SMS:Extract Particle Subset

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This command writes a portion of a particle set to a new a particle file. This portion may be a subset of the timesteps for the particle solution, a subset of the particles, or both. You get to this command by right clicking on a particle set and choosing "Extract subset (times/particles)."

The required information for this command includes:

  • The filename to write the particle subset to.
  • The first and last timesteps that define the range of time you want export.
  • Whether to write every timestep, every other timestep, every 3rd timestep, etc.

You may define a subset of the particles to export by setting up filters (see PTM Particle Filters). For example, you may decide to only write particles with a specific range of grain size, or particles from a specific source.

The extracted particle set will have the same datasets that exist in the original particle set.