User:Jcreer/SMS:Corrupt Project Data

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Occassionally, files used in SMS become corrupted. This can happen for a few reasons:

  • A file was blocked from saving correctly by system security
  • The save process was terminated early
  • Project files were copied incorrectly or without all necessary files
  • An unknown error occured

When files become corrupted, contact Aquaveo technical support to report the issue.

Rebuilding a Corrupted Project

While the corrupted project file itself cannot be restored, the component pieces of the project can be reassembled in SMS and saved out as part of a new project file. Below is a list of the file types to reassemble:

  • [project name].map: The Map Module coverages saved to the project. The model-specific boundary conditions will likely need to be entered again.
  • [project name]_meshes.h5: These are the meshes that were in the project. Load this before loading any of the datasets saved in the [project name]_datasets folder.
  • [project name].h5: Can contain scatter sets that were in the project.
  • Any GIS layers, such as rasters or shapefiles, will need to be loaded again.

For ADCRIC models, use the following files to import the ADCIRC simulations:

  • fort.14 or fort .15 to immport the mesh and create the simulation.
  • solution files such as fort.63, fort 64, maxele.63, and maxvel.63

For SRH-2D models, use the following files to import the SRH-2D simulations:

  • Similar to loading in the *.map file, reload SRH-2D simulations (including the coverages linked to them) by loading the SRHHYDRO file, found under the [project name]\SRH-2D\[simulation name] folder(s).
  • To load solutions for SRH simulations that were already run, import the XMDF.h5 file from the same directory as the SRHHYDRO file.