SMS:Merge 2D Meshes

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Two meshes can be merged to form a new mesh which will be called "Merged" (or something similar if that name is already used). No model data will be transferred, and the type of the new mesh will be the same as the default mesh model set in the user preferences regardless of the model type of the meshes used in the merge (Edit|Preferences... Startup tab). This option is accessed by selecting two meshes and right-clicking and then selecting Merge 2D Meshes.

A merged mesh will be generated if and only if the meshes do not overlap except on nodes and element edges that are on the border of the other mesh. Overlapping element edges can only be on the border of the mesh and must have nodes at the same location. Disjoint nodes of one mesh that are inside the area of the other mesh will cause the merge to be prevented. A pair of meshes are also invalid for merging if the centroid of an element in one mesh is within the area of an element in the other mesh.

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