Template:SMS Review Results Workflow

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Revision as of 14:55, 16 September 2015 by Jcreer (talk | contribs)

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1. Load solution files.
The solution file should load after running SRH-2D assuming the Load Solution option was checked in the model wrapper before exiting the model run. If loading the solution file separately from the model run, do the following:
  1. Open the *_XMDF.h5 output file generated from the model run.
2. Review results layers.
  1. Results layers.
3. Use observation lines.
1. Create an observation coverage.
Create a new coverage with the "Observation" type.
  1. Select Map Data in the Project Explorer and use the New Coverage right-click command.
  2. Use the New Coverage dialog to create a new coverage by selecting the desired coverage type, and naming the coverage.
2. Create observation arcs in the observation coverage.
3. Create an observation plot.
4. View summary tables.
  1. Summary table.
5. Create plots.
  1. Run the Plot Wizard.
6. Create and compare datasets.
  1. Data calculator.