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The following is a partial list of publications and reports related to the use of GMS. Please feel free to make additions to the list.
GMS Related Publications and Reports
- Klaas, D. K. S. Y.; Imteaz, M. A.; Arulrajah, A.; Sudiayem, I.; Klaas, E. M. E.; and E. C. M. Klaas (2018). "Evaluation of the Effects of Surface Slope in Discretization of Groundwater Models". IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 151 (2018) 012012. DOI:10.1088/1755-1315/151/1/012012. [1]
- Huang, Linxian; Liu, Guozhen; Xing, Liting; Liu, Benhua; Xu, Zhenghe; Yang, Lizhi; and Hebghua Zhu (2018). "Study on Contaminant Transportation of a Typical Chemical Industry Park Based on GMS Software". IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 128 012046. DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/128/1/012046. [2]
- Pasanen, A. H., and J. S. Okkonen. "3D geological models to groundwater flow models: data integration between GSI3D and groundwater flow modelling software GMS and FeFlow®." Geological Society, London, Special Publications 408, no. 1 (2017): 71-87.[3]
- Rödiger, Tino, Fabien Magri, Stefan Geyer, Shehan Tharaka Morandage, HE Ali Subah, Marwan Alraggad, and Christian Siebert. "Assessing anthropogenic impacts on limited water resources under semi-arid conditions: three-dimensional transient regional modelling in Jordan." Hydrogeology Journal (2017): 1-11. [4]
- Bora, Gyanashree, and Triptimoni Borah. "Simulation of Pollutant distribution of Groundwater Aquifer in Deeporbill Area, Guwahati, Assam, using GMS." Transactions on Engineering and Sciences, vol. 4 (2016). [5]
- Chen, Chao-Shi, Chia-Huei Tu, Shih-Jen Chen, and Cheng-Chung Chen. "Simulation of Groundwater Contaminant Transport at a Decommissioned Landfill Site—A Case Study, Tainan City, Taiwan." International journal of environmental research and public health 13, no. 5 (2016): 467. [6]
- Sartore, Luca, Paolo Fabbri, and Carlo Gaetan. "spMC: an R-package for 3D lithological reconstructions based on spatial Markov chains." Computers & Geosciences (2016). [7]
- Song, Layheang, Chantha Oeurng, Ty Sok, Marith Mong, and Viraday Noum. "Groundwater Assessment in Tonle Sap Lake Basin: Case Study in Chrey Bak Catchment." [8]
- Wohlgemuth, Alexander. "Evaluating Groundwater Recharge in the Saloum Region of Senegal." (2016). [9]
- Yu, Hsien-Jui, Chen Chao-Shi, Chia-Huei Tu, Ying Chia Ni, and Wu Cheng-Wei. "Impact Evaluation of a Decommissioned Landfill on Surrounding Groundwater Quality-a case study, Wang-Tien Landfill Site-southwest Taiwan." In MATEC Web of Conferences, vol. 54. EDP Sciences, 2016. [10]
- Abdulaziz, Abdulaziz M., and Abdalla M. Faid. (February 2015). "Evaluation of the groundwater resources potential of Siwa Oasis using three-dimensional multilayer groundwater flow model, Mersa Matruh Governorate, Egypt." Arabian Journal of Geosciences 8, no. 2: 659-675. [11]
- Alaghmand, S., S. Beecham, J. A. Woods, K. L. Holland, I. D. Jolly, A. Hassanli, and H. Nouri. (February 2015). "Injection of fresh river water into a saline floodplain aquifer as a salt interception measure in a semi-arid environment." Ecological Engineering 75: 308-322. [12]
- Yidana, Sandow Mark, Stephen Kwaku Essel, Millicent Obeng Addai, and Obed Fiifi Fynn. (April 2015). "A preliminary analysis of the hydrogeological conditions and groundwater flow in some parts of a crystalline aquifer system: Afigya Sekyere South District, Ghana." Journal of African Earth Sciences 104: 132-139. [13]
- Borah, Triptimoni, and Rajib Kumar Bhattacharjya. (July 2015). "Development of Unknown Pollution Source Identification Models Using GMS ANN–Based Simulation Optimization Methodology." Journal of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste 19, no.3. [14]
- Jazi, Ramin Safaei, and Yoram Eckstein. (August 2015). "Simulation of groundwater flow system in alluvium and fractured weathered bedrock zone: Sand Lick watershed, Boone County, West Virginia, USA." Environmental Earth Sciences 74, no. 3: 2247-2258. [15]
- Jeanne, Pierre, Jonny Rutqvist, Patrick F. Dobson, Julio Garcia, Mark Walters, Craig Hartline, and Andrea Borgia. (November 2015). "Geomechanical simulation of the stress tensor rotation caused by injection of cold water in a deep geothermal reservoir." Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth. [16]
- DUŠEK, Petr, Yvetta VELÍSKOVÁ, and Renáta DULOVIČOVÁ. (2015) "Water regime simulation along Gabčíkovo–Topoľníky chanel (Vrakúň junction) case study." Columella: Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences 2, no. 1: 73-78. [17]
- Yidana, Sandow Mark, Bob Alfa, Bruce Banoeng‐Yakubo, and Millicent Obeng Addai. (January 2014) "Simulation of groundwater flow in a crystalline rock aquifer system in Southern Ghana–an evaluation of the effects of increased groundwater abstraction on the aquifers using a transient groundwater flow model." Hydrological Processes 28, no. 3: 1084-1094. [18]
- Touch, Samphors, Pornchai Pongpanlarp, Thirapong Pipatpongsa, and Jiro Takemura. (April 2014). "Underground water in open pit mining at Mae Moh Mine of Thailand." RMU 7: C1. [19]
- Merayyan, Saad, and Samsor Safi. (June 2014). "Feasibility of Groundwater Banking under Various Hydrologic Conditions in California, USA." Computational Water, Energy, and Environmental Engineering 2014. [20]
- Chen, Ching-Wen, Chih-Chiang Wei, Hung-Jen Liu, and Nien-Sheng Hsu. (August 2014). "Application of neural networks and optimization model in conjunctive use of surface water and groundwater." Water Resources Management 28, no. 10: 2813-2832. [21]
- Cheng, Hwai-Ping, Kevin D. Winters, Stephen M. England, and Ryan E. Pickett. (August 2014). "Seepage-Based Factor of Safety Analysis Using 3D Groundwater Simulation Results". No. ERDC/CHL-CHETN-XI-2. Engineer Research and Development Center Vicksburg MS Coastal and Hydraulics Lab. [22]
- Alaghmand, S., S. Beecham, I. D. Jolly, K. L. Holland, J. A. Woods, and A. Hassanli. (September 2014). "Modelling the impacts of river stage manipulation on a complex river-floodplain system in a semi-arid region." Environmental Modelling & Software 59: 109-126. [23]
- Bobst, Andrew, and Scott Fleener. (November 2014). "A MODFLOW tool to define boundaries of a stream depletion zone." Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology: Open-File Report 655. [24]
- Kallergis, Dimitrios, Thomas Chavakis, Chrysoula Papacharalampou, Konstantinos Chimos, and Christos Douligeris. (December 2014). "Earth and groundwater visualisation using 3D modelling techniques in a cloud computing environment." In Signal Processing and Information Technology (ISSPIT), 2014 IEEE International Symposium on, pp.78-84. IEEE. [25]
- Rink, Karsten, Thomas Fischer, Benny Selle, and Olaf Kolditz. (May 2013). "A data exploration framework for validation and setup of hydrological models." Environmental Earth Sciences 69, no. 2: 469-477. [26]
- Gossel, Wolfgang. (June 2013). "GIS-MODFLOW: Ein kleines OpenSource-Werkzeug zur Anbindung von GIS-Daten an MODFLOW." Grundwasser 18, no. 2: 99-102. [27]
- Yidana, Sandow Mark, and Larry Pax Chegbeleh. (October 2013). "The hydraulic conductivity field and groundwater flow in the unconfined aquifer system of the Keta Strip, Ghana." Journal of African Earth Sciences 86: 45-52. [28]
- Winters, Kevin D. (November 2013). "Adaptive Hydraulics/Hydrology (AdH) Pilot Point Specification: Guidelines for Solving 3D Groundwater Problems Utilizing Pilot Points." No. ERDC/CHL TR-13-16. Engineer Research and Development Center Vicksburg MS Coastal and Hydraulics Lab. [29]
- Yang, Zhifeng, Yan Qin, and Wei Yang. (November 2013). "Assessing and classifying plant-related ecological risk under water management scenarios in China's Yellow River Delta Wetlands." Journal of Environmental Management 130: 276-287. [30]
- Yidana, Sandow Mark, Obed Fiifi Fynn, Larry Pax Chegbeleh, Prosper M. Nude, and Daniel K. Asiedu. (November 2013). "Hydrogeological Conditions of a Crystalline Aquifer: Simulation of Optimal Abstraction Rates under Scenarios of Reduced Recharge." The Scientific World Journal 2013. [31]
- Alaghmand, Sina, S. Beecham, and A. Hassanli. (December 2013), "Impacts of groundwater extraction on salinization risk in a semi-arid floodplain." Natural Hazards and Earth System Science 13, no. 12: 3405-3418. [32]
- Kurosawa, Katsuhiko, Sinha Sangeeta, Kumar Sanjay, and Kojima Toshinori. (January 2012). "Application of Nanotechnology in Earthen Pot System for Arid Area Afforestation." Journal of Ecotechnology Research 16, no. 3-4: 103-108. [33]
- Rink, Karsten, Thomas Kalbacher, and Olaf Kolditz. (March 2012). "Visual data exploration for hydrological analysis." Environmental Earth Sciences 65, no. 5: 1395-1403. [34]
- Brunner, Philip, and Craig T. Simmons. (March/April 2012). "HydroGeoSphere: a fully integrated, physically based hydrological model." Groundwater 50, no. 2: 170-176. [35]
- Amer, Reda, Robert Ripperdan, Tao Wang, and John Encarnación. (July 2012). "Groundwater quality and management in arid and semi-arid regions: Case study, Central Eastern Desert of Egypt." Journal of African Earth Sciences 69: 13-25. [36]
- 江長億. (January 2012). "卵礫石粒徑分佈之空間統計分析及其在免開挖工程上的應用." 中興大學土木工程學系所學位論文: 1-99. [37]
- Borgia, A., L. Cattaneo, D. Marconi, C. Delcroix, E. L. Rossi, G. Clemente, C. G. Amoroso, F. Lo Re, and E. Tozzato. (June 2011). "Using a MODFLOW grid, generated with GMS, to solve a transport problem with TOUGH2 in complex geological environments: The intertidal deposits of the Venetian Lagoon." Computers & Geosciences 37, no. 6: 783-790. [40]
- Qin, Yan, Zhifeng Yang, and Wei Yang. (July 2011). "Ecological risk assessment for water scarcity in China’s Yellow River Delta Wetland." Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 25, no. 5: 697-711. [41]
- Latinopoulos, D., N. Theodossiou, and P. Latinopoulos. (2011). "Combined use of groundwater simulation and multi-criteria analysis within a spatial decision-making framework for optimal allocation of irrigation water." Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research 9, no. 4: 1105-1119. [42]
- Zhou, Yangxiao and Li, Wengpeng. (April 2011). "A review of regional groundwater flow modeling." Geoscience Frontiers, Volume 2, issue 2: 205-214. [43]
- Yidana, Sandow Mark. (June 2011). "Groundwater flow modeling and particle tracking for chemical transport in the southern Voltaian aquifers." Environmental Earth Sciences 63, no. 4: 709-721. [44]
- Samani, Shirin, Helmut Geistlinger, Mark Pohlert, Frank Ingolf Engelmann, and Stephan Hüttmann. (June 2010). "In-situ Measurement of gas distribution generated by continuous and pulsed gas injection." Grubenwässer–Herausforderungen und Lösungen 10-11 June 2010: 95. [45]
- Kupiainen, Virve, Bjørn Kløve, and Pekka Rossi. (November 2010). "Pohjaveden purkautuminen metsäojiin Rokuan harjualueella ja ojan kunnostus padottamalla." Oulun yliopisto, prosessi-ja ympäristötekniikan osasto. Diplomityö. [46]
- Wallace, Janae, Walid Sabbah, and J. Kneedy. (2010). "Science-based land-use planning tools to help protect ground-water quality, Cedar valley, Iron County, Utah." Utah Geological Survey. ISBN 978-1-55791-836-9. [47]
- 이승원, 손이슬, and 김정권. (2010). "폐기물 매립 및 오염토양 처리: GMS 7.0 을 이용한 산악지역 주변의 매립장 내 지하수 거동특성에 관한 연구." 한국폐기물자원순환학회 추계학술발표논문집 2010, no. 단일호: 387-389. [48]
- Clayton, Matthew H., and Robert C. Borden. (March/April 2009). "Numerical modeling of emulsified oil distribution in heterogeneous aquifers." Groundwater 47, no. 2: 246-258. [49]
- Nagle, D. D., B. G. Campbell, and M. A. Lowery. (May 2009). "Bathymetry of Lake William C. Bowen and Municipal Reservoir# 1, Spartanburg County, South Carolina, 2008." US Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Map 3076. [50]
- Lee, Hoon, Do-Joon Jung, Young-Bok Kim, and Yun-Tae Kim. (2009). "An Experimental Study on the Analysis of Infiltration Capacity of the Permeable Block." Journal of Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation 9, no. 4: 99-106. [51]
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