To convert an existing MODFLOW project to MODFLOW 6, use the following steps:
1. Begin with an existing MODFLOW project.
2. Create a 3D UGrid.
- Create a 3D UGrid in one of the following ways:
1. Create a 3D UGrid from scratch.
- Right-click in the Project Explorer and select New | UGrid 3D....
- In the New UGrid dialog, enter the information for the X-, Y-, and Z-Dimension of the grid.
2. Create a 3D UGrid from a coverage.
- Right-click on the desired coverage and select the Map To | UGrid command.
- In the Map → UGrid dialog, set the Dimension drop-down to "3D".
- Enter the rest of the information for the grid, including the X-, Y-, and Z-Dimension information.
3. Create a MODFLOW 6 simulation.
- Use one of the following options to create the MODFLOW 6 simulation:
1. Create a blank MODFLOW 6 simulation.
- Right-click in the Project Explorer and select the New Simulation | MODFLOW 6 command.
- In the New MODFLOW 6 Simulation dialog, select the UGrid to use and any optional packages.
- To convert the MODFLOW simulation, make sure to select packages that correspond to the packages used in the original MODFLOW simulation.
2. Create MODFLOW 6 text files from the current simulation and import them.
- Select the MODFLOW | Global Options menu command.
- Select the Save MODFLOW 6 copy option in the MODFLOW Global/Basic Package dialog.
- Save
the project.
- Use the
Open macro to bring up the Open dialog.
- Set the Files of type drop-down to "All Files (*.*)" and navigate to the MODFLOW files ending in "mf6".
- Open the file called "mfsim.nam" to import the MODFLOW 6 simulation.
4. Map from the coverages to the MODFLOW 6 packages.
- In the Project Explorer, right-click on the package and use the Map from Coverage command.
- Select the desired coverage from the Select Coverage dialog to map its data to the selected package.
5. Modify inputs for MODFLOW 6 packages.
- There may be some packages that need extra adjustment or that cannot be mapped from coverages. To modify them:
- Right-click on the package in the Project Explorer and select the Open command.
- Modify the inputs in the package dialog.
6. Save and check the MODFLOW 6 simulation.
Save the project.
- Right-click on the MODFLOW 6 simulation and select the Save Simulation command.
- Right-click on the MODFLOW 6 simulation and select the Check Simulation command.
- Review any errors that appear and resolve them by repeating workflow steps 4 and 5.
7. Run MODFLOW 6.
- In the Project Explorer, right-click on the MODFLOW 6 simulation and Save Simulation and Run.
- The Simulation Run Queue dialog will appear; allow the simulation to run to completion.
- When the simulation has finished successfully, click Load Solution.
8. Visualize the solution.
1. Change display options.
2. View display.
- Use the Rotate
, Pan , and Zoom tools.
- Use the View menu commands found in the Display menu.
- Use the Frame
command to center and resize the display as needed.
3. Adjust display.
- Display may need to be adjusted during the remainder of the project.
- Use the Display Options dialog and viewing tools as needed.
- Use the Frame
command to center and resize the display as needed.
2. Change contour options.
- Turn on Contours in the Display Options dialog and set contour options. The "Color Fill" option is recommended for this.
- Look for inconsistent points (points with values much higher/lower than their neighbors or regions where no data points exist).
- Verify that the region being modeled is covered by the elevation/depth data and there are no holes.
3. Create a plot.
- If a PEST Observations package was included with the model, do the following to visualize the results:
- Under the "
Map Data", find the coverages labelled with PEST.
- Click on them to visualize whisker plots in the Graphics Window.
- Right-click on a coverage and use the Observations command to view plots related to the data in the coverages in the Observations dialog.
4. Create an animation.
- Select a solution dataset and use the Display | Animate menu command.
- Use the Animation Wizard to specify the animation parameters.
- Save and view the animation file.
5. Visualize water budgets.
1. Visualize the VOLUME BUDGET section of the text solution file.
- Double-click on a text file under the MODFLOW 6 solution folder in the Project Explorer. It might end in ".lst" or ".out".
- Scroll to the bottom of the file to the VOLUME BUDGET section, and review the values.
2. Run ZONEBUDGET and visualize the results.
1. Create the Zones package.
- Use the New Package | Zones command to open the Zone File dialog.
- Using the Zone File dialog, define the zones.
- Right-click on the MODFLOW 6 simulation and select Save Simulation to export the zone package file.
- Under the MODFLOW solution folder in the Project Explorer, right-click on the file ending in ".cbc" and select Run ZONEBUDGET.
3. Visualize the results of ZONEBUDGET.
- Under the folder ending in "zone_budget", double-click on either file to open it in an outside program.
- The file ending in ".lst" has the results of ZONEBUDGET at the bottom under a section that begins VOLUME BUDGET.
- The file ending in ".csv" can be opened in a spreadsheet application or text editor.