SMS:SMS Super Files *.sup

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SMS Super files were used in previous versions of SMS to save most of the working data in SMS. Super files have been replaced by Project files. Old super files are still opened in SMS. Super files are only saved from the File | Save Scatter Super File command. These contain a 2D scatter point file and the corresponding ASCII data file.

A super file contains a list of other files. Each of the files in the list must be one of the basic SMS file types (2D meshes, 2D scatter points, materials, TINs). If a super file is selected using the File | Open command, each of the files listed in the super file are opened and imported. This makes it possible to quickly read in several files without having to identify each file individually in the file browser.

The file format for a super file is shown below. The first line in the file is the SUPER card, which identifies the file as a super file. Each of the other cards shown are optional. Each of the file cards has a card identifier representing the type of file. The identifier is followed by a file name. The file name should be a complete path if the file is not in the same directory as the super file. Any suffix may be used for the file name.

File Format

SUPER /* File type identifier */
MAT filename /* Material File */
SCAT2D filename /* 2D scatter point file */
MAP filename /* Map file */
MESH2D filename /* 2D Mesh file */
DATA filename /* Dataset File */
STNGS filename /* Settings (*.ini) File */
IMAGE filename /* Image file */

Sample File

MAT    c:\SMS\DATA\SITE1\site1.mat
SCAT2D c:\SMS\DATA\SITE1\site1.xyf

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