SMS:What's New in SMS 12.1
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This contains information about features released in SMS 12.1. The content may not apply to other versions. |
Release Notes
SMS 12.1 is scheduled for a Beta release in September 2015. The main functionality of this release is a new simulation based interface for the Coastal Modeling System (CMS). The interface to the CMS was removed in SMS 12.0 in anticipation of a new version of both interface and model and delays in the development cycle resulted in the intermediate version (12.0) that did not support this model.
This update of SMS includes several new capabilities and advancements which are outlined below.
General Features
- An option was added to the preferences dialog to restore factory defaults.
- A new tool was added to the dataset toolbox to perform a comparison between datasets on different geometry.
- Polygons that share a common arc(s) can be merged into a single polygon.
- Data from the Coastal Hazards System can now be imported into SMS on Spatial Data coverages.
Model Interfaces
- SMS includes a new simulation based interface for the Coastal Modeling System (CMS) (see - Fact Sheet and - Product Description)
Module Features
Map Module
Spectral Coverage
- A spectral coverage can now be copied by right clicking on the coverage and selecting Duplicate. This allows spectral points to be broken into smaller sets or spectra to be modified.
Mesh Module
- Mesh elements can be selected and converted into feature arcs. The arcs have the default attributes of the coverage they are assigned to.
Quadtree Module
- Cartesian grids (both regular and irregular) can be converted to Quadtrees by right clicking on the grid
- A Quadtree can be edited to conform to sizes specified on a polygon by polygon basis in a Quadtree Generation coverage by right clicking on the Quadtree and selecting the refine command.
- Quadtrees can be edited manually by selecting on or more cells, right clicking and selecting the Split Cell(s) or Merge Cell(s) commands.
- The split command subdivides each selected cell into four cells.
- The merge identifies the three sibling cells for each selected cell. If those cells have not been subdivided, the four cells are merged into a single cell. A cell at the base level cannot be merged.
- The elevation dataset on Quadtrees can be smoothed by right clicking on the Quadtree object and selection the Smooth... command.
- Datasets on a Quadtree can be interpolated to other geometric objects by right clicking on the Quadtree and selecting Interpolate to....
- A Quadtree is saved as a *.tel file when a CMS-Flow simulation is exported to native input files.
Model Features
- Update to the version of "aswip.exe" that is installed with SMS and how SMS calls this utility to convert NWS = 8 to NWS = 19 format.
- SMS was modified to read/maintain "Generic" nodestrings that are defined on a grid.
- Attributes of a cyclonic storm stored in PBL Trop or ADCIRC Cyclonic storm models (NWS = 8 and 19) are now converted as far as possible when converting between formats.
- When an ADCIRC grid is read in, the range of the coordinates is computed and if it is within geographic limits, the projection of the grid is set to geographic.
- Various minor improvements in the interface to SEDLIB
- A new tool to compute an EXIT-H depth or rating curve has been added. The user specifies one or more flow rates. SMS computes either the normal or critical depth for each specified Q.
- The snap preview functionality was significantly sped up.
- New version of HY-8 allows reuse of culvert crossings in multiple simulations and projects.
- STWAVE nesting functionality is now supported through the spectral coverage option.
- New version of the TUFLOW-FV model was incorporated along with an updated version of the tutorial.
- A new function was added to convert WAM output to spectral coverages. This allows them to be used as input for STWAVE or CMS-Wave.
SMS – Surface-water Modeling System | ||
Modules: | 1D Grid • Cartesian Grid • Curvilinear Grid • GIS • Map • Mesh • Particle • Quadtree • Raster • Scatter • UGrid | ![]() |
General Models: | 3D Structure • FVCOM • Generic • PTM | |
Coastal Models: | ADCIRC • BOUSS-2D • CGWAVE • CMS-Flow • CMS-Wave • GenCade • STWAVE • WAM | |
Riverine/Estuarine Models: | AdH • HEC-RAS • HYDRO AS-2D • RMA2 • RMA4 • SRH-2D • TUFLOW • TUFLOW FV | |
Aquaveo • SMS Tutorials • SMS Workflows |