Template:SMS Data Visualization Workflow

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1. Manually review dataset solutions.
  1. In the Project Explorer, click on solution dataset created from the simulation run and view results in the Graphics Window.
  2. Click through the time steps for each dataset to see changes over time in the Graphics Window.
2. Adjust the display options.
1. Set display options.
  1. Open the Display Options Display Options Macro.svg dialog.
  2. Set the general display options.
  3. Set general lighting options.
  4. Set display options for each module that is being used.
  5. Set contour options.
  6. Set vector options.
2. View display.
  1. Use the Rotate Rotate Tool.svg, Pan Pan Tool.svg, and Zoom Zoom Tool Icon.svg tools.
  2. Use the View menu commands found in the Display menu.
  3. Use the Frame Frame Macro.svg command to center and resize the display as needed.
3. Adjust display.
Display may need to be adjusted during the remainder of the project.
  1. Use the Display Options dialog and viewing tools as needed.
  2. Use the Frame Frame Macro.svg command to center and resize the display as needed.
3. Create a film loop visualization.
  1. Select a solution dataset and use the Data | Film Loop menu command.
  2. Use the Film Loop Setup wizard to specify the animation parameters.
  3. Save and view the animation file.