SMS:Release Notes SMS
The SMS Intermediate Release Bugfixes page for released versions of SMS:
SMS 13.1 Release Bugfixes
SMS 13.1.0 - June 21, 2020
SMS 13.0 Release Bugfixes
SMS 13.0.14 - June 24, 2020
- 12336 Feature stamp gives meaningless "void in breakline" message and doesn't create stamp.
- 12369 Scatter set interpolated onto a quad tree grid creates a point dataset not a cell dataset.
- 12368 Quadtree x location and y location should be on cells icon not on points icon in the Project Explorer.
- 12365 Incorrect vector values when converting vector sets to scalar.
- 12399 Unable to convert a Quadtree cell dataset to a node dataset.
- 12375 Bridge Scour Crash. SMS crashes when attempting to View Values or Export Hydraulic Toolbox File for the Bridge Scour coverage.
- 12407 Vector values not interpolated from scatter set to mesh.
Opening File
- 12360 Crash importing some CMS models.
- 12390 Loading *.grd file crashes SMS 13.0.
- 11976 Projection that appears valid does not work with Layout tool.
- 12364 Vector Values for selected cells not displayed.
- 11596 Monitor Line snapping (internal) gets confused when the line follows the mesh boundary.
Summary Table
- 12307 Erroneous values in Summary Table. Some of the reaches show 'NaN' when there should be flow, and the Hydraulic Radius is unreasonably large.
SMS 13.0.13 - April 29, 2020
- 12277 Crash occurs when using the Convert | Stamp Features command on a Feature Stamping coverage.
- 12284 SMS hangs when using source arc redistribution with cubic spline.
Feature Object
- 12228 Exterior snapping counts the corner cell twice.
Generic Model
- 12254 ALOS Global Digital Surface Model Data not recognized in XMS.
Opening File
- 12255 Merging image tiles for some raster file types ends up failing with an unrecognized elevation.
- 12263 Lighting Display Options do not show up for the Quadtree module.
- 12192 No volume value found in Status bar for the Quadtree module.
- 12258 Smoothing Raster converts static raster to dynamic when there are data gaps. A section of 'no data' in the raster appears to cause issues when smoothing the raster. Although all XMS softwares include the no data area when the raster is smoothed, which messes up the contours, only SMS then displays the raster as if it were dynamic. Since it's a GIS layer, the contours cannot be adjusted to truncate the range to correct the display manually.
XY Series Editor
- 12193 The Xy series editor cuts off the vertical label initially when using an empty dataset.
SMS 13.0.12 - January 31, 2020
- 12094 Delete CAD Prompt is out of place. Happening when closing a project, even when no CAD data is present.
- 12163 Map to Mesh Extrapolation only gives null values. Mesh generator properties set to use IDW for Extrapolation from a Scatter set bathymetry source only give null values. When directly "interpolating" from the same scatter to the mesh once created, the values are as expected from IDW. Even though large amount of extrapolation, such as in this case, may be unwise, it is still expected that SMS would honor the extrapolation method specified.
- 12173 Some Bridge Scour generated arcs are not properly geolocated.
- 12164 ADCIRC Model Checker flags errors but model runs without any errors.
- 12123 Exported shapefile values are invalid. When mesh contours are exported from SMS, the values in the attribute table are not accurate. For example, some of the values are larger than the original dataset's maximum across all time steps. The minimum/average/maximum values are also constant for some of the exported polygons, even though the nodes those polygons intersect have different values.
Feature Objects
- 12117 "Constant Paving" attribute not saved when the project is saved and closed.
- 12131, 12121 Crash when using the Create Cartesian Grid tool in the Cartesian Grid module.
- 11503 Crash opening project and performing the Map→2D Grid command.
- 12090 Including HY-8 slows down SRH simulations beyond what is expected.
- 12178 Can't open images from directories with unusual characters such as ä ö ü Ä Ö Ü. The image appears to load, but it is not visible in SMS.
- 12134 SMS crashes when importing a LiDAR file created by merging two or more LiDAR files.
- 12138 Only one constant value for the bathymetry polygon attribute honored when mapping Mesh Generator coverage.
- 12116 Meshing attributes from the 2D Mesh Polygon Attributes dialog are not saved with project when "Constant Paving" is selected.
Opening File
- 12119 When opening a project containing a TIF image, a prompt appears asking for the TIF to be unnecessarily converted to a geoTIFF.
- 12124 Converting a raster to a flood depth raster crashes SMS.
Scatter Data
- 12153 Removing duplicate points distorts breaklines on FHWA machines. When working with a scatter set with several duplicate points, by removing the duplicate points lines shoot out from the model, far outside of the project's bounds. Only replicates on the FHWA machines.
- 11942 SRH Project won't open in SMS 13.0 when there are errors with online images, mismatched datasets, and voids in the mesh.
- 12095 SRH solution can be loaded into a project where the geometry (mesh) has been changed or edited. A warning should appear instead.
- 12087 STWAVE angle appears to be off by 90 degrees when compared to the wave height by direction output dataset.
XY Series
- 12089 The XY Series Editor does not allow for an empty data frame.
SMS 13.0.11 - November 11, 2019
- 12026 Raster elevation not referenced when creating a mesh. The raster is selected in the 2D Mesh Polygon Properties, but after converting the map to a 2D mesh the elevation is zero. Interpolating the raster to the mesh generates the correct elevations.
- 11816 Node elevations not mapped for offset arcs.
- 11852 Exit-H 'Populate' button appears unresponsive with certain datasets where there is no elevation data under the arc.
- 12020 Selected elements, when duplicating a mesh, cause selection anomalies. Only elements outside the polygon are selected. The elements that were selected when the mesh was duplicated can't be selected.
- 12015 If boundary condition arcs for the inflow and outflow BC are too far into the mesh, Snap Preview crashes SMS.
- 11715 Assigning a new elevation dataset for a mesh deletes the previous elevation dataset. Should only update the values in the current Z dataset.
Model Control
- 11997 CMS-Flow Sediment Transport Conflict between Model Control and Model Check. When the nonequilibrium formulation is selected, adaptation, size classes, and bed composition are visible. After switching to either of the equilibrium formulations, these are hidden. However, the model check still throws a warning regarding the missing size class information.
Online Maps
- 11230 In the Virtual Earth Map Locator Tool, the "Show Navigation Tools" option is not working.
Opening File
- 12046 Sample TIF loads in SMS 12.3.5 but not in 13.0.10. TIF file had a different projection than what was set in SMS.
- 12037 Can't read LandXML files.
- 12060 Plot line style changes not being implemented in the plot after setting them in plot display options on the style tab.
- 11837 Start time field not populated properly in step 2 of Film Loop Setup. Not allowing user to specify a starting time when generating the flow trace with the default simulation run (full length) set.
- 12049 Observation profile arc does not work when plotted along a Cartesian Grid geometry. Plot is not generated.
- 12022 Plot settings reset to default when they should not be. Occurs when changing the setting then generating an animation. Reset to default after the animation run.
- 12013 Observation plot line color resets after changing plotted time step. Occurs when changing the plot line color in the plot, then going back into plot data to change the time step.
- 12002 Observation profile of arc that goes through holes in mesh doesn't find all "gaps".
- 11988 MPI executable option missing from Preferences dialog.
Spectral Data
- 12064 Generate Contour Breaklines creates nonsensical breaklines. The command has been removed.
- 11978 SMS crashes when a point in a spectral coverage is moved. SMS should allow you to move the point in the spectral coverage without closing.
- 12029 SRH obstructions dialog contains misleading punctuation. A line in the Obstructions dialog box contains a colon that confused at least one end user.
- 12024 SRH-Post fails because the monitor coverage was not restored when reading the model native files.
- 11979 SRH not representing internal links correctly. Values are off from what is being monitored.
- 12019 INLET-SC BC not written correctly to srhhydro file.
- 11871 SRH Model Check Processing Script Error. Occurs when a poorly designed mesh is included in the simulation.
- 12088 Active coverage isn't really active. The active Spectral coverage isn’t really active until activating a different coverage and then clicking back on the Spectral coverage to make it active again.
- 12082 Stamped Feature Endcap spreadsheet is missing a row to enter data.
- 11937 Tutorial Review: STWAVE Nesting Files Will Not Open. When attempting to load a STWAVE nesting file, an error message appears.
- 12085 Vector arrow location at 'Center' sometimes causes crash.
Feature Objects
- 11971 Feature Stamping with Overlapping Channels Crashes SMS. When stamping features on a scatterset, overlapping items in a single stamping coverage crashes SMS.
SMS 13.0.10 - September 18, 2019
- 11925 Script error for ADCIRC NWS6 wind data
- 11880 SMS crashes when trying to open BOUSS2D Spectral Analysis
- 11952 CAD Files lost when saving project
- 11915 Can't remove rows in Feature Stamping dialog
CMS Flow
- 11940 CMS-Flow BC arc does not snap to edge cells of transformed Quadtree Grid and computed vectors not aligned with grid
- 11749 Datasets are never "editable" except for the "Z" dataset.
- 11720 The activity flags for time derivative datasets is not correct. The resulting dataset has a time step for the midspan of each of the pairs of input time steps, but the values outside of the channel are not contoured (inactive). The nodes have values, but they are not being contoured.
- 11922 Error with ADCIRC dataset time reference. The problem was with the classes SMS creates to represent script data.
Display Options
- 11677 Snapping of Monitor Lines in SRH simulation gives illegal set of nodes. The snap does not go all the way through the domain so non-adjacent nodes are listed as "in order" in the node string for SRH-2D.
- 11904 SMS Display Settings inconsistent. When clicking on various datasets, the assigned display themes don't always load.
- 11924 Scalar paving not generating mesh that matches size function. The mesh has "tongues" of smaller grid spacing radiating out from the inlet that don't match the desired size function.
- 11921 Some Paving gives inappropriate distribution of points. Elements get bigger on first, then get small again.
- 11972 Using the Patch method, it can create element with bad interior angle of more than 180 degrees.
- 11664 Preview Mesh generation in 2D Mesh Polygon Attributes dialog is slow when using a raster for elevation.
- 11646 vector<T> too long. The map coverage issues an error creating a mesh when the SMS project is loaded in. When the map data is loaded in independently, the mesh is created without issue.
- 11916 Crash updating observation plot when using the Extract Profile From command.
- 11859 Update display is very slow with selected polygon. With the polygon selected, Update Display takes around 20 seconds on my computer. Without it selected, it is almost instantaneous.
Scatter Data
- 11963 Crash when attempting to export scatter set to a text file. Only occurs when there are multiple points.
- 11846 Deleting a layer in an SRH Sediment Materials coverage leads to crash. The 'Insert Below' button does not insert below if a line is not selected. If the top row is then deleted, it appears to corrupt the existing line. If the dialog is closed to save those changes, attempting to reopen the properties dialog crashes SMS.
Time Series
- 11719 Sampling datasets in time using the Dataset Toolbox is not clear and gives too many time steps.
- 11926 When reading NWS6 fort.22 file the time steps should start at 0.0. The time steps should start at 0:00:00 if it is NWS = 6. They should start at the hot start time if NWS = -6.
- 11808 TUFLOW option for ASCII or binary file for grid elevations unavailable. When the option for using ASCII or binary files for grid elevations is toggled on in 2D Model Control, the 'Browse' button remains grayed out so no files can be selected. However, when the option is toggled on and the user attempts to exit the 2D Model Control, an error appears that no file has been selected.
SMS 13.0.9 - July 17, 2019
- 11826 ADCIRC not licensed in SMS 13.0 for some users located within time zones in India.
- 11863 SMS crashes when attempting to run BOUSS-2D with training exercise/tutorial. Crash occurs when using the simulation Save Project, Export, and Run BOUSS-2D command.
- 11741 CMS-Flow sediment transport gives empty results. When running the simulation, no sediment transport occurs.
- 11938 Cartesian Grid and CMS-Wave simulation disappear when deleting a point in the spectral coverage.
- 11890 CMS-Wave XMDF solution format not read correctly. Errors appear that the "wav" files could not be loaded and an empty folder is added to the grid.
- 11872 Error loading CMS-Wave solution. SMS looking for ASCII output, even though the output format was set to XMDF.
- 11806 Quadtree Dataset Contours not correct. Dataset contours are ignored in preference of the general contour settings.
- 11865 The time step associated with a scour scenario is lost in file I/O. When setting the time step in the Bridge Scour Coverage Properties dialog, the setting is not saved.
- 11696 Prune arc leaves a leg of the arc that should be pruned.
- 11866 When computing the station on the contracted arc on a bridge scour coverage, the value doesn't appear.
- 11681 The ability to assign multiple dataset specific contour options at once is missing in 13.0.
- 11868 Brige Scour Properties using the View Values and Export Hydraulic Toolbox File buttons cause SMS to crash. Happens when a bridge scour arc is not defined.
- 11927 Datasets read from NWS6 format not read correctly. The S value is correct, but Vx and Vy values are not.
- 11821 Select SRHHYDRO files do not import. Loading in an older SRHHYDRO file to recover a simulation works in 12.2 but fails in 12.3 and 13.0.
- 11860 SRH-2D (DMI) Solution is loaded in the wrong folder in the Project Explorer.
Main Menu
- 11892 Macros for Contours and Vector options not available in Quadtree module.
- 11822 Converting CAD to Feature Objects hangs in SMS. Mapping CAD layers to feature objects takes much longer in newer versions of SMS than in SMS 11.2.
- 11772 Huge memory leak on DMI model native import. Memory not clearing after closing the project.
- 11824 Infinite value in a mesh dataset causes the mesh to not display.. Truncating the dataset fixes the issue.
- 11754 Interpolating elevation value from a raster does not function as is customary. Interpolate bathymetry from rasters command was missing.
- 11867 Bridge Scour Properties crash SMS after creating new mesh. Occurs when creating the bridge scour coverage and opening opening the bridge scour properties before a mesh exists in the project.
- 11861 Selecting a lot of elements is slow. Taking around 30 seconds for SMS to select all elements in a mesh with more than 1000 elements.
- 11743 Meshes in different projections no longer align correctly. With the switch from Global Mapper to GDAL, some existing meshes no longer align. The original mesh can be reprojected again and will appear to align in SMS 13.0, but the X and Y coordinates will not actually have changed. This means that although the new mesh is set to the new projection, the coordinates are still numerically in the old projection.
- 11864 Observation profiles have "gaps" at the vertices of the observation arc when viewing the plot window.
Opening File
- 11874 Read of NWS 8 is broken causing a script error.
- 11827 Can't load SRH Solution File. Error occurs when solution does not match geometry. A warning message has been added.
- 11908 Plot of BOUSS2D solution crashes when accessing the Plot Options and changing the plot the extract the profile from points and vertices.
- 11838 Polygon material assignment lost when polygon id changed in file using a text editor.
- 11800 Quadtree 'Map Elevation' button doesn't work. When attempting to switch which dataset sets elevation for a Quadtree, the dataset is either ignored (if node dataset) or overwritten by the existing elevation data (if cell dataset).
Scatter Data
- 11737 Converting large elevation TIF to Scatter crashes SMS.
Spectral Data
- 11936 Spectral energy not plotted in Spectral Energy dialog.
- 11811 CMS-Wave Spectra does not import correctly. When first opening the SMS project, an error appears that the spectral data is not assigned to a model. There is a spectral point with data written to a new spectral coverage. However, the existing 'Spectral' coverage has a point that appears to be empty.
- 11894 Residual and Monitor Plots not visible in Simulation Run Queue.
- 11833 SMS Hangs with Multiple Simulations. Loading more than two simulations into the Simulation Run Queue causes SMS to hang after closing the queue.
- 11807 SRH-2D Pressure arcs revert to wall type in roundup sturctures NHI exercise.
Time Series
- 11891 Spectral Time is modified in "write" and "read" of the project. When editing the time for a spectral point, the time is not saved.
- 11825 SMS Crashes when triangulating a UGrid.
SMS 13.0.8 - May 02, 2019
- 11771 Warning appears when attempting to merge coverages. Warning dialog pops up stating "invalid map <K,T> key".
- 11786 Error duplicating material coverage. A warning message comes up saying "invalid map<K, T> key. On clicking OK the geometry in the coverage is duplicated to a new SRH Material coverage, but the material list an polygon attributes are gone.
- 11704 Dataset not acknowledged by Observation coverage. The Observation coverage is not recognizing all datasets in the scatter module and gives an error: "Error. No dataset specified for interpolation".
- 11781 Unlink coverage command is labeled as delete.
Display Options
- 11775 Selecting a polygon doesn't work when using the Select Polygon tool.
- 11776 Dragging to zoom doesn't work. Instead was acting like the Rotate tool.
- 11517 DMI: double-field does not work. Causes issues when entering numeric values when using the German language setting.
- 11753 Symmetric storm (for.22) not written correctly (or at all) when exporting an ADCIRC simulation.
Online Maps
- 11794 Add online maps doesn't load an image, nor does it download the requested data.
SMS 13.0.7 - April 16, 2019
- 11357 Copy protection broken for PADCIRC. States that a license is needed when increasing the number of computational processors being used above 1.
CMS Flow
- 11607 CMS-Flow solution folder named incorrectly (not matching the simulation name) and doesn’t include the WSE solution.
- 11614 Graphics Window doesn't update after deleting ADCIRC solution from project.
- 11705 Opening fort.14 file issue 1. The BC locations were getting lost when opening a fort.14 file.
- 11716 Gradient, Gradient Angle, and Directional Derivative dataset tool should operate on all time steps of the selected dataset.
- 11751 ADCIRC script fails (gives errors) if a source file is already in the right place. Happens when making a change to the simulation and then exporting.
- 11687 HEC-RAS 2D export encounters issues when there is a void in the mesh. A warning has now been added if a void is detected in the mesh when exporting to HEC-RAS.
- 09481 Incorrect Zonal Classification Output where the tool did not correctly identify all selected values. Unable to consistently reproduce the issue.
Project Explorer
- 11747 Importing ADCIRC project from SMS 12.3 issues. When bringing in an ADCIRC project built in SMS 12.3 or earlier, SMS 13.0 would incorrect open the project with extra meshes and coverages.
- 11710 Copying a DMI coverage is too slow. When using the Duplicate command, could take several minutes to copy a coverage.
- 11692 Collapse All in Project Explorer hides all tree items except "Project". Should be able to see Map Data, GIS Data and other folders.
- 11660 No "Link" Menu Option on SRH-2D Map coverages when trying to link to a simulation.
- 11726 Errors getting NLCD data when EPSG code is not available.
- 11714 “NAD 1983 HARN StatePlane Montana FIPS 2500 (US Feet)” Projection Missing from new projection dialog.
Scatter Data
- 11695 Converting raster to scatter results in unexpected behavior where the points and triangles cannot be selected.
- 11676 Feature stamp with interpolated cross sections results with bad center line elevations.
- 11721 Using the Properties right-click menu command on some DMI (SRH, ADCRIC, etc.) coverages causes SMS to crash.
SMS 13.0.6 - March 20, 2019
- 11622 SMS not reading ADCIRC max files correctly. Was giving unreasonable maximum elevation and velocity values that did not match the maxele.63 and maxvel.63 files.
CMS Flow
- 11606 CMS-Flow model checker checks for sediment datasets when sediment transport is turned off.
- 11603 CMS-Flow wind dataset disrupts load solution. When running the CMS-Flow model, it runs successfully but then gives the error "File not found: 'model4_wind.h5'" When attempting to load the solution. None of the solution files then load. In the model files folder, loading in the individual h5 files loads in the results. The wind magnitude and velocity datasets are loaded from 'model4_met.h5'.
- 11616 Mesh Contour Intervals overlap in exported shapefile. When exporting mesh contours to a shapefile, the min/max do not always fall inside of the designated contour interval.
- 11612 Coverage legend display shows both default and specific display outcomes instead of only the specific outcome as selected.
Opening File
- 11650 Cannot open ADCIRC .grd file.
Popup Menu
- 11675 Project Explorer right-click menu is cut off by the top of the screen when SMS is maximized.
Project Explorer
- 11660 No "Link" Menu Option on Map Data Item. After unlinking coverages from an SRH-2D simulation, the right-click "Link" menu command for coverages was missing when attempting to link new coverages to the simulation.
SMS 13.0.5 - February 20, 2019
- 11577 The selected polygon does not get highlighted correctly when selecting a channel polygon. The interior polygons (bendway weirs) are highlighted rather than the channel polygon.
SMS 13.0.4 - February 5, 2019
Scatter Data
- 11573 Converting map coverage to a scatter set causes SMS to crash.
- 11475 FFP Scatter set loses data values after being saved. When re-opening the scatter set, all elevation values are 0.
SMS 13.0.3 - January 25, 2019
Display Options
- 11451 Change All command for "Arc BC" display options not useful.
Opening File
- 11445 Large LANDXML file either not opening or taking a long time to open.
- 11480 Extra projections being added to the recent projections list in the Projections dialog.
SMS 13.0.2 - January 22, 2019
2D Grid
- 11427 2D Mesh elevations from boundary of patch not using the Coon's Patch as designed
- 11505 Need consensus on positive/negative depth convention
Display Options
- 11474 Map flood fails if scatter contour options not linear
- 11466 In the Run Queue, the simulation associated with a set of plots is not clear - add simulation name label to plot
- 11486 DMI - Database error when combobox option has apostrophes in it
- 11469 Crash when trying to select dataset with DMI dataset selector
- 11526 Hide Help-Button when help_button_url is unset
- 11497 Opening dat file attempts to open as an image (GM)
- 11471 13.0 - Project import causes crash
- 11472 13.0 - SRHHYDRO import crashes SMS
- 11450 Interpolate command causes confusion and loss of functionality
- 11487 GUI Test: Popup does not appear when attempting an invalid Quadtree cell merge
Scatter Data
- 11190 Convert Map -> Scatter does not work if node or vertex is selected but not used
- 11473 Nodes on the wet/dry edge not getting negative depth as expected
- 11495 Launching SRH-2D simulation unloads datasets from another projection
- 11314 SRH-2D unable to run Sediment Transport
- 11502 SRH Wall BC requires extra roughness height even when turned off
- 11495 Launching SRH-2D simulation unloads datasets from another projection
- 11467 Double quote character {"} in SRH-2D case name causes SRH-Post script to fail
- 11492 GUI Test: Error when running multiple SRH2D simulations
- 11513 OBSE results in STWAVE not projected correctly
- 11198 Import of STWAVE solution reads vector dataset incorrectly
- 11496 SMS crash when attempting to open TUFLOW node attributes
SMS 13.0.1 - November 20, 2018
- 11353 User cannot view the Command Line output in the Simulation Run Queue
- 11313 Crash when mapping to 2D mesh using Raster bathymetry in coastal training exercise
- 11401 CAD data does not get recognized as having a range
- 11293 Reference time changed when performing dataset calculator operation on Quadtree dataset
Display Options
- 11408 Projection overlay issues
- 11333 There is no polygon fill option in the display options for Constant Paving Density
- 11406 Run Queue plot colors should be more contrasting
Feature Object
- 11399 Polygons selection using a map polygon not quite right
- 11367 SRH Interface Slow to Respond
- 11291 Interpolate to 2D Cartesian Grid
- 11368 Corrupt Materials Table when deleting rows
- 11417 Converting selected mesh nodes to a scatter set produces an empty scatter set
- 11383 Progress report for mesh generation goes above 100%
- 11386 Setting the contour range uses inactive values. It should not.
Opening File
- 11371 Processing Conversion of SRH Project from 12.x to 13.x
- 11405 Observation profile plot does not update timesteps when "active" selected and user changes time step selection
- 11363 Mesh Preview button causes SMS to hang
Project Explorer
- 11374 Right-click in project explorer causes SMS crash
- 11382 Right click menu when scalar and vector selected is missing
- 11398 Mesh that is not displayed when saving a project is displayed when read in
- 11395 Error Exporting SRH Simulation
- 11381 User can edit text in the Model Checker
- 11364 Flow trace option in Floodway tool not accessible
- 11318 text is unset
SMS 13.0.0 - October 15, 2018
SMS 12.3 Release Bugfixes
SMS 12.3.5 – December 5, 2018
CAD Data
- 11455 Converting CAD to Scatter set has crashes
- 10718 CMS-Wave crash: insuffcient virtual memory Windows 10
Feature Objects
- 11426 Converting to Feature Objects with nothing displayed crashes SMS
- 11143 SMS switched module from Map to Mesh after dragging a vertex
- 11151 Converting a coverage from "Generic Model" to "Mesh Generator" loses node attributes
- 11092 HY-8 Culvert with Embedment Depth Specified Fails to Generate Valid Table
- 10763 Trouble Launching HY8 if the .hy8 file is Stored in a Network Location
- 11433 Previously supported Scatter format doesn't import
- 11436 Crash when opening the project
Map Module
- 11425 Adding arcs to map coverage changes node Z values
Mesh Module
- 11289 Generic Model BCs not correct
- 11219 GUI Test: 2 arc intersection error
- 11152 Mesh Generator coverage still references boundary conditions and crashes
- 11150 Map to 2D Mesh for Generic Mesh crashes
Project Explorer
- 11374 Right-click in project explorer causes SMS crash
- 10933 SRH-2D Sediment Transport Solution not Generating in SMS 12.3
- 11448 Progress script error during SRH-2D run
- 11395 Error Exporting SRH Simulation
- 11107 PostSRH-2D does not run, might be missing a dependency
- 11057 SRH-2D Pre-Processor not Formatting Internal Sink
- 10724 Infinite loop in map module working with TUFLOW materials file
SMS 12.3.4 – August 8, 2018
CMS Flow
- 11096 Crash Opening Project
- 10886 CGWAVE Reset 1D spacing command causes crash
- 11056 SMS Crashes Deleting Monitor Points
- 11064 GUI Test: TUFLOW 2D materials not being renamed
- 10934 Clicking Help Button in Create Coverages Dialog Does Nothing
- 10924 Create coverages Dialog for New CSHORE Simulation isn't Modal
- 11001 Using Scatter Transform Tool Applies Transform to All Datasets and Not Just the Active Dataset
- 10843 Crash Deleting Datasets
Display Options
- 10837 SMS Hangs with Specific Vector Display Options
Feature Object
- 11143 SMS switched module from Map to Mesh after dragging a vertex
- 10810 SMS Crashes Opening (*).sdf File
- 10549 Project stuck in Build Culvert Tables
- 10770 Source Arc Resdisribution Challenge
- 10732 Two arcs get linked to same attributes
- 11085 Dialogs pop in front of SMS when closing the material dialog
- 10896 Read script crashes SMS after a linked geometry is deleted from the project tree
Opening File
- 10867 Crash Opening project
- 10864 Crash opening project
- 10817 Plot file added to list of recent files but can't be read in
Project Explorer
- 11050 Computed Values Don't Update Until Datasets Moved to a Folder
- 11116 Generic Model Definition Not Saving Curve Data In SMS
Scatter Data
- 10968 Importing LandXML Files Build Corrupt Scatter Sets
- 10780 Crash deleting points in duplicated scatter set
- 11107 PostSRH-2D does not run, might be missing a dependency
- 10982 HY8 File with No .hy8 Extension Causes Invalid Path to Table File
- XMDFC output option no longer supported. So use projects that previously used the XMDFC output option:
- Go into the model control and change the output option to something that is not "XMDF".
- Click OK on the dialog to exit out.
- Re-open the model control and set the output option to "XMDF" and click OK.
SMS 12.3.3 - May 30, 2018
- 010484 Multiple issues with FESWMS structures
- 010732 Two arcs get linked to same attributes
- 010816 Crash converting shape to map
- 010473 ADH project saved from SMS does not run
- 009794 Polygon material assignment not clear
- 010810 SMS Crashes Opening (*).sdf File
- 010614 Can't drag online images to change order of display in Project Explorer
- 010506 False SRH Model Checker message for International Feet
- 010507 SRH Geometry Units not written for Intl Feet
- 010557 SRH-Pre failure in 12.3 but works in 12.2
- 010685 Spaces Preceding SRH-2D Dataset Names
SMS 12.3.2 - May 8, 2018
- 010644 SMS write the IHOT value incorrectly
- 010646 SMS gives a warning on ADCIRC run that appears to be wrong (the file looks okay)
- 010643 The ADCIRC "Run ID" is not saved correctly
- 010551 Hydrotec Related Feedback - Create and Move Point Lag
- 010572 Import of native SRH files does not read time series BC data
- 010547 BC Arc Options shows all possible options
- 010656 Crash After Deleting All Coverages
- 010676 Geometric surface of mesh disappears for some view directions
- 010484 Multiple issues with FESWMS structures
- 010663 Crash assigning Island weir to arcs
- 010689 When opening an image (GIS Object) the file is not added to the recent list. It should be
- 010605 HY-8 Build Tables Executable Filepath not Specified for New Installs of 12.3
- 010553 Scalar Paving Values not Saved with the Project
Dynamic Model
- 010601 Sample Dynamic XML cause crash on start-up
- 010612 Add Arcs To Mesh Destroys Mesh
- 010552 Crash after extrapolation value warning
Model Control
- 010494 Widget Confusion in SRH Output Control
Online Maps
- 010614 Can't drag online images to change order of display in Project Explorer
Scatter Data
- 010576 Import of XML preserves triangulation but not boundary
- 010506 False SRH Model Checker message for International Feet
- 010507 SRH Geometry Units not written for Intl Feet
- 010557 SRH-Pre failure in 12.3 but works in 12.2
- 010685 Spaces Preceding SRH-2D Dataset Names
- 009944 SRH-2D pre-processor crashes.
- 010703 SRH-2D Requires Initial Conditions WSE Value in SI Units
- 010232 SRH-2D Sediment Discharge Type Rating Curve not Working
SMS 12.3.1 - March 21, 2018
- 10380 ADCIRC parameters lost when saving project with multiple meshes, relaunching SMS and opening project
- 10342 SMS Writes Scatter ASCII Dataset Files Incorrectly
- 10490 Crash Assigning Materials
- 09413 Saving Mesh Contours as Shapefiles: Incorrect Polygon Attributes
- 10461 Crash in Plot Wizard
- 10460 Scalar dataset in quadtree not editable when selecting cells while Z dataset is active
- 10483 FESWMS Ceiling Dataset Duplicated
- 10476 Unable to run SRH with duplicate coverage names
- 10259 Tuflow Multiple 2D Domains Not Exporting Correctly
- 10369 SMS Not Reading WAM Spectra Files
- 10364 WAM Spectra_User format Incorrect
SMS 12.3.0 - February 24, 2018
SMS 12.2 Release Bugfixes
SMS 12.2.14 - May 8, 2018
- 010644 SMS write the IHOT value incorrectly
- 010646 SMS gives a warning on ADCIRC run that appears to be wrong (the file looks okay)
- 010643 The ADCIRC "Run ID" is not saved correctly
- 010380 ADCIRC parameters lost when saving project with multiple meshes, relaunching SMS and opening project
- 010551 Hydrotec Related Feedback - Create and Move Point Lag
- 010572 Import of native SRH files does not read time series BC data
- 010547 BC Arc Options shows all possible options
- 010656 Crash After Deleting All Coverages
- 010663 Crash assigning Island weir to arcs
- 010490 Crash Assigning Materials
- 010689 When opening an image (GIS Object) the file is not added to the recent list. It should be
- 010461 Crash in Plot Wizard
- 010553 Scalar Paving Values not Saved with the Project
- 010483 FESWMS Ceiling Dataset Duplicated
Display Options
- 010676 Geometric surface of mesh disappears for some view directions
- 010601 Sample Dynamic XML cause crash on start-up
- 010612 Add Arcs To Mesh Destroys Mesh
- 010552 Crash after extrapolation value warning
Model Control
- 010494 Widget Confusion in SRH Output Control
- 010460 Scalar dataset in quadtree not editable when selecting cells while Z dataset is active
Scatter Data
- 010576 Import of XML preserves triangulation but not boundary
- 010488 Merging SRH-2D BC coverages causes arc numbering error
- 009944 SRH-2D pre-processor crashes.
- 010476 Unable to run SRH with duplicate coverage names
- 010259 Tuflow Multiple 2D Domains Not Exporting Correctly
- 010369 SMS Not Reading WAM Spectra Files
- 010364 WAM Spectra_User format Incorrect
SMS 12.2.13 - March 21, 2018
- 10380 ADCIRC parameters lost when saving project with multiple meshes, relaunching SMS and opening project
CMS Flow
- 10075 Velocity checkbox in CMS-Flow BC coverage arc attributes dialog doesn’t allow user to specify velocity dataset
- 10312 TUTORIAL REVIEW: CMS-Wave contour display legend issue
- 10212 Select with Polygon delete dataset contour options
Display Options
- 10106 Vector colors not correct
- 10342 SMS Writes Scatter ASCII Dataset Files Incorrectly
- 09976 CMS-Flow Salinity Statistical output times incorrect
Feature Object
- 10221 TUTORIAL REVIEW:Redistribute Arc using a truncated size function removes all vertices
- 09991 Multiple issues with editing storm track
- 10490 Crash Assigning Materials
- 09413 Saving Mesh Contours as Shapefiles: Incorrect Polygon Attributes
Opening File
- 10309 Crash opening CMS File
- 10461 Crash in Plot Wizard
- 10288 TUTORIAL REVIEW: BOUSS-2D ETA probe plots are not popped out like other plots
- 10393 Projections of TINs gets confused in 12.2, 12.3 and 13.0
- 10239 Incorrect unit label exported to SRH-2D
- 09693 Reproject is slower in SMS 12.2 than in previous versions of SMS.
- 10460 Scalar dataset in quadtree not editable when selecting cells while Z dataset is active
- 10258 Conversion from CMS-Flow domain to scatterset is no longer supported
- 10483 FESWMS Ceiling Dataset Duplicated
- 10108 Opening old FESWMS project and resave results in invalid project
Scatter Data
- 10333 Editing scalar value wipes out timesteps
- 10299 Incorrect Precision Exported for WAM Nested Grid and Spectral Site Location Coordinates
- 10476 Unable to run SRH with duplicate coverage names
- 09882 GUI Test: TOPAZ runs with an error when the folder path is too long
SMS 12.2.12 - December 20, 2017
- 10083 Annotations have gray shading with lighting turned on
- 10058 CAD Data Not Being Displayed After Being Generated
CMS Flow
- 10130 Can’t delete multiple rows in spatially constant wind CMS-Flow table
- 10132 Contour Labels Partially Obscured
- 10078 Smoothing a dataset on a scatter set gives wrong answer
Display Options
- 10082 Dragging of Feature Nodes Not Shown
Feature Object
- 10124 Bad arc resulting from redistributing based on source arc
- 10107 Clean coverage hangs or gives wrong results when attempting to "extend" an arc to intersect
- 10158 Align Arc with Contour Tool Not Functional
- 10102 Select connecting arc function not working
- 09998 Selected nodestring during saving causes renumbering
- 09922 WMS Crashes Exporting HMS with Diversions from Basin
- 10067 Can't import XML file
- 10186 Crash generating AdH Mesh
- 10063 Duplicate Node Tolerance Incorrect
- 10151 Incorrect Plot for BC Populate
- 10105 Time series plot range is not saved
- 09858 Location of HY8 Executable in Preferences cannot be Changed
Scatter Data
- 10136 Incorrect Pt Names saved to *.h5 file for scatter set
- 09946 SRH BC Populate Tool doesn't work properly unless vertices redistributed
Summary Table
- 10093 Summary Table Flows Incorrect
SMS 12.2.11 - October 24, 2017
- 09998 Selected nodestring during saving causes renumbering
- 10067 Can't import XML file
- 09979 Map Legend is using Global Lighting making it hard to read.
- 09984 Numerical Precision not clear in GMI
- 09825 Depth Varying Roughness XY series only displays metric units
- 09695 Status Window Message Gives Wrong Impression of What Is Actually Happening
- 09960 TUFLOW Cross Section Plot not functioning correctly
- 10028 Plots in 12.2 are much slower than previous versions
- 09983 Crashing when editing BC value
- 09737 Compare datasets tool does not assign correct values in non-overlap region
- 09921 Linear contours not exported to CAD when using dataset contour options
- 09803 Mesh Contours to CAD Issue
- 10053 Bad Snapping
- 09824 Multi-Select and Add to SRH Simulation Issue
SMS 12.2.10 - September 26, 2017
- 09927 SRH “Assign Material Properties” dialog opens when double-clicking outside of any polygon
- 09999 Minor spelling issue with feature stamping
- 09965 SMS Incorrectly loading fort.22 wind file
- 09975 .dat file export does not contain data
- 09945 The river module commands cause SMS to crash.
- 09917 Typo in the Redistribute Vertices dialog
- 09972 GUI Test: Error updating widget value
- 09926 Project metadata remains after selecting “File | Delete All”
- 09852 Can't open file with umlaut in name
- 09933 Dataset contour options not defaulting correctly for datasets in a folder
- 09958 Can’t edit quadtree grid scalar dataset interpolated from scatter
- 09959 SMS appears to hang when accessing material properties
- 09898 Materials numbering error
- 09903 Summary Table give bad values with RMA2 mesh
- 09906 Modifying Polygons in SRH-2D Materials Coverage causes Other Polygons to Lose Polygon Attributes
- 09947 SRH Interface doesn't understand comma input
- 09993 TUFLOW Form Loss Coefficients
SMS 12.2.9 - August 16, 2017
- 09811 Crash when loading project or when attempting to modify model control of Bouss-2D Simulation without grid
- 09623 Update for the min recommended depth for BOUSS2D
- 09733 Summary table gives results for only one cross section coverage
- 09732 Must select centerline coverage for each cross section when generating a summary table
- 09503 Smoothing dataset in scatter has no effect
- 09830 CMS-Flow Bed Layer Section of Card File Exported Incorrectly
- 09718 CSDB not being saved with the project
- 09676 Dataset Toolbox Grid Spacing Tool very slow
- 09755 Selecting radio buttons in the Extract Cross Sections window turns off radio buttons in other sections
- 09785 Incorrect Unit Label in "Populate" WSE Tool
- 09771 Summary Table spreadsheet too big
- 09729 Feature Stamping doesn't properly trim/intersect surface
- 09724 CAD to Map Snapping Options Ignored
- 09780 Crash opening map file
- 09719 Plot settings get reset when they shouldn't
- 09774 Incorrect Errors Reported in Error Plots
- 09766 Converting Quadtree to Ugrid changes the cell centered datasets to pt centered 06-19-2017
- 09763 SMS 12.2 missing ability to compute volume on a Quadtree 06-14-2017
Scatter Data
- 09629 Map->Scatter Not using arc elevations as specified
Summary Table
- 09819 Generating Summary Table with Mesh Toggled Off Generates Unreliable Results
- 09818 Summary Table Flows
- 09734 Specified Datasets not used in Summary Table
- 09720 Summary Table not working as it should
- 09734 Specified Datasets not used in Summary Table
SMS 12.2.8 - June 20, 2017
Display Options
- 09655 Display appears to be missing some curved arrows
Feature Objects
- 09634 SRH-2D Boundary condition gets corrupted
- 09632 Can't merge CGrid Rows or Columns
- 09742 GUI Test: Crash when redistributing vertices after doing a Delete All
- 09730 Changing Temp Directory can create multiple file browser dialogs
- 09678 Can't change temp directory
- 09567 SMS hangs creating water level arcs for TUFLOW coverage
- 09633 Dimming of widgets in Feature Stamping Dialog
- 09363 Minor PTM error message when saving project
- 09717 Line properties from HEC-RAS not read into SMS
- 09663 Crash Merging Meshes
- 09653 ARR Plot takes too long to come up and is too sensitive
- 09654 Converting mesh boundary to "unprojected" coverage gives wrong result
Scatter Data
- 09625 The Scatter Contour to Feature arc dialog can become too small
- 09566 SMS hangs merging scatter sets
- 09681 Incorrect formatting for Supercritical BC for SRH
- 09616 SRH-Pre Cannot read Sediment Gradation XYS files that Have a Space in the Name
SMS 12.2.7 - April 11, 2017
- 09425 SMS Freezes in Spacial Attributes Dialog
- 09571 Crash opening cmcards file
- 09461 DMI control_set not functioning as expected
- 09551 The DMI puts a lock on the executable and doesn't release it
- 09330 Polygon attributes in DMI coverages not being saved/read correctly
- 09461 DMI control_set not functioning as expected
- 09555 DMI Model Wrapper progress bar does not turn red when process fails
- 09549 DMI Model Wrapper progress bar does not turn green when process completes
- 09556 DMI Model Wrapper should uncheck "Load Solution" when the user aborts.
- 09550 CMS-Flow model does not write wind curve if no BC file is in the simulation
- 09552 DMI Model Wrapper should change focus to a new process when it launches that process
- 09561 Mapping .shp to Obstructions Coverage
- 09481 Incorrect Zonal Classification Output
- 09557 Slow Display Response - Create Node Example
SMS 12.2.6 - March 21, 2017
- 09540 Offset Arcs Defaults and Saved Values
- 09449 Assigning two arcs boundary conditions at the same time give DMI error and doesn't work
- 09450 Changing model version number in XML makes project crash
- 09430 Node Transformation Not Saved
- 09500 Dataset Toolbox Filter Issue
- 09535 Crash After SRH Run
- 09537 Repeating Error Message about Boundary Node
SMS 12.2.5 - March 14, 2017
- 09472 Help links for SRH-2D sediment transport dialogs don't work
- 09436 Crash when using remote desktop
- 09421 Inserting a row into a DMI table results in wrong row being active
- 09424 Extra nodestring created when reading AdH model
- 09423 SMS corrupts AdH nodestring
- 09158 CMS-Flow Sediment Errors
- 09428 Dialog appears behind the working window
- 09434 Generating a large quadtree causes SMS to crash
- 09422 Cursor spins and spins in DMI
- 09432 SRH Materials Coverage and Sediment Materials Coverage Bad After Building New Polygons
SMS 12.2.4 - February 15, 2017
- 09219 ADCIRC Model Control Incorrect Tidal Amplitude
- 09424 Extra nodestring created when reading AdH model
- 09423 SMS corrupts AdH nodestring
- 09158 CMS-Flow Sediment Errors
- 09428 Dialog appears behind the working window
Display Options
- 09351 Snap Preview when arc display option is off
- 09434 Generating a large quadtree causes SMS to crash
- 09422 Cursor spins and spins in DMI
- 09401 False model checker warning and SRH crash
SMS 12.2.3 - January 17, 2017
- 09306 Can't use a German "umlaut" in an annotation string
- 09309 Plot window appears when opening project with plots in community edition
- 09307 Crash opening project in Community Edition
- 09323 Recently opened file list is cleared when opening a project with a plot
- 09321 Plot window is not restored when project with plot is opened
- 09286 Displaying Cartesian grids in version 12 (and 13) is up to 2 orders of magnitude slower than version
- 09208 SMS Disk I/O Performance
- 09160 Incorrect Interpolation Menu for Rasters
- 09346 Error message for overlapping arcs and error messages in general
- 09310 The error message box has a redundant line that shows the type of error.
- 09301 Organizing Linked Coverages Causes SMS to Become Unresponsive
- 09382 Combined XYZ Length is incorrect for multiple arcs
- 09384 Element material type reported for generic mesh
- 09314 Smoothing Dataset Taking a Very Long Time
- 09187 Comparing Datasets Subtraction in SMS vs. Documentation
Display Options
- 09290 Observation points not visible when display atts are turned on.
- 09264 DMI export of coverage arcs and points of a polygon not working
Feature Objects
- 09347 Lag in error message
- 09342 Nodestring ID visibility
- 09343 Renumber Nodestrings Changes Nodestring Direction
- 09335 Renumbering nodestrings messes up weir directions
- 09304 Select all for triangles does not show information
- 09283 Mesh visibility affects extracted data in observation coverage
- 09256 DMI polygon attributes lost
- 09276 The weirs in an ADCIRC mesh don't save correctly
- 09333 Two types of unassigned ADCIRC nodestrings
- 09205 Exported shapefile does not contain elevation data
- 09280 Unexpected Warning Stating Bandwidth Unusually High
- 09316 CGWAVE .cgi precision
Model Control
- 08983 Curves and table values read from DMI H5 file not read in
- 09322 Plot windows don't close on Delete All
- 09289 Plot Wizard Display Options
- 09239 Saving causes a crash when the data in the plot is not correct
- 09328 Unable to save image file
- 09390 SMS does not write SRH Input file for Internal Sink SRH Simulation
- 09357 SRH QuickWin doesn't show Water Elevation Plot when run through SMS
- 09199 UGrid Interpolator doesn't allow Map to Z option
SMS 12.2.2 - November 14, 2016
- 09234 Crash performing Model Check
- 09185 1D Summary Table Crash
- 09186 Can't close summary table dialog with X
- 09179 Unable to Perform Operation when Comparing Datasets in Data Set
- 09255 CMS-Wave save creates invalid file if no spectra assigned
- 09210 Transform Command Invalidates Dataset
- 09220 Mesh disappears from project
- 09237 SMS crashes when merging nodestrings
- 09231 Writing ADCIRC weirs nodestrings corrupted when a mesh is duplicated
- 09139 ADCIRC BC types not correctly maintained when merging meshes
Online Maps
- 09226 Map to Curvilinear function fails
- 09228 Summary Table is only exported if the user types the file extension
- 09227 Save File dialog has an Open button instead of Save
- 09075 Check for Updates Not Working
- 09200 SRH normal depth boundary condition issue
- 09221 TUFLOW results opening switches to scatter module
- 09222 TUFLOW project loses Geometry Component
- 09215 Converting Quadtree to UGrid sometimes creates an extra folder
SMS 12.2.1 - October 10, 2016
- 09185 1D Summary Table Crash
- 09186 Can't close summary table dialog with X`
- 09145 SMS Exporting HY8 Culvert Arc Nodestrings Incorrectly
Feature Objects
- 09142 Revert subset hangs or crashes
- 09138 Working in subset mode confuses ADCIRC boundary conditions
- 09144 ADCIRC nodestring with multiple instances of same node not detected and fixed
- 09139 ADCIRC BC types not correctly maintained when merging meshes
- 09057 Interpolating nodes puts mesh into disarray
Project Explorer
- 09121 SMS DMI allows multiple coverages of same type to be added to a simulation if added by a single drag
- 09122 Inconsistency of terminology when unlinking elements from a SRH-2D simulation
- 09146 Opening ADCIRC mesh in geographic coords does not set the projection if the data spans the international date line
- 09075 Check for Updates Not Working
- 09172 Crash opening project with SRH model
SMS 12.2.0 - September 10, 2016
SMS 12.1 Release Bugfixes
SMS 12.1.10 - January 25, 2017
- 09306 Can't use a German "umlaut" in an annotation string
Dynamic Model
- 09264 DMI export of coverage arcs and points of a polygon not working
Feature Objects
- 09343 Renumber Nodestrings Changes Nodestring Direction
- 09335 Renumbering nodestrings messes up weir directions
- 09304 Select all for triangles does not show information
- 09283 Mesh visibility affects extracted data in observation coverage
- 09256 DMI polygon attributes lost
- 09276 The weirs in an ADCIRC mesh don't save correctly
- 09333 Two types of unassigned ADCIRC nodestrings
- 09205 Exported shapefile does not contain elevation data
- 09289 Plot Wizard Display Options
- 09298 Dataset imported after exporting in H5 format from UGrid can't be read
- 09301 Organizing Linked Coverages Causes SMS to Become Unresponsive
- 09328 Unable to save image file
- 09286 Displaying Cartesian grids in version 12 (and 13) is up to 2 orders of magnitude slower than version 11
- 09208 SMS Disk I/O Performance
SMS 12.1.9 - November 16, 2016
- 09234 Crash performing Model Check
- 09255 CMS-Wave save creates invalid file if no spectra assigned
- 09220 Mesh disappears from project
- 09231 Writing ADCIRC weirs nodestrings corrupted when a mesh is duplicated
- 09139 ADCIRC BC types not correctly maintained when merging meshes
- 09075 Check for Updates Not Working
- 09200 SRH normal depth boundary condition issue
- 09221 TUFLOW results opening switches to scatter module
SMS 12.1.8 - October 19, 2016
- 09075 Check for Updates Not Working
- 09145 SMS Exporting HY8 Culvert Arc Nodestrings Incorrectly
- 09172 Crash opening project with SRH model
- 09053 Default Help Option is said to be Online but Actually takes you to Local Help
Spectral Data
- 09124 Crash When Using Display Tools in Spectral Energy Dialog
- 09146 Opening ADCIRC mesh in geographic coords does not set the projection if the data spans the international date line
- 09114 Isues with observation plots
- 09020 Observation Plot Doesn't Look As Expected
- 09139 ADCIRC BC types not correctly maintained when merging meshes
- 09057 Interpolating nodes puts mesh into disarray
- 08824 Deleting points of a mesh in non-display projection forgets what it is doing
- 09127 Can't make observation arcs visible
- 09113 Bad grid created from Generic Grid generator coverage when set to "Mesh Centered" type
Feature Objects
- 09142 Revert subset hangs or crashes
- 09138 Working in subset mode confuses ADCIRC boundary conditions
- 09144 ADCIRC nodestring with multiple instances of same node not detected and fixed
Dynamic Model
- 09042 No default display of snapped arcs
SMS 12.1.7 - August 13, 2016
- 08955 Edit fields for Harmonic parameters in files tab of ADCIRC model control
- 08937 Spatial Attribute changes not saved
- 09008 Crash When Attempting to Save, Export, and Launch BOUSS-2D Simulation
- 08957 Can't populate contours with proper range of values
- 08974 Dataset conversion from vector to scalar not working for Quadtree from Toolbox
- 09046 Raster Display Doesn't Update Properly when Changing Point Size and Maximum Points
- 08962 Incorrect update of CMS-Wave cell attribute display
- 08939 Display doesn't refresh after pan
Dynamic Model
- 09029 Can't run or specify location of aswip
- 09027 DMI crash when referencing nonexistent dialog
Feature Objects
- 08956 Select by Dataset Value does not work on UGrid Z dataset
- 08952 ADCIRC Mesh elevations revert back to old values when reopening SMS and project
- 08954 Nodestrings with Unassigned Boundary Conditions aren't Being Saved
- 08979 Text of the Coverage to Smooth Button is Overflowing
- 09024 SMS Steering Menu Item
- 09070 User gets error message when canceling out of ImportWizard
- 09041 SMS is Trying to Read in Files that it Shouldn't
- 08960 Open File Format appears instead of an error message
- 09069 SMS Coverage Duplicate Issues
- 08942 Can't access right-click menu for datasets
- 08963 PTM particles remain in display after deletion
- 09040 Arc BC data not saved
- 09087 The Time Step time is not being displayed when the time is 12:00:00 AM
- 08949 Can’t edit quadtree scalar datasets
- 08975 Quadtree transform fails to transform refined cell points
- 08882 Quadtree Grid menu items
- 08921 Raster Frame and Display
- 08914 Crash trying to open .las file as "Raster"
- 08988 Crash When Creating New WAM Simulation
Spectral Data
- 08972 The direction of the wave components converting from spectra to CGWAVE is not spectra dependent and is wrong
- 08971 Converting spectra to CGWAVE wave components does not clear spectral list
- 08940 Can't work with high number of spectral indices
SMS 12.1.6 - June 2, 2016
- 08899 ADCIRC solution with small timestep won't read in
- 08813 Incorrect NWS value written to control file
- 08768 B2D Wave maker minimum period (tmin) is not filled in anymore
- 08767 B2D Warning of time range is wrong
- 08795 Map Elevation command doesn't use specified dataset
- 08745 Floodway tool Crash
- 08794 Scatter Visibility affects dataset used for interpolation
- 08782 Data Calculator behavior type vs. paste
- 08757 UGrid datasets generate their own dset contour options
- 08880 CGWAVE nodestrings are numbered with bogus IDs
- 08865 Color of snap preview does not change after hitting OK
- 08797 DMI - If a curve is associated with a "set", it is not exported
- 08765 BOUSS-2D damping dataset not computed completely
Feature Objects
- 08766 Wave maker no longer shows direction
- 08885 Weir from bug 8798 leaves elements in the interior
- 08881 ADCIRC node strings not numbered correctly
- 08798 Crash Creating ADCIRC Weir
- 08777 Canceling In Select Dataset Dialog Changes Functional Surface Options
- 08866 The Line Attributes dialog is not modal
- 08868 XMDF File Not Loaded In Correctly
- 08800 Functional Surface Won't Use User Defined Dataset
- 08755 Interpoate from Quadtree to Scatter vector crashes
- 08829 Incorrect polygon fill display
- 08830 Preview Mesh leaves a gap in the mesh.
- 08840 Issues with Functional Surface on Mesh
- 08787 Map-2D Mesh with multiple rasters
- 08856 Crash When Writing Particles Subset If the File Name Has not Been Set
- 08763 Observation plots not consistent
- 08764 Observation plot from Mesh is too long
- 08762 DEM Observation plot of data doesn't show up
Project Explorer
- 08769 SMS gets confused about the mesh module
- 08746 Missing features for TUFLOW 1D
- 08799 Missing Cross Section data in Summary Table
- 08854 Crash After Reproject All
- 08838 Incorrect Raster Elevations
Scatter Data
- 08907 Saving an empty scatter set corrupts project.
- 08908 Dialog indicates spacing is in meters when it is really in degrees
- 08848 Crash Saving Project After Failed Interpolation
- 08837 ADH Model Checker SI Units
- 08847 Error When Using an Existing Dataset for Extrapolation
- 08748 Can't Open SRH solution after model run
- 08846 Crash Saving TUFLOW Project
SMS 12.1.5 - April 20, 2016
- 08739 Loading CMS-Flow project from SMS 11.2 does not associate the projection correctly
CMS Flow
- 08668 CMS Project Crash
- 08695 CMS-Flow Registration Item Disrupts SRH Coverages
- 08682 Selecting Polygons Takes a Long Time
- 08690 SMS Does not Preserve "Bank" attribute type in the 1D Hydraulic Centerline Coverage
- 08697 Splash Screen Causes SMS to Hang
- 08702 SMS Main Menu, and Hot Key for Help Goes to Internet Only
- 08642 GSSHA Upstream Culvert
- 08711 Opening multiple surveys at a single time gives error message
- 08730 Map->2D Mesh is too slow "Setting nodal z values..."
- 08575 Observation Data Cannot be Defined for stream arcs with an arc type of "General Stream"
- 08581 Drogue plot shifts when zooming out
- 08673 Problems Rotating on Quadtree/CGrid with Grid Frame
- 08672 Able to Create Quadtree When Quadtree Not Enabled
Scatter Data
- 08720 Converting coverage to spacing scatter gives wrong values
- 08719 Converting coverage to scatter hangs
- 08747 Data sets don't appear under Mesh Data after running SRH-2D.
- 08689 SMS Not Saving Populated WSE Value
SMS 12.1.3 - March 03, 2016
- 08653 Contour options are not initialized on UGrid dsets after duplicate operation
- 08593 Empty spreadsheet double cells crash xms
- 08649 Crash opening .dep file
- 08596 Polygon Fill Display Incorrect
Boundary Conditions
- 08635 Snap Preview won't stay off
Dynamic Model Interface
- 08622 DMI range type edit boxes change values on blur
- 08623 DMI double clicking anywhere with polygon select tool enabled opens polygon attributes menu
- 08637 DMI Building New Polygons Messes Up Dependencies on Old Polygons
- 08597 Mesh Paving Crash
- 08604 Renumbering a mesh with gaps while color fill contours is on causes a crash
- 08595 UGrid Functional Surface doesn't display correctly when new active dataset selected
- 08607 ADCIRC files not copied to run directory when executing ADCIRC
- 08606 SMS does not read in ADCIRC data correctly
- 08615 Vector to Scalars Command Generates Dataset with Incorrect Velocities
- 08608 SRH-2D material coverage created from FESWMS coverage has bad attributes for polygons
SMS 12.1.2 - January 24, 2016
- 08544 - Dataset compare feature is not working
- 08527 - #file_name keyword is not accessible when process_on_condition is used in input_file
- 08571 - PBL output grids not displayed correctly
- 08536 - Crash After saving FESWMS Project and Reopening Saved Files
- 08567 - Opening CMS-Wave simulation with the Display Projection set to Geographic creates incompatible display case
- 08555 - Crash opening CMS-Flow project
- 08478 - Contours change when they shouldn't
- 08549 - Contour update issue on quadtrees after interpolating datasets from one to the Z of the other
- 08542 - Summary table from 2dMesh uses elevation value for all datasets
- 08550 - Cannot edit multiple nodes simultaneously on a vtk mesh
- 08547 - Min and max not set when interpolating one quadtree dataset to Z of another
- 08493 - Quadtree Created in the Wrong Direction after Changing Coverage Types
- 08566 - Date/Time stamps for the year 2000 - 2009 are read incorrectly when written with 8 digit format
- 08563 - Cells in a table become blank
- 08560 - SMS crashes when clicking the top left cell of the Linear BC table.
- 08561 - Wording correcting in film loop error
- 08557 - Merging coverages causes duplicate node ids
- 08526 - Order, i_order, and j_order attributes have no effect on process_each_polygon operations on cgrids
- 08481 - Redistribute Verices without cubic spline causes points in bad places
- 08545 - Confirmation setting not used when deleting coverages with the "Del" key
- 08404 - Saving and Reopening Coverages Removes Certain Characters
- 08492 - Wrong Popup When Generating a CGrid with No Grid Frame
SMS 12.1.1 - December 07, 2015
CMS Flow
- 08476 - Error Popup when Opening Old CMS-Flow Project File in 12.1
- 08519 - Merged coverage has inappropriate atts that cause a crash when cleaning
- 08501 - Crash Deleting All Coverages
Feature Object
- 08513 - Double-Clicking on point in DMI Coverage does not bring up dialog
- 08508 - DMI unable to conditionally retrieve cell i and j based on bound coverage attribute
- 08511 - Points Snap to Incorrect CGRID Cells During CMS-WAVE2 DMI Export
- 08496 - Strange Behavior and Crash When Merging Polygons
- 08495 - Crash When Merging Polygons
- 08452 - Redistribution of arc that is not in display projection causes problems
- 08483 - Incorrect mesh preview in polygon attributes
- 08499 - Incorrect Mapping of BC arc to mesh
- 08491 - Crash committing mesh subset
- 08502 - SMS deletes duplicate elements without reporting what elements are being deleted
Opening File
- 08494 - Crash or Hang when opening project
- 08507 - Cross sectional database with "." in the name gets trimmed
- 08522 - Crash Opening SRH Tutorial
Project Explorer
- 08330 - Project Explorer Items not updating their display properly
- 08493 - Quadtree Created in the Wrong Direction after Changing Coverage Types
- 08488 - Observation plot options allow user to select images if raster is loaded, but then says it is invalid
- 08473 - Crash during save of generic model
Scatter Data
- 08482 - Crash loading project file merging dynamic database (MergeAfterAllFilesReadIn)
SMS 12.1.0 - Release November 17, 2015
Older Bugfixes
For older versions of SMS that are no longer actively supported, see the individual bugfix articles:
Related Topics
SMS – Surface-water Modeling System | ||
Modules: | 1D Grid • Cartesian Grid • Curvilinear Grid • GIS • Map • Mesh • Particle • Quadtree • Raster • Scatter • UGrid | ![]() |
General Models: | 3D Structure • FVCOM • Generic • PTM | |
Coastal Models: | ADCIRC • BOUSS-2D • CGWAVE • CMS-Flow • CMS-Wave • GenCade • STWAVE • WAM | |
Riverine/Estuarine Models: | AdH • HEC-RAS • HYDRO AS-2D • RMA2 • RMA4 • SRH-2D • TUFLOW • TUFLOW FV | |
Aquaveo • SMS Tutorials • SMS Workflows |