • Cursor – View the Frequency, Angle, and Energy as the cursor moves over the grid.

2D Plot Options

  • Frequency Integration Plot – Turn on to show an energy vs. frequency plot for the selected spectrum.
  • Direction Integration Plot – Turn on to show a direction vs. energy plot for the selected spectrum.

Reference Time

Clicking on the Update Reference Time... button will bring up the Time Settings dialog with the following options.

  • Reference Time – Specify the reference time for all datasets assigned to the node
  • Time Units – Specify the units for the time offsets assigned to the datasets
The spectral energy Time Settings dialog.

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