1. Gather and open image files.
Images are imported into the GIS module in GMS.
1. Open local images.
- Load images from local computer files using the File | Open... command.
- Alternatively, drag and drop the file into the Graphics Window in GMS.
2. Gather and open geometric data files.
4. Import CAD data.
- Verify the CAD file type is readable by GMS before importing it. GMS can import DXF and DWG files.
- Use the File | Open... command to launch the Open dialog (or drag and drop) to import the CAD files.
- The data should load in layers into the Project Explorer.
3. Gather hydrologic data files.
- Gather data files for hydrologic and hydraulic data. These include data such as hydrographs, water levels, and rating curves. They will be imported when setting boundary conditions and when doing model calibration.