SMS:SRH-2D Files

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SRHHYDRO is written out by SMS to guide SRH through the hydraulic simulation. The SRHHYDRO file contains key information about the simulation while acting as a directory to other files for SRH to use. The SRHHYDRO file stores the case name, simulation description, model type, turbulence model information, Manning’s n values, boundary conditions, boundary types, unsteady flow designation, simulation time, resultant output information, and initial conditions. Details of each card in the file are given as follows:

Case This is an identifier for SRH to use when running to help the user recognize the files that correspond to a specific project. The case should be given a name that is unique for a simulation.
Description The description is for the user to see in review of what was done for a specific simulation
RunType This card tells SRH what to compute. Flow means a hydraulic model. Mobile refers to a sediment transport model.
ModelTemp This card communicates to SRH whether the model will be used to simulate temperature. Currently, temperature is not supported by SRH v. 2.2
UnsteadyOutput Unsteady output is labeled for unsteady, where intermediate calculations are performed, or as steady, where only final calculations are computed for accuracy.
SimTime Three numbers are given to specify start time (hours), time step (seconds), and total simulation time (hours).
TurbulenceModel This option is either parabolic or ke for the current version of SRH.
ParabolicTurbulence This card is dependent on TurbulenceModel being labeled parabolic. The value is a constant used in the parabolic turbulence equation.
InitCondOption This card communicates to SRH the condition of each element prior the model run. Options include dry, auto, and rst, where rst represents a start-up file from a previous run.
Grid This card tells SRH the name of the grid file.
HydroMat This card tells SRH the name of the material file.
MonitorPtFile This card tells SRH the name of the monitor point file if one has been created by the user.
OutputFormat This option represents how SMS will write out the final files to be read back for post processing. Two inputs are required, the file type and the resultant units.
OutputInterval This card tells SRH how often to write out results during the simulation. The value is given in hours.
ManningsN In this location two values are given representing the material number and the value of Manning’s n corresponding to that material value. SMS will always write a zero material type as a default.
BC This card refers to the boundary type. Two values are given representing the boundary number and the type of boundary for each boundary number
IQParams This card will be written for boundary types that ask for a subcritical inlet boundary. The values given represent the boundary id, the constant flow value or variable flow file name, the units of flow, and the distribution type
ISupCrParams This card requires the same information as IQParams with the addition of constant water surface elevation or varable water surface elevation file name.
EWSParams This card represents the stage exit boundary. Values include the boundary id, the constant watersurface elevation or variable watersurface elevation file, and units type.
EQParams This card gives the constant discharge value or variable discharge file name and unit type.
NDParams This card refers to a normal depth outlet boundary. Values include the nodestring number at which flow will be computed as well as the average bed slope at the exit location.

The file acts as a map guiding SRH to other important files such as the SRHMAT file, the SRHMONITORPTS file, and the SRHGEOM file.


Case "Case"
Description "Description"
RunType FLOW
ModelTemp OFF
UnsteadyOutput UNSTEADY
SimTime 0 1 3
TurbulenceModel PARABOLIC
ParabolicTurbulence 0.7
InitCondOption DRY
Grid "HohRiv.srhgeom"
HydroMat "HohRiv.srhmat"
MonitorPtFile "HohRiv.srhmpoint"
OutputInterval 1
ManningsN 0 0.02
ManningsN 1 0.025
ManningsN 2 0.07
IQParams 1 "HohRiv.srhcurve1.xys" EN  CONVEYANCE
EWSParams 2 "HohRiv.srhcurve2.xys" EN


The SRHMAT file gives each element a material type. This file will categorize each element to a Manning’s n value.

SRHMAT Example

NMaterials 3
MatName 1 "Channel"
MatName 2 "Forest"
Material 1 1 2 12 14 15 23 24 26 27 28
 29 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 49 50
 51 52 53 54 55 56 63 64 65 66
 67 68 69 70 71 82 83 84 85 86
 87 88 89 90 91 103 104 106 107 108
 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118
 119 120 121 132 133 134 135 136 137 138
 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148
 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158
 159 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178
 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188
 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 207 208
 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218

Material 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13
 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 25 30 31
 32 33 34 35 43 44 45 46 47 48
 57 58 59 60 61 62 72 73 74 75
 76 77 78 79 80 81 92 93 94 95
 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 105 122 123
 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 160 161
 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 197 198
 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 228 229
 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246


The SRHMONITORPTS file or SRHMPOINT file is tells SRH that there are monitor points to watch and where those points are located. SRH will take the coordinates from SMS to locate the areas to be monitored.


monitorpt 1 798814 309513
monitorpt 2 799387 305853


The SRHGEOM file tells SRH where each element is located and the characteristics of that element. The SRHGEOM file holds information about the units of the grid.


Name "HohRiverDomain" 

GridUnit "FOOT"

Elem 1 5 1 6 15
Elem 2 1 2 7 6
Elem 3 3 1 5
Elem 4 2 1 3
Elem 5 5 8 3
Elem 6 3 8 10
Elem 7 9 8 4
Elem 8 13 4 14
Elem 9 14 4 8
Elem 10 11 4 13
Elem 11 4 11 9
Elem 12 14 5 15 24
Elem 13 8 5 14
Elem 14 6 7 17 16
Node 1 798908 309671 169.545
Node 2 798857 309733 170.299
Node 3 798975 309744 171.463
Node 4 799084 309550 170.097
Node 5 798959 309609 169.67
Node 6 798877 309645 169.34
Node 7 798828 309705 170.831
Node 8 799047 309635 171.189
NodeString 6 2 3 10 19 29 40 52 69 90 118
 149 183 217 254 292 330 368 405 441 476
 513 548 585 621 656 687 716 744 771 797
NodeString 5 171 205 240 278 316 354 391 426 462 500
 536 574 610 646 679 710 740 767 793 819
 843 867 891 915 939 963 986 1008 1031 1032

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