SMS:CAD Data Workflow

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Revision as of 19:25, 18 September 2015 by Jcreer (talk | contribs)
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To use CAD data in SMS, use the following steps:

1. Import CAD data files.

Template:SMS Import CAD Data

2. Review and edit data.
  1. Check data to see that it shows up in the Project Explorer and any feature objects are in the Graphics Window.
  2. Check data projection.
  3. Check data attributes.
  4. Convert data to any of the follow:
    1. CAD → Map
    2. CAD Faces → 2D Scatter triangles
    3. CAD Points → 2D Scatter
3. Export to CAD Data (optional).
Project data can be converted to CAD data.
  1. Right-click on an empty space in the Project Explorer and select Convert to CAD.
  2. Save the CAD data file.
  3. CAD data will be loaded into the Project Explorer