User:Jcreer/SMS:ADCIRC Model Control in SMS 13.0
The ADCIRC Model Control dialog is where important project parameters are chosen and defined. The six different tabs are listed below.
- General Parameters – Contains such options as model type, cold/hot start, terms, maximum number of iterations, bottom stress/friction, etc.
- Model Formulation
- Timing – Defines simulation run time, start time, and time step options
- Output
- Wind – Enables specific wind types and their options
- Nodal Attributes
- Harmonics Analysis – Defines tidal constituents and harmonic analysis options
- Wind – Enables specific wind types and their options
General Tab
The General parameters tab contains the following:
- Simulation description –
- Project title – Title for the project run. 24 character limit.
- Run ID – ID for the project run. 24 character limit.
- Run options
- Hot start file (initial conditions) – This option allows choosing a file to initialize the values of water level and velocity for a simulation. The files must have been saved from a previous run using the same finite element grid. Default is "None: cold start". Other options are for specific file types containing the initial conditions for the model. Select the desired file type and the Select button will appear. Using the Select button will bring up a browser window to select the hot start file.
- Run parallel ADCIRC
- Bottom stress/friction – NOLIBF – Controls the type of bottom stress parameterization used in a 2D ADCIRC run.
- "Linear bottom friction "
- Friction coefficient – The "Linear" option should only be used for analytical cases when verifying the code. Linear friction causes overdamping in deep water. For "Constant Quadratic" the value of TAU0 should be set based on the principle depth. A value of TAU0 = 0.005 is suggested for deeper water (greater than 10 m depth). For shallow water, TAU0 = 0.02 is recommended. If the domain includes both shallow and deep water, consider the varying quadratic option.
- "Quadratic bottom friction "
- Friction coefficient – The "Linear" option should only be used for analytical cases when verifying the code. Linear friction causes overdamping in deep water. For "Constant Quadratic" the value of TAU0 should be set based on the principle depth. A value of TAU0 = 0.005 is suggested for deeper water (greater than 10 m depth). For shallow water, TAU0 = 0.02 is recommended. If the domain includes both shallow and deep water, consider the varying quadratic option.
- "Hybrid nonlinear bottom friction" – In deep water, the friction coefficient is constant and a quadratic bottom friction law results. In shallow water the friction coefficient increases as the depth decreases.
- Friction coefficient
- Break depth
- Approach factor
- Increase factor
- "Quadratic friction nodal attributes – Fric"
- Select
- "Mannings N nodal attributes – ManningsN"
- Select
- "Chezy C nodal attribute – ChezyFric"
- Select
- "Linear bottom friction "
- Coordinates
- Coriolis option – Constant, Variable. The type of Coriolis forcing used does not impact run time for ADCIRC at all. Variable should be used when the coordinate system is geographic. In this case, ADCIRC will load a Coriolis coefficient for each node based on the latitude of the node. If wanting to run ADCIRC in rectilinear coordinates, specify a constant Coriolis option because the model does not support reprojection from rectilinear to geographic to determine individual latitudes for each node.
- Calculate SLAM0 and SFEA0 on export
- Flow boundaries
- Minimum angle for tangential flow
- Logging
- Auto-correct (non-fatal erro override) – NFOVER
- Logging level
- Log message output (negative values output to file)
- Initial Values – Cold Start, Hot Start 1, Hot Start2. This option allows choosing a file to initialize the values of water level and velocity for a simulation. The files must have been saved from a previous run using the same finite element grid.
- Minimum Angle For Tangential Flow
- Terms – Finite Amplitude Terms, Advective Terms, Time Derivative Terms
- Wetting/Drying – Activating this option will cause an Options button to appear. Clicking this button will bring up the Wetting/Drying Parameters dialog.
- Solver Type – Lumped, Direct Banded, Iterative JCG – The Iterative JCG is the default and recommended solver. The other options are in the interface for backward compatibility and analytic tests.
- Absolute Convergence Criteria
- Maximum Number of Iterations per Time Step
- Generalized Properties – Wave Continuity, Lateral Viscosity
Model Formulation Tab
- Model Type – IM
- Drop-down
- "Barotropic 2DDI" – Uses new GWCE and momentum equation formulations.
- "Barotropic 3D" – Uses new GWCE and velocity based momentum equations.
- "Baroclinic 3D" – Uses new GWCE and velocity based momentum equations.
- "Barotropic 2DDI using lumped GWCE (explicit)" – Used to run ADCIRC in lumped + explicit mode, thereby bypassing the iterative solver.
- "Barotropic 3D using lumped GWCE (explicit)" – Used to run ADCIRC in lumped + explicit mode, thereby bypassing the iterative solver.
- Form (IDEN) drop-down – Only appears when "Baroclinic 3D" is selected from the above drop-down:
- "Diagnostic w/ salinity and temperature"
- "Diagnostic w/ temperature"
- "Diagnostic w/ salinity"
- "Diagnostic w/ sigma T"
- "Prognostic w/ salinity and temperature"
- "Prognostic w/ temperature"
- "Prognostic w/ salinity"
- "Prognostic w/ sigma T"
- Spatially varying average horizontal eddy viscosity in sea water wrt depth (EVC)
- Horizontal viscosity (ESLM) – Spatially constant horizontal eddy viscosity for the momentum equations (units of length2/time).
- Drop-down
- Nonlinear terms
- Finite amplitude terms (NOLIFA) – Parameter controlling the finite amplitude terms in ADCIRC.
- None – Finite amplitude terms are not included in the model run, and wetting and drying of elements is disabled.
- No wetting/drying – Finite amplitude terms are included in the model run and wetting and drying of elements is disabled.
- With wetting/drying – Finite amplitude terms ARE included in the model run and wetting and drying of elements is enabled.
- Minimum depth (H0) – Minimum water depth.
- Minimum vel – option only appears when "With wetting/drying" is selected
- Advective terms (NOLICA) – Parameter controlling the advective terms in ADCIRC.
- Time derivative terms (NOLICAT) – Parameter controlling the time derivative portion of the advective terms that occurs in the GWCE form of the continuity equation in ADCIRC. Automatically on when "No wetting/drying" or "With wetting/drying" selected, can be turned on or off otherwise.
- Advection state nodal attribute
- If turned on, allows selection of a dataset via a Select button that brings up a Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- If turned on, allows selection of a dataset via a Select button that brings up a Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Finite amplitude terms (NOLIFA) – Parameter controlling the finite amplitude terms in ADCIRC.
- Generalized wave continuity equation – GWCE
- Weighting factor (TAU0) drop-down:
- "Pure wave equation: TAU0 = 0" – The GWCE is a pure wave equation.
- "Pure primitive equation: TAU0 specified" – The GWCE behaves like a pure primitive continuity equation.
- TAU0 – Allows manual entry of the TAU0 factor.
- "Spatially discrete/time constant: TAU0 = -1" – The TAU0 is spatially varying but constant in time.
- "Spatially variable/time constant: TAU0 = -2" – The TAU0 is spatially varying but constant in time.
- "From nodal attribute: TAU0 = -3" – The TAU0 varies spatially and in time,
- If turned on, allows selection of a dataset via a Select button that brings up a Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- If turned on, allows selection of a dataset via a Select button that brings up a Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- "From local friction: TAU0 = -5" – The TAU0 varies spatially and in time, and is dependent on the local friction.
- Tau0FullDomainMin and Tau0FullDomainMax – Specified values that the spatially and time varying TAU0 scheme must stay between.
- Time weighting factors – These options are not editable when either of the explicit model type options are selected.
- k+1 (A00) – Time weighting factor in the GWCE.
- k (B00) – Time weighting factor in the GWCE.
- k-1 (C00) – Time weighting factor in the GWCE.
- Weighting factor (TAU0) drop-down:
- Solver option (ITITER) drop-down – Specifies the solver that will be used for the GWCE.
- "Lumped"
- "JCG solver"
- Solver message level (ISLDIA) drop-down – Determines which messages will be displayed.
- "Fatal" – Fatal error messgs only from ITPACKV 2D.
- "Warnings and minimum" – Warning messgs and minimum output from ITPACKV 2D.
- "Algorithm progress" – Reasonable summary of algorithm progress from ITPACKV 2D.
- "Parameters and info" – Parameter values and informative comments from ITPACKV 2D.
- "Approx solution/iter" – Approximate solution after each iteration from ITPACKV 2D.
- "Original system" – Original system from ITPACKV 2D.
- Absolute convergence (CONVCR) – Absolute convergence criteria (should be no smaller than 500 times the machine precision).
- Maximum number of iterations (ITMAX) – Maximum number of iterations each time step.
Timing Tab
The Timing tab contains the following options:
- Interpolation reference date – Allows selection of a start time. If using a hot start file, this time much exactly match the start time of the hot start file.
- Timing
- Time step (seconds) (DTDP) – ADCIRC time step (in seconds).
- Length of run (RUNDAY) –
- Ramp Options – NRAMP – Controls whether a ramp is applied to ADCIRC forcing functions.
- Number of hyperpoic tangent spin up ramps drop-down:
- "0" – No ramp function is used with forcing functions.
- "1" – A hyperbolic tangent ramp function is specified and applied to forcing from surface elevation specified boundary conditions, nonzero flux boundary conditions, tidal potential, wind and atmospheric pressure and wave radiation stress.
- "2" – A hyperbolic tangent ramp function is specified and applied to forcing from surface elevation specified boundary conditions, tidal potential, wind and atmospheric pressure and wave radiation stress. A separate hyperbolic tangent ramp function is specified and applied to the nonzero external flux boundary conditions.
- "3" – A hyperbolic tangent ramp function is specified and applied to forcing from tidal potential, wind and atmospheric pressure and wave radiation stress. Two additional hyperbolic tangent ramp functions are specified and applied to the nonzero external flux boundary conditions and the nonzero internal flux boundary conditions.
- "4" – A hyperbolic tangent ramp function is specified and applied to forcing from tidal potential, wind and atmospheric pressure and wave radiation stress. Two additional hyperbolic tangent ramp functions are specified and applied to the nonzero external flux boundary conditions, the nonzero internal flux boundary conditions and the surface elevation specified boundary conditions.
- "5" – A hyperbolic tangent ramp function is specified and applied to forcing from wind and atmospheric pressure and wave radiation stress. Four additional hyperbolic tangent ramp functions are specified and applied to the nonzero external flux boundary conditions and the nonzero internal flux boundary conditions, the surface elevation specified boundary conditions and to the tidal potential.
- "6" – A hyperbolic tangent ramp function is specified and applied to forcing from wave radiation stress. Five additional hyperbolic tangent ramp functions are specified and applied to the nonzero external flux boundary conditions, the nonzero internal flux boundary conditions, the surface elevation specified boundary conditions, to the tidal potential and the wind and atmospheric pressure.
- "7" – A general hyperbolic tangent ramp function is specified, and six additional hyperbolic tangent ramp functions are specified and applied to the nonzero external flux boundary conditions, the nonzero internal flux boundary conditions, the surface elevation specified boundary conditions, to the tidal potential, the wind and atmospheric pressure, and the wave radiation stress.
- "8" – A general hyperbolic tangent ramp function is specified, and seven additional hyperbolic tangent ramp functions are specified and applied to the nonzero external flux boundary conditions, the nonzero internal flux boundary conditions, the surface elevation specified boundary conditions, to the tidal potential, the wind and atmospheric pressure, the wave radiation stress, and the meteorological ramp delay.
- Number of hyperpoic tangent spin up ramps drop-down:
The following options appear when one or more spin up ramps are selected from the above drop-down:
- Duration (days) (all of the options below are values in decimal days):
- General Ramp (DRAMP) – Value used to compute the ramp function that ramps up ADCIRC forcings from zero. Available if NRAMP drop-down is set to "1" or higher.
- External flux ramp (DRAMPExtFlux) – Value used to compute the ramp function that ramps up the nonzero external flux boundary condition. Available if NRAMP drop-down is set to "2" or higher.
- Flux setting time (FluxSettingTime) – Time that it takes for the river flux boundary condition and the river bottom friction to equilibrate so the water surface elevation can find its steady state. Available if NRAMP drop-down is set to "2" or higher.
- Internal flux ramp (DRAMPIntFlux) – Value used to compute the ramp function that ramps up the nonzero internal flux boundary condition. Available if NRAMP drop-down is set to "3" or higher.
- Specified WSE ramp (DRAMPElev) – Value used to compute the ramp function that ramps up the elevation-specified boundary condition. Available if NRAMP drop-down is set to "4" or higher.
- Tidal potential ramp (DRAMPTip) – Value used to compute the ramp function that ramps up the tidal potential. Available if NRAMP drop-down is set to "5" or higher.
- Wind/Pressure ramp (DRAMPMete) – Value used to compute the ramp function that ramps up the wind and atmospheric pressure. Available if NRAMP drop-down is set to "6" or higher.
- Wave stress ramp (DRAMPWRad) – Value used to compute the ramp function that ramps up the wave radiation stress. Available if NRAMP drop-down is set to "7" or higher.
- Delay (DUnRampMete) – The meteorological ramp delay parameter. It delays the application of the meteorological ramp for the specified length of time, relative to the ADCIRC cold start time. Available if NRAMP drop-down is set to "8".
Output Tab
- Global output
- Water surface elevation
- Output format (NOUTGE) drop-down – Output parameters which control the time series output provided for global elevation solutions at all nodes within the domain. Output is as a "fort.63" file.
- "Off" – No output is created.
- "ASCII" – Output is in plain text (ASCII).
- "Binary" – Output is in a binary format.
- "NetCDF" – Output is in NetCDF format. Instead of a "fort.63" file, a "" file is created and/or used.
- Append on hot start:
- If turned on, a Select button appears:
- Select – Brings up the Choose file dialog. Select an existing "fort.63" file to which the output should be appended following a hot start.
- If turned off, a new "fort.63" file is created.
- If turned on, a Select button appears:
- Start (TOUTSGE) – The number of days after which global elevation data is recorded to the "fort.63" file.
- End (TOUTFGE) – The number of days after which global elevation data ceases to be recorded to the "fort.63" file.
- Increment (NSPOOLGE) – After this many time steps, information is written to the "fort.63" file.
- Output format (NOUTGE) drop-down – Output parameters which control the time series output provided for global elevation solutions at all nodes within the domain. Output is as a "fort.63" file.
- Velocity
- Output format (NOUTGV) drop-down – Output parameters which control the time series output provided for global velocity solutions at all nodes within the domain. Output is as a "fort.64" file.
- "Off" – No output is created.
- "ASCII" – Output is in plain text (ASCII).
- "Binary" – Output is in a binary format.
- "NetCDF" – Output is in NetCDF format. Instead of a "fort.64" file, a "" file is created and/or used.
- Append on hot start:
- If turned on, a Select button appears:
- Select – Brings up the Choose file dialog. Select an existing "fort.64" file to which the output should be appended following a hot start.
- If turned off, a new "fort.64" file is created.
- If turned on, a Select button appears:
- Start (TOUTSGV) – The number of days after which global velocity data is recorded to the "fort.64" file.
- End (TOUTFGV) – The number of days after which global velocity data ceases to be recorded to the "fort.64" file.
- Increment (NSPOOLGV) – After this many time steps, information is written to the "fort.64" file.
- Output format (NOUTGV) drop-down – Output parameters which control the time series output provided for global velocity solutions at all nodes within the domain. Output is as a "fort.64" file.
- Meteorological
- Output format (NOUTGW) drop-down – Output parameters which control the time series output provided for wind stress or velocity and atmospheric pressure at all nodes within the domain. Output is as "fort.73" and "fort.74" files.
- "Off" – No output is created.
- "ASCII" – Output is in plain text (ASCII).
- "Binary" – Output is in a binary format.
- "NetCDF" – Output is in NetCDF format. Instead of "fort.73" and "fort.74" files, "" and "" files are created and/or used.
- Append on hot start:
- If turned on, two Select buttons appear:
- Select – Brings up the Choose file dialog. Select existing "fort.73" or "fort.74" file to which the output should be appended following a hot start.
- If turned off, new "fort.73" and "fort.74" files are created.
- If turned on, two Select buttons appear:
- Start (TOUTSGW) – The number of days after which global wind stress/velocity and atmospheric pressure data is recorded to the "fort.73" and "fort.74" files.
- End (TOUTFGW) – The number of days after which global wind stress/velocity and atmospheric pressure data ceases to be recorded to the "fort.73" and "fort.74" files.
- Increment (NSPOOLGW) – After this many time steps, information is written to the "fort.73" and "fort.74" files.
- Output format (NOUTGW) drop-down – Output parameters which control the time series output provided for wind stress or velocity and atmospheric pressure at all nodes within the domain. Output is as "fort.73" and "fort.74" files.
- Water surface elevation
- Recording stations
- Water surface elevations
- Output format (NOUTE) drop-down – Output parameters which control the time series output provided for elevations solutions at selected elevation recording stations. Output is as a "fort.61" file.
- "Off" – No output is created.
- "ASCII" – Output is in plain text (ASCII).
- "Binary" – Output is in a binary format.
- "NetCDF" – Output is in NetCDF format. Instead of a "fort.61" file, a "" file is created and/or used.
- Append on hot start:
- If turned on, a Select button appears:
- Select – Brings up the Choose file dialog. Select an existing "fort.61" file to which the output should be appended following a hot start.
- If turned off, a new "fort.61" file is created.
- If turned on, a Select button appears:
- Start (TOUTSE) – The number of days after which elevation station data is recorded to the "fort.61" file.
- End (TOUTFE) – The number of days after which elevation station data ceases to be recorded to the "fort.61" file.
- Increment (NSPOOLE) – After this many time steps, information is written to the "fort.61" file.
- Output format (NOUTE) drop-down – Output parameters which control the time series output provided for elevations solutions at selected elevation recording stations. Output is as a "fort.61" file.
- Velocity
- Output format (NOUTV) drop-down – Output parameters which control the time series output provided for velocity solutions at selected velocity recording stations. Output is as a "fort.62" file.
- "Off" – No output is created.
- "ASCII" – Output is in plain text (ASCII).
- "Binary" – Output is in a binary format.
- "NetCDF" – Output is in NetCDF format. Instead of a "fort.62" file, a "" file is created and/or used.
- Append on hot start:
- If turned on, a Select button appears:
- Select – Brings up the Choose file dialog. Select an existing "fort.62" file to which the output should be appended following a hot start.
- If turned off, a new "fort.62" file is created.
- If turned on, a Select button appears:
- Start (TOUTSV) – The number of days after which velocity station data is recorded to the "fort.62" file.
- End (TOUTFV) – The number of days after which velocity station data ceases to be recorded to the "fort.62" file.
- Increment (NSPOOLV) – After this many time steps, information is written to the "fort.62" file.
- Output format (NOUTV) drop-down – Output parameters which control the time series output provided for velocity solutions at selected velocity recording stations. Output is as a "fort.62" file.
- Meteorological
- Output format (NOUTM) drop-down – Output parameters which control the time series output provided for meteorological data at selected meteorological recording stations. Output is as "fort.71" and "fort.72" files.
- "Off" – No output is created.
- "ASCII" – Output is in plain text (ASCII).
- "Binary" – Output is in a binary format.
- "NetCDF" – Output is in NetCDF format. Instead of "fort.71" and "fort.72" files, "" and "" files are created and/or used.
- Append on hot start:
- If turned on, two Select buttons appear:
- Select – Brings up the Choose file dialog. Select existing "fort.71" or "fort.72" file to which the output should be appended following a hot start.
- If turned off, new "fort.71" and "fort.72" files are created.
- If turned on, two Select buttons appear:
- Start (TOUTSM) – The number of days after which meteorological station data is recorded to the "fort.71" and "fort.72" files.
- End (TOUTFM) – The number of days after which meteorological station data ceases to be recorded to the "fort.71" and "fort.72" files.
- Increment (NSPOOLM) – After this many time steps, information is written to the "fort.71" and "fort.72" files.
- Output format (NOUTM) drop-down – Output parameters which control the time series output provided for meteorological data at selected meteorological recording stations. Output is as "fort.71" and "fort.72" files.
- Water surface elevations
- Hot start output
- Format (NHSTAR) drop-down:
- "Off" – No hot start files are created.
- "Binary" – Hot start files created in a binary format.
- "NetCDF" – Hot start files created in NetCDF format.
- "NetCDF4" – Hot start files created in NetCDF4 format, a variation on the NetCDF format.
- Increment (NHSINC) – After this many time steps, hot start files in the selected format are created.
- Format (NHSTAR) drop-down:
- NetCDF options – These appear if either NetCDF format is selected in the Hot start output section.
- Project title (NCPROJ) – The project title.
- Project institution (NCINST) – The project institution (where the project was produced).
- Project source (NCSOUR) – How the project was produced (instruments used).
- Project history (NCHIST) – Audit trail of processing operations.
- Project references (NCREF) – Pointers to documentation, publications, etc.
- Project comments (NCCOM) – Additional comments about the project.
- Project host (NCHOST) – The host of the project.
- Project conventions (NCCONV) – Conventions used in the project.
- Project contact information (NCCONT) – Contact information for the project lead(s).
- Project date (NCDATE) – The project date. The small arrow at the right of the date produces a calendar to allow selecting from a calendar.
Wind Tab
ADCIRC can model and compute wind velocities and stresses. The ADCIRC model is able to use wind data from a variety of different file types. The SMS interface is not able to read and create all of the available wind data file types. There are three types that SMS is able to read and create. Even though SMS does not read and create these other file types, it does tell ADCIRC that there is data there, where it is, and how to access it for a simulation to run correctly.
One of the parameters found in the fort.22 file (Single File Meteorological Forcing Input File) will tell which of the wind data file types SMS can read and create. The first parameter specified in the fort.22 file is called the Node Wind Stress (NWS) value. This value represents what type of wind data is in the file. It can range from 0 to 100+. SMS can read and create fort.22 files that are of the NWS value of 1, 2, or 5. All other values of the NWS value are only shown and directed to the ADCIRC model by SMS so that a simulation will run correctly.
NWS = 0 – No Wind
This selection has no additional options.
NWS = 1 – Stress/Pressure – every node/every time step
- Option – NWS section
- Use existing wind file – Uses an existing "fort.22" file if turned on
- Select – Opens a Choose file dialog, allowing the selection of the desired "fort.22" file.
- Wind stress – Only visible if Use existing wind file is turned off.
- Select – Opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- Select – Opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Atmospheric pressure – Only visible if Use existing wind file is turned off.
- Select – Opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- Select – Opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Use existing wind file – Uses an existing "fort.22" file if turned on
- Wave radiation section. Drop-down options include:
- "None"
- "Forcing file" – The following option is made available:
- Wave radiation stress increment (sec) (RSTIMINC) – Time interval between successive wave radiation stress values in the Wave Radiation Stress Forcing File ("fort.23").
- "SWAN coupled" – Runs ADCIRC coupled with SWAN (Simulated WAves Nearshore model)
- Use SWAN hot start – Turn on to hot start SWAN with ADCIRC.
- Wave radiation stress increment (sec) (RSTIMINC) – Time interval between successive wave radiation stress values in the Wave Radiation Stress Forcing File ("fort.23").
- "STWAVE coupled" – Runs ADCIRC coupled with an STWAVE output.
- Wave radiation stress increment (sec) (RSTIMINC) – Time interval between successive wave radiation stress values in the Wave Radiation Stress Forcing File ("fort.23").
- Nodal attributes section
- Surface directional effective roughness_length - z0Land – This attribute has "ValuesPerNode = 12". Turning this on makes the following available:
- 000 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 030 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 060 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 090 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 120 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 150 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 180 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 210 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 240 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 270 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 300 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 330 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 000 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Surface canopy coefficient - VCanopy (unitless)
- Select – Opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- Select – Opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Surface directional effective roughness_length - z0Land – This attribute has "ValuesPerNode = 12". Turning this on makes the following available:
NWS = 2 – Stress/Pressure – every node/time interval
- Option – NWS section
- Use existing wind file – Turning on this option allows selection of a specific "fort.22" file
- Select – Opens a "Choose file dialog
- First time step matches hot start time – Turning on this option requires that a hot start time be specified in the Interpolation reference date section of the Timing tab
- Wind stress – Only available if Use existing wind file is turned off. Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- Atmospheric pressure – Only available if Use existing wind file is turned off. Opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- Time increment in seconds (WTIMINC) – The meteorological wind time interval.
- Use existing wind file – Turning on this option allows selection of a specific "fort.22" file
- Wave radiation section
- "None"
- "Forcing file" – The following option is made available:
- Wave radiation stress increment (sec) (RSTIMINC) – Time interval between successive wave radiation stress values in the Wave Radiation Stress Forcing File ("fort.23").
- "SWAN coupled" – Runs ADCIRC coupled with SWAN (Simulated WAves Nearshore model)
- Use SWAN hot start – Turn on to hot start SWAN with ADCIRC.
- Wave radiation stress increment (sec) (RSTIMINC) – Time interval between successive wave radiation stress values in the Wave Radiation Stress Forcing File ("fort.23").
- "STWAVE coupled" – Runs ADCIRC coupled with an STWAVE output.
- Wave radiation stress increment (sec) (RSTIMINC) – Time interval between successive wave radiation stress values in the Wave Radiation Stress Forcing File ("fort.23").
- Nodal attributes section
- Surface directional effective roughness_length - z0Land – This attribute has "ValuesPerNode = 12". Turning this on makes the following available:
- 000 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 030 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 060 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 090 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 120 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 150 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 180 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 210 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 240 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 270 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 300 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 330 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 000 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Surface canopy coefficient - VCanopy (unitless)
- Select – Opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- Select – Opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Surface directional effective roughness_length - z0Land – This attribute has "ValuesPerNode = 12". Turning this on makes the following available:
- Option – NWS section
- Use existing wind file – Turning on this option allows selection of a specific "fort.22" file
- Select – Opens a "Choose file dialog
- Time increment in seconds (WTIMINC) – The meteorological wind time interval.
- Use existing wind file – Turning on this option allows selection of a specific "fort.22" file
- Grid parameters section
- Wind (Speed/Direction) – Requires the simulation to have geometry set. Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- Wind (Speed/Direction) – Requires the simulation to have geometry set. Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Wave radiation section
- "None"
- "Forcing file" – The following option is made available:
- Wave radiation stress increment (sec) (RSTIMINC) – Time interval between successive wave radiation stress values in the Wave Radiation Stress Forcing File ("fort.23").
- "SWAN coupled" – Runs ADCIRC coupled with SWAN (Simulated WAves Nearshore model)
- Use SWAN hot start – Turn on to hot start SWAN with ADCIRC.
- Wave radiation stress increment (sec) (RSTIMINC) – Time interval between successive wave radiation stress values in the Wave Radiation Stress Forcing File ("fort.23").
- "STWAVE coupled" – Runs ADCIRC coupled with an STWAVE output.
- Wave radiation stress increment (sec) (RSTIMINC) – Time interval between successive wave radiation stress values in the Wave Radiation Stress Forcing File ("fort.23").
- Nodal attributes section
- Surface directional effective roughness_length - z0Land – This attribute has "ValuesPerNode = 12". Turning this on makes the following available:
- 000 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 030 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 060 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 090 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 120 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 150 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 180 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 210 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 240 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 270 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 300 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 330 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 000 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Surface canopy coefficient - VCanopy (unitless)
- Select – Opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- Select – Opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Surface directional effective roughness_length - z0Land – This attribute has "ValuesPerNode = 12". Turning this on makes the following available:
- Ice section
- Use ice – When turned on, allows setting the Ice time increment
- Ice time increment (sec) (CICE_TIMINC)
- Use ice – When turned on, allows setting the Ice time increment
NWS = 4 – Velocity/Pressure in PBL/JAG format
- Option – NWS section
- Use existing wind file – Turning on this option allows selection of a specific "fort.22" file
- Select – Opens a "Choose file dialog
- First time step matches hot start time – Turning on this option requires that a hot start time be specified in the Interpolation reference date section of the Timing tab
- Use existing wind file – Turning on this option allows selection of a specific "fort.22" file
- Wind velocity
- Select – Opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- Select – Opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Atmospheric pressure
- Select – Opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- Time increment in seconds (WTIMINC) – The meteorological wind time interval.
- Select – Opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Wave radiation section
- "None"
- "Forcing file" – The following option is made available:
- Wave radiation stress increment (sec) (RSTIMINC) – Time interval between successive wave radiation stress values in the Wave Radiation Stress Forcing File ("fort.23").
- "SWAN coupled" – Runs ADCIRC coupled with SWAN (Simulated WAves Nearshore model)
- Use SWAN hot start – Turn on to hot start SWAN with ADCIRC.
- Wave radiation stress increment (sec) (RSTIMINC) – Time interval between successive wave radiation stress values in the Wave Radiation Stress Forcing File ("fort.23").
- "STWAVE coupled" – Runs ADCIRC coupled with an STWAVE output.
- Wave radiation stress increment (sec) (RSTIMINC) – Time interval between successive wave radiation stress values in the Wave Radiation Stress Forcing File ("fort.23").
- Nodal attributes section
- Surface directional effective roughness_length - z0Land – This attribute has "ValuesPerNode = 12". Turning this on makes the following available:
- 000 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 030 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 060 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 090 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 120 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 150 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 180 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 210 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 240 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 270 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 300 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 330 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 000 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Surface canopy coefficient - VCanopy (unitless)
- Select – Opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- Select – Opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Surface directional effective roughness_length - z0Land – This attribute has "ValuesPerNode = 12". Turning this on makes the following available:
- Ice section
- Use ice – When turned on, allows setting the Ice time increment
- Ice time increment (sec) (CICE_TIMINC)
- Use ice – When turned on, allows setting the Ice time increment
NWS = 5 – Velocity/Pressure – every node/time interval
- Option – NWS section
- Use existing wind file – Turning on this option allows selection of a specific "fort.22" file
- Select – Opens a "Choose file dialog
- First time step matches hot start time – Turning on this option requires that a hot start time be specified in the Interpolation reference date section of the Timing tab
- Use existing wind file – Turning on this option allows selection of a specific "fort.22" file
- Wind velocity
- Select – Opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- Select – Opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Atmospheric pressure
- Select – Opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- Time increment in seconds (WTIMINC) – The meteorological wind time interval.
- Select – Opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Wave radiation section
- "None"
- "Forcing file" – The following option is made available:
- Wave radiation stress increment (sec) (RSTIMINC) – Time interval between successive wave radiation stress values in the Wave Radiation Stress Forcing File ("fort.23").
- "SWAN coupled" – Runs ADCIRC coupled with SWAN (Simulated WAves Nearshore model)
- Use SWAN hot start – Turn on to hot start SWAN with ADCIRC.
- Wave radiation stress increment (sec) (RSTIMINC) – Time interval between successive wave radiation stress values in the Wave Radiation Stress Forcing File ("fort.23").
- "STWAVE coupled" – Runs ADCIRC coupled with an STWAVE output.
- Wave radiation stress increment (sec) (RSTIMINC) – Time interval between successive wave radiation stress values in the Wave Radiation Stress Forcing File ("fort.23").
- Nodal attributes section
- Surface directional effective roughness_length - z0Land – This attribute has "ValuesPerNode = 12". Turning this on makes the following available:
- 000 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 030 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 060 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 090 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 120 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 150 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 180 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 210 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 240 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 270 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 300 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 330 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 000 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Surface canopy coefficient - VCanopy (unitless)
- Select – Opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- Select – Opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Surface directional effective roughness_length - z0Land – This attribute has "ValuesPerNode = 12". Turning this on makes the following available:
- Ice section
- Use ice – When turned on, allows setting the Ice time increment
- Ice time increment (sec) (CICE_TIMINC)
- Use ice – When turned on, allows setting the Ice time increment
NWS = 6 – Velocity/Pressure on grid
- Option – NWS section
- Use existing wind file – Turning on this option allows selection of a specific "fort.22" file
- Select – Opens a "Choose file dialog
- Time increment in seconds (WTIMINC) – The meteorological wind time interval.
- Use existing wind file – Turning on this option allows selection of a specific "fort.22" file
- Grid parameters section
- Wind (X/Y) – Requires the simulation to have geometry set. Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- Pressure – Requires the simulation to have geometry set. Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- Wind (X/Y) – Requires the simulation to have geometry set. Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Wave radiation section
- "None"
- "Forcing file" – The following option is made available:
- Wave radiation stress increment (sec) (RSTIMINC) – Time interval between successive wave radiation stress values in the Wave Radiation Stress Forcing File ("fort.23").
- "SWAN coupled" – Runs ADCIRC coupled with SWAN (Simulated WAves Nearshore model)
- Use SWAN hot start – Turn on to hot start SWAN with ADCIRC.
- Wave radiation stress increment (sec) (RSTIMINC) – Time interval between successive wave radiation stress values in the Wave Radiation Stress Forcing File ("fort.23").
- "STWAVE coupled" – Runs ADCIRC coupled with an STWAVE output.
- Wave radiation stress increment (sec) (RSTIMINC) – Time interval between successive wave radiation stress values in the Wave Radiation Stress Forcing File ("fort.23").
- Nodal attributes section
- Surface directional effective roughness_length - z0Land – This attribute has "ValuesPerNode = 12". Turning this on makes the following available:
- 000 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 030 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 060 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 090 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 120 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 150 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 180 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 210 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 240 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 270 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 300 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 330 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 000 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Surface canopy coefficient - VCanopy (unitless)
- Select – Opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- Select – Opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Surface directional effective roughness_length - z0Land – This attribute has "ValuesPerNode = 12". Turning this on makes the following available:
- Ice section
- Use ice – When turned on, allows setting the Ice time increment
- Ice time increment (sec) (CICE_TIMINC)
- Use ice – When turned on, allows setting the Ice time increment
NWS = 8 – Symmetric cyclone storm from path
- Option – NWS section
- Use existing wind file – Turning on this option allows selection of a specific "fort.22" file
- Select – Opens a "Choose file dialog
- Use existing wind file – Turning on this option allows selection of a specific "fort.22" file
- Wind track coverage parameters section
- Wind speed adjustment factor (BLAdj) – The adjustment factor between wind speed at 10m and the wind speed at the top of the atmospheric boundary layer. The reasonable range is "0.7" to "0.9".
- Wave radiation section
- "None"
- "Forcing file" – The following option is made available:
- Wave radiation stress increment (sec) (RSTIMINC) – Time interval between successive wave radiation stress values in the Wave Radiation Stress Forcing File ("fort.23").
- "SWAN coupled" – Runs ADCIRC coupled with SWAN (Simulated WAves Nearshore model)
- Use SWAN hot start – Turn on to hot start SWAN with ADCIRC.
- Wave radiation stress increment (sec) (RSTIMINC) – Time interval between successive wave radiation stress values in the Wave Radiation Stress Forcing File ("fort.23").
- "STWAVE coupled" – Runs ADCIRC coupled with an STWAVE output.
- Wave radiation stress increment (sec) (RSTIMINC) – Time interval between successive wave radiation stress values in the Wave Radiation Stress Forcing File ("fort.23").
- Nodal attributes section
- Surface directional effective roughness_length - z0Land – This attribute has "ValuesPerNode = 12". Turning this on makes the following available:
- 000 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 030 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 060 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 090 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 120 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 150 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 180 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 210 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 240 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 270 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 300 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 330 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 000 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Surface canopy coefficient - VCanopy (unitless)
- Select – Opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- Select – Opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Surface directional effective roughness_length - z0Land – This attribute has "ValuesPerNode = 12". Turning this on makes the following available:
- Ice section
- Use ice – When turned on, allows setting the Ice time increment
- Ice time increment (sec) (CICE_TIMINC)
- Use ice – When turned on, allows setting the Ice time increment
NWS = 10 – 10m Velocity/Pressure NWS AVN files
When using this option, all "fort.*" meteorologcal input files for this simulation must be copied to the project's export location prior to launching ADCIRC.
- Option – NWS section
- Time increment in seconds (WTIMINC) – The meteorological wind time interval.
- Wave radiation section
- "None"
- "Forcing file" – The following option is made available:
- Wave radiation stress increment (sec) (RSTIMINC) – Time interval between successive wave radiation stress values in the Wave Radiation Stress Forcing File ("fort.23").
- "SWAN coupled" – Runs ADCIRC coupled with SWAN (Simulated WAves Nearshore model)
- Use SWAN hot start – Turn on to hot start SWAN with ADCIRC.
- Wave radiation stress increment (sec) (RSTIMINC) – Time interval between successive wave radiation stress values in the Wave Radiation Stress Forcing File ("fort.23").
- "STWAVE coupled" – Runs ADCIRC coupled with an STWAVE output.
- Wave radiation stress increment (sec) (RSTIMINC) – Time interval between successive wave radiation stress values in the Wave Radiation Stress Forcing File ("fort.23").
- Nodal attributes section
- Surface directional effective roughness_length - z0Land – This attribute has "ValuesPerNode = 12". Turning this on makes the following available:
- 000 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 030 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 060 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 090 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 120 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 150 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 180 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 210 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 240 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 270 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 300 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 330 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 000 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Surface canopy coefficient - VCanopy (unitless)
- Select – Opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- Select – Opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Surface directional effective roughness_length - z0Land – This attribute has "ValuesPerNode = 12". Turning this on makes the following available:
- Ice section
- Use ice – When turned on, allows setting the Ice time increment
- Ice time increment (sec) (CICE_TIMINC)
- Use ice – When turned on, allows setting the Ice time increment
NWS = 11 – 10m Velocity/Pressure NWS ETA 29km files
When using this option, all "fort.*" meteorologcal input files for this simulation must be copied to the project's export location prior to launching ADCIRC.
- Wave radiation section
- "None"
- "Forcing file" – The following option is made available:
- Wave radiation stress increment (sec) (RSTIMINC) – Time interval between successive wave radiation stress values in the Wave Radiation Stress Forcing File ("fort.23").
- "SWAN coupled" – Runs ADCIRC coupled with SWAN (Simulated WAves Nearshore model)
- Use SWAN hot start – Turn on to hot start SWAN with ADCIRC.
- Wave radiation stress increment (sec) (RSTIMINC) – Time interval between successive wave radiation stress values in the Wave Radiation Stress Forcing File ("fort.23").
- "STWAVE coupled" – Runs ADCIRC coupled with an STWAVE output.
- Wave radiation stress increment (sec) (RSTIMINC) – Time interval between successive wave radiation stress values in the Wave Radiation Stress Forcing File ("fort.23").
- Nodal attributes section
- Surface directional effective roughness_length - z0Land – This attribute has "ValuesPerNode = 12". Turning this on makes the following available:
- 000 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 030 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 060 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 090 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 120 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 150 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 180 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 210 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 240 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 270 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 300 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 330 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 000 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Surface canopy coefficient - VCanopy (unitless)
- Select – Opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- Select – Opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Surface directional effective roughness_length - z0Land – This attribute has "ValuesPerNode = 12". Turning this on makes the following available:
- Ice section
- Use ice – When turned on, allows setting the Ice time increment
- Ice time increment (sec) (CICE_TIMINC)
- Use ice – When turned on, allows setting the Ice time increment
NWS = 12 – Velocity/Pressure OWI files
- Option – NWS section
- First time step matches hot start time – Turning on this option requires that a hot start time be specified in the Interpolation reference date section of the Timing tab
- Time increment in seconds (WTIMINC) – The meteorological wind time interval.
- Meteorological time offset in WTIMINC (NWBS) – The time delay between the start of an ADCIRC run and the start of the gridded wind field data, in units of wind time increments.
- Wind velocity multiplier (DWM) – Specifies a multiplication factor for the wind velocities. If the velocities should be used as-is, set this factor to "1.0".
- Basin pressure OWI file – Clicking Select brings up the Choose file dialog.
- Basin wind OWI file – Clicking Select brings up the Choose file dialog.
- Use regional OWI files – Turning on this option makes two additional options avaiable:
- Regional pressure OWI file – Clicking Select brings up the Choose file dialog.
- Regional pressure OWI file – Clicking Select brings up the Choose file dialog.
- Wave radiation section
- "None"
- "Forcing file" – The following option is made available:
- Wave radiation stress increment (sec) (RSTIMINC) – Time interval between successive wave radiation stress values in the Wave Radiation Stress Forcing File ("fort.23").
- "SWAN coupled" – Runs ADCIRC coupled with SWAN (Simulated WAves Nearshore model)
- Use SWAN hot start – Turn on to hot start SWAN with ADCIRC.
- Wave radiation stress increment (sec) (RSTIMINC) – Time interval between successive wave radiation stress values in the Wave Radiation Stress Forcing File ("fort.23").
- "STWAVE coupled" – Runs ADCIRC coupled with an STWAVE output.
- Wave radiation stress increment (sec) (RSTIMINC) – Time interval between successive wave radiation stress values in the Wave Radiation Stress Forcing File ("fort.23").
- Nodal attributes section
- Surface directional effective roughness_length - z0Land – This attribute has "ValuesPerNode = 12". Turning this on makes the following available:
- 000 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 030 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 060 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 090 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 120 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 150 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 180 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 210 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 240 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 270 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 300 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 330 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 000 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Surface canopy coefficient - VCanopy (unitless)
- Select – Opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- Select – Opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Surface directional effective roughness_length - z0Land – This attribute has "ValuesPerNode = 12". Turning this on makes the following available:
- Ice section
- Use ice – When turned on, allows setting the Ice time increment
- Ice time increment (sec) (CICE_TIMINC)
- Use ice – When turned on, allows setting the Ice time increment
NWS = 15 – HWind files
- Option – NWS section
- Use existing wind file – Uses an existing "fort.22" file if turned on
- Select – Opens a Choose file dialog, allowing the selection of the desired "fort.22" file.
- First time step matches hot start time – Turning on this option requires that a hot start time be specified in the Interpolation reference date section of the Timing tab
- Time increment in seconds (WTIMINC) – The meteorological wind time interval.
- Wind multiplier –
- Pressure wind relationship drop-down:
- "Dvorak" –
- "Knaffzehr" –
- "Specified central pressure" –
- "Background" –
- Below the Pressure wind relationship drop-down is a spreadsheet field containing four columns. A number of options are below the field:
- Hours column –
- Central Pressure column – Only editable when "Specified central pressure" is selected from the above drop-down.
- Ramp Multiplier column –
- HWND File column – The (none selected) button brings up the Choose file dialog, allowing selection of the desired HWND file.
- Copy/Paste Mode – Allows data from an external spreadsheet to be pasted into the spreadsheet in this dialog.
- Import... – Imports tab-separated values (TSV, TXT) or comma-separated values (CSV, TXT) into the spreadsheet.
- Export... – Exports the spreadsheet data as a tab-separated value (TSV, TXT) or comma-separated value (CSV, TXT) file.
- Insert Above – Inserts a row above the selected row in the spreadsheet. If no rows exist, a single new row will be added.
- Insert Below – Inserts a row below the selected row in the spreadsheet. If no rows exist, a single new row will be added.
- Delete – Deletes the selected row in the spreadsheet.
- Use existing wind file – Uses an existing "fort.22" file if turned on
- Wave radiation section
- "None"
- "Forcing file" – The following option is made available:
- Wave radiation stress increment (sec) (RSTIMINC) – Time interval between successive wave radiation stress values in the Wave Radiation Stress Forcing File ("fort.23").
- "SWAN coupled" – Runs ADCIRC coupled with SWAN (Simulated WAves Nearshore model)
- Use SWAN hot start – Turn on to hot start SWAN with ADCIRC.
- Wave radiation stress increment (sec) (RSTIMINC) – Time interval between successive wave radiation stress values in the Wave Radiation Stress Forcing File ("fort.23").
- "STWAVE coupled" – Runs ADCIRC coupled with an STWAVE output.
- Wave radiation stress increment (sec) (RSTIMINC) – Time interval between successive wave radiation stress values in the Wave Radiation Stress Forcing File ("fort.23").
- Nodal attributes section
- Surface directional effective roughness_length - z0Land – This attribute has "ValuesPerNode = 12". Turning this on makes the following available:
- 000 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 030 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 060 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 090 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 120 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 150 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 180 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 210 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 240 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 270 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 300 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 330 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 000 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Surface canopy coefficient - VCanopy (unitless)
- Select – Opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- Select – Opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Surface directional effective roughness_length - z0Land – This attribute has "ValuesPerNode = 12". Turning this on makes the following available:
- Ice section
- Use ice – When turned on, allows setting the Ice time increment
- Ice time increment (sec) (CICE_TIMINC)
- Use ice – When turned on, allows setting the Ice time increment
NWS = 16 – GFDL files
- Option – NWS section
- Use existing wind file – Uses an existing "fort.22" file if turned on
- Select – Opens a Choose file dialog, allowing the selection of the desired "fort.22" file.
- First time step matches hot start time – Turning on this option requires that a hot start time be specified in the Interpolation reference date section of the Timing tab
- Time increment in seconds (WTIMINC) – The meteorological wind time interval.
- Wind multiplier –
- Maximum extrapolation distance –
- Below the Maximum extrapolation distance option is a spreadsheet field containing three columns. A number of options are below the field:
- Hours column –
- Ramp Multiplier column –
- GFDL File column – The (none selected) button brings up the Choose file dialog, allowing selection of the desired GFDL file.
- Copy/Paste Mode – Allows data from an external spreadsheet to be pasted into the spreadsheet in this dialog.
- Import... – Imports tab-separated values (TSV, TXT) or comma-separated values (CSV, TXT) into the spreadsheet.
- Export... – Exports the spreadsheet data as a tab-separated value (TSV, TXT) or comma-separated value (CSV, TXT) file.
- Insert Above – Inserts a row above the selected row in the spreadsheet. If no rows exist, a single new row will be added.
- Insert Below – Inserts a row below the selected row in the spreadsheet. If no rows exist, a single new row will be added.
- Delete – Deletes the selected row in the spreadsheet.
- Below the Maximum extrapolation distance option is a spreadsheet field containing three columns. A number of options are below the field:
- Use existing wind file – Uses an existing "fort.22" file if turned on
- Wave radiation section
- "None"
- "Forcing file" – The following option is made available:
- Wave radiation stress increment (sec) (RSTIMINC) – Time interval between successive wave radiation stress values in the Wave Radiation Stress Forcing File ("fort.23").
- "SWAN coupled" – Runs ADCIRC coupled with SWAN (Simulated WAves Nearshore model)
- Use SWAN hot start – Turn on to hot start SWAN with ADCIRC.
- Wave radiation stress increment (sec) (RSTIMINC) – Time interval between successive wave radiation stress values in the Wave Radiation Stress Forcing File ("fort.23").
- "STWAVE coupled" – Runs ADCIRC coupled with an STWAVE output.
- Wave radiation stress increment (sec) (RSTIMINC) – Time interval between successive wave radiation stress values in the Wave Radiation Stress Forcing File ("fort.23").
- Nodal attributes section
- Surface directional effective roughness_length - z0Land – This attribute has "ValuesPerNode = 12". Turning this on makes the following available:
- 000 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 030 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 060 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 090 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 120 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 150 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 180 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 210 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 240 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 270 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 300 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 330 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 000 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Surface canopy coefficient - VCanopy (unitless)
- Select – Opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- Select – Opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Surface directional effective roughness_length - z0Land – This attribute has "ValuesPerNode = 12". Turning this on makes the following available:
- Ice section
- Use ice – When turned on, allows setting the Ice time increment
- Ice time increment (sec) (CICE_TIMINC)
- Use ice – When turned on, allows setting the Ice time increment
NWS = 19 – Asymmetric cyclonic storm from path
- Option – NWS section
- Use existing wind file – Uses an existing "fort.22" file if turned on
- Select – Opens a Choose file dialog, allowing the selection of the desired "fort.22" file.
- Use existing wind file – Uses an existing "fort.22" file if turned on
- Wind track coverage parameters section
- Wind speed adjustment factor (BLAdj) – The adjustment factor between wind speed at 10m and the wind speed at the top of the atmospheric boundary layer. The reasonable range is "0.7" to "0.9".
- Wave radiation section
- "None"
- "Forcing file" – The following option is made available:
- Wave radiation stress increment (sec) (RSTIMINC) – Time interval between successive wave radiation stress values in the Wave Radiation Stress Forcing File ("fort.23").
- "SWAN coupled" – Runs ADCIRC coupled with SWAN (Simulated WAves Nearshore model)
- Use SWAN hot start – Turn on to hot start SWAN with ADCIRC.
- Wave radiation stress increment (sec) (RSTIMINC) – Time interval between successive wave radiation stress values in the Wave Radiation Stress Forcing File ("fort.23").
- "STWAVE coupled" – Runs ADCIRC coupled with an STWAVE output.
- Wave radiation stress increment (sec) (RSTIMINC) – Time interval between successive wave radiation stress values in the Wave Radiation Stress Forcing File ("fort.23").
- Nodal attributes section
- Surface directional effective roughness_length - z0Land – This attribute has "ValuesPerNode = 12". Turning this on makes the following available:
- 000 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 030 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 060 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 090 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 120 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 150 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 180 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 210 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 240 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 270 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 300 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 330 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 000 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Surface canopy coefficient - VCanopy (unitless)
- Select – Opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- Select – Opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Surface directional effective roughness_length - z0Land – This attribute has "ValuesPerNode = 12". Turning this on makes the following available:
- Ice section
- Use ice – When turned on, allows setting the Ice time increment
- Ice time increment (sec) (CICE_TIMINC)
- Use ice – When turned on, allows setting the Ice time increment
NWS = 20 – GAHM Format cyclonic storm path
- Option – NWS section
- Use existing wind file – Uses an existing "fort.22" file if turned on
- Select – Opens a Choose file dialog, allowing the selection of the desired "fort.22" file.
- Use existing wind file – Uses an existing "fort.22" file if turned on
- Wind track coverage parameters section
- Wind speed adjustment factor (BLAdj) – The adjustment factor between wind speed at 10m and the wind speed at the top of the atmospheric boundary layer. The reasonable range is "0.7" to "0.9".
- Geofactor drop-down
- "Full gradient equation" –
- "Simplifying cyclostrophic balance equation" –
- Wave radiation section
- "None"
- "Forcing file" – The following option is made available:
- Wave radiation stress increment (sec) (RSTIMINC) – Time interval between successive wave radiation stress values in the Wave Radiation Stress Forcing File ("fort.23").
- "SWAN coupled" – Runs ADCIRC coupled with SWAN (Simulated WAves Nearshore model)
- Use SWAN hot start – Turn on to hot start SWAN with ADCIRC.
- Wave radiation stress increment (sec) (RSTIMINC) – Time interval between successive wave radiation stress values in the Wave Radiation Stress Forcing File ("fort.23").
- "STWAVE coupled" – Runs ADCIRC coupled with an STWAVE output.
- Wave radiation stress increment (sec) (RSTIMINC) – Time interval between successive wave radiation stress values in the Wave Radiation Stress Forcing File ("fort.23").
- Nodal attributes section
- Surface directional effective roughness_length - z0Land – This attribute has "ValuesPerNode = 12". Turning this on makes the following available:
- 000 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 030 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 060 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 090 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 120 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 150 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 180 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 210 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 240 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 270 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 300 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 330 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- 000 – Clicking Select opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Surface canopy coefficient - VCanopy (unitless)
- Select – Opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Create – Brings up the Dataset Toolbox dialog to allow creation of a new dataset.
- Select – Brings up the Select Dataset dialog to allow selection of an existing dataset.
- Unselect – Clears the selection displayed in the Name field in the Dataset dialog.
- Select – Opens the Dataset dialog. The Dataset dialog has three buttons:
- Surface directional effective roughness_length - z0Land – This attribute has "ValuesPerNode = 12". Turning this on makes the following available:
- Ice section
- Use ice – When turned on, allows setting the Ice time increment
- Ice time increment (sec) (CICE_TIMINC)
- Use ice – When turned on, allows setting the Ice time increment
Nodal Attributes Tab
- Surface submergence state
- Sea surface height above geoid
- Wave refraction in swan
- Bridge pilings friction parameters
- Elemental slope limiter
- Initial river elevation
Harmonics Analysis Tab
Tidal constituents are variations in tides that are created by different frequencies of astronomical forcing. They arise due to the gravitational influences of the Moon and Sun on the Earth, the tilt of the rotational axis of the Earth, the elliptical shape of the Moon's orbit around the Earth, the shape of the Earth's orbit around the Sun, and other such factors. Many constituents have been defined and are classified based on their cycle lengths. Most of the tidal constituents used in the ADCIRC interface of SMS are either diurnal (one cycle per day) or semidiurnal (two cycles per day) in nature. Harmonic constituents are those variations that have periods of less than half a day. For a table of commonly used constituents see Principal Tidal Constituents.[1]
SMS uses the following databases to provide the tidal constituent data to an ADCIRC simulation:
- LeProvost – The LeProvost database is a set of *.legi files which provide amplitude and phase information. The LeProvost database can be downloaded at:
- An image of the LeProvost tidal database domain coverage can be found here –
- An image of the LeProvost tidal database domain coverage can be found here –
- ADCIRC – The ADCIRC database includes a grid file and a harmonics file that uses an *.exe extractor to put information into SMS. The ADCIRC database can be downloaded at: More information about the ADCIRC database can be obtained at the ADCIRC web page: ADCIRC Tides Databases. The ADCIRC database is only valid for projections in North America.
The path to each database on a computer must be specified in the Preferences dialog by going to Edit | Preferences then selecting the File Locations tab. The two tidal constituent databases (LeProvost and ADCIRC) are only accessible if the SMS project has a global (not local) display projection.
Advanced Controls
- Changing bathymetry
- Use hostrarted fort.141
- Domain
- Update increment
- Increment duration
Related Links
- Boundary Conditions
- Coverage
- Linear Truncation Error Analysis (LTEA)
- Meshes
- Spatial Attributes
- Steering
SMS – Surface-water Modeling System | ||
Modules: | 1D Grid • Cartesian Grid • Curvilinear Grid • GIS • Map • Mesh • Particle • Quadtree • Raster • Scatter • UGrid | ![]() |
General Models: | 3D Structure • FVCOM • Generic • PTM | |
Coastal Models: | ADCIRC • BOUSS-2D • CGWAVE • CMS-Flow • CMS-Wave • GenCade • STWAVE • WAM | |
Riverine/Estuarine Models: | AdH • HEC-RAS • HYDRO AS-2D • RMA2 • RMA4 • SRH-2D • TUFLOW • TUFLOW FV | |
Aquaveo • SMS Tutorials • SMS Workflows |