SMS:ADCIRC Interface Changes for SMS 13.1

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With the release of SMS 13.1, several changes were made to how ADCIRC interfaces with SMS. Changes to the user interface for ADCIRC include the following:

  • Depth bathymetry datasets have been eliminated. Instead of a depth dataset, an elevation dataset is used. The elevation dataset uses negative Z-values to represent depth.
  • The workflow for adding tidal attributes has changed. Tidal attributes are now created as a separate component that are linked to the ADCIRC simulation.
  • Boundary conditions are no longer assigned to nodestrings directly on the ADCIRC mesh. Instead, boundary condition attributes are assigned to feature arcs on an ADCIRC boundary condition coverage which is then mapped to the ADCIRC mesh. This method allows the arc to be snapped to the mesh which reduces the time needed to create boundary conditions.