SMS:1D Grid Display Options

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Revision as of 20:39, 28 December 2012 by Jcreer (talk | contribs)
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The properties of all 1D Grid data that SMS displays on the screen can be controlled through the One Dimensional Grid tab of the Display Options Dialog. This dialog is opened by right clicking on the File:1DGridDataTree.JPG GenCade Data entry in the Project Explorer and selecting the Display Options command. (It can also be accessed from the from the Display menu or the File:Dispopts.gif display options Macro.)

The entities associated with the 1D Grid module with display options are shown below. Some of these entities also show an Options button to the right. For these entities, additional display controls are available. The available one dimensional grid display options include the following:

Grid Objects

  • Y Scale Factor – magnification in the direction perpendicular to shore
  • Grid display
  • Initial Coastline display
  • Current Coastline display (based on dataset)
    • Coastline points
  • Minimum/Maximum Coastline and Envelope (zone covered by transient coastline and extremes based on dataset)
  • Reference Coastline

Structure Objects

  • Sea Walls
  • Groins
  • Breakwaters
  • Bypass Cells
  • Beach Fills

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